Monday, November 2, 2009

Blog entry; Sunday 1st November 2009........

Morning, nice one, just sent out emails and blog entries... then
drew out my next cuts on the steel bow limbs... also dug out my
stainless bolts for bow project, seeing they are perfect, I can just
countersink the heads on the back side of riser, and be able to get a
wrench on both ends of bolt, making assembly fairly easy. next
step is to see if I can drill the limbs w/a carbide masonry bitt
that I resharpen for drilling steel, an old trick of mine....

if so, I can have a hole instead of a slot, allowing better
strength.... we shall see... a sticky task at best...

What I'll do, is buy a couple wrenches to fit the bolts, and cut
one end off, leaving the box end, thereby lightening up the pack, and
also allowing me to grind a flat screw driver onto cut off wrench
handle on one and do perhaps a spike end on the other? giving me a
multi-tool effect....

I did a similar wrench for my boughten take down recurve bow, used an
old Williams long handled wrench, and made a nice spike on the far
end, which being tool steel etc., is useful as a marlin spike or
awl etc.....

I'd like to be able to build more such bows, try stainless steel for
limbs... but not likely to have access to the metal before the shit
hits... T-series aluminum would also work, there were aluminum bows
out in the 60's but they never caught on....

I'm not a purest, not trying to dress up like robin hood, reason
I'm experimenting with metal limbs is because I've personally had
problems with laminates... and for a stargate bow, I want something
that will take alot of abuse and keep laying in the arrows where I put

the spring steel was a used car spring, but a strange one, only an
eighth of an inch thick... But it was way old, my guess is 40 years
or more, as I've never seen such a spring on any vehicle in my entire
life... but on towards point; if it lasted this long unpainted &
rusting in the tropics, me cleaning it up, stopping the rusting
w/phosphoric acid, and then primering & painting it, should get it
fairly well protected, as long as I stay away from sea water with
it.... basically have a bow I can literally live outside with in the
tropics, and last an easy hundred years or more.... if properly
taken care of, much much longer.... The riser is Mora wood, a
tropical hardwood, very hard, and log was a jungle windfall, and
laying there when the current owner of the land bought that farm
maybe 40 years ago? i.e. Highly rot resistant..

meaning if I wax the wood, keep it dry etc... I'll need life
extension to get all the use possible out of it......

The reason I tell all this is for other survivalists.... some may
want to build similar bows.... I figure if I can make it to "Game's
End" and get a chance to go to another planet, good chance it isnt
going to be utterly urbanized, and if i have any choice, it will be
a fairly natural and ecosystem intact planet.... the happy hunting
grounds? yeah! Tarzan at the Earth's core maybe? one might find an
exceptional bow being worth while to pack up the ramp....

if not? still a fun hobby...

and thats where I'm at with all this, couldnt get the government to
grow up, couldnt make the world go sane, so I guess that just leaves
me, trying to prepare for the inevitable...

later, did bath in the spring, ate more breadnuts w/the dog, and
broke out my electro-plinkatron, and tried learning another song...
Yesterday on short wave ran into a country music program, which I
generally tend to avoid, having surely been mistakenly taken by the
wrong parents at the hospital, and raised to be a bumkin.... by
country music purests... this went on for 17 years, until one day I
escaped by running off to join the war....

'Seemed preferable to country music at the time, you know you can
only take so much of that shit, until permanent brain damage sets
in.... kinda like Rap music in more modern times...

Anyway, I was REALLY bored, and thought why not risk it? maybe
they'll play at least one decent song? a Marty Robbins or

so I sat thru an hour of twang & howl so mournfully, and sure as shit
they played not one, but two marty robbins tunes... There were
country artists I liked, and songs that were good growing up, but I
tend to be ecclectic, and a bit more electric... having grown up in
an era when everybody I was pretty sure was a total asshole, regularly
bad mouthed long hair, music with any beat, or anyone who wasnt
exclusively into alcohol or tobacco...

so... got to pick out a Marty Robbins tune today....

Doing OK on the Guitar, still green around the B chord, but I'm
getting there... I do it for me, and to piss off the neighbors...
nothing like a Cat w/strange sleeping patterns and an electric guitar
in learning phase to get even with Latins....

anyway... I'm happy being me, its a fun job... doesnt pay much, but
its better than being who the system thought I was....

Later, thinking about the Elite... and how they like to shut down
cities when they have their meetings and conventions..... like
Pitsburg, caused problems for a million people, just for the vanity
of 20 guys who think they're gods via the economic route...

Couldnt they quietly meet at A Holiday Inn convention center
somewhere off a freeway exit? like the other wierdo fringe groups do?
20 guys? surely theres a meeting room somewhere mundane, so they
wouldnt have to disturb other people's lives with their arrogant ego

Maybe they could have used Alcatraz? its nice and private, and could
give them a hint whats in store for them if they screw up...

these are just people you know... they fart and belch, and do
worse.... and having alot of money earns no respect from me, and
they acting like its going to be them who saves humanity? ha! they
"R" the fucking problem... They and their minions doing the hyeena

I wouldnt want to be in their hides when the Ranchers show up.....
what do you suppose you get for punishment for trashing an entire
planet, from the local Galactic tribunals?

Thats not like writing a bad check you know... or getting a parking

Its even worse than war crimes, genocide, or Treason.... do you
suppose they'll be offered a plea bargain, and some spendy lawyer
will twist it all around so they get a suspended sentence and
probation, because they're rich, and shouldnt have to dirty
themselves in anything lower than a country club...

You know, I worry about my own errors, misdeeds, and screwups.....
if punishment is relative, on a scale of one to ten, those guys
are going to have to be tens, and I'd be unlucky if I made a .005 in

comparative Nano-Sinning?

difference between me, and them, is I'm slowly figuring out where I
went wrong...

I think their version of that process is likely to be more abrupt...

it will take the mega quake, and ships incomming the solar system
before they have clue one how deep their shit is.....

spose they come out of their bunkers, yell at their security to turn
on the outside lights due to the darkness from the smoke etc. and
then a break in the clouds, and they see a fleet of ships..... hmm?
not according to their world conquest plan.....

Me? I'd look forward to seeing those ships even if I didnt need them
to survive... just knowing star ships were do-able would be an
iceing on my cake... real, not TV delusions....

somebody got their shit together enough to do that........

would make me sad too, knowing my fellow humans failed..... and all
for petty shit..

That would have to hurt......

no, I dont think 20 guys who think they have to preempt a million
people's lives to have a meeting, are going to save me.... they
arent my leaders...

my leaders would be humble.....

Sent from my mobile device

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