Thursday, November 5, 2009

Blog entry; Wednesday 4th, November 2009......

Afternoon, sundown soon,

worked on steel bow, got holes drilled in riser...

and was able to temporarily mount limbs...

was worried they would be heavy, i.e. Too much draw weight, now not
worried about that, seeing the spring steel has a rubbery wangy
quality I didnt expect... when I bend the bow into strung position,
its just starting to get stiffer, and I'm wondering how it will be
pulled? no way to tell until I can pull it, but will have to
wait... the limbs are totally an experiment...

what I do know, is that if its too weak, I can get heavier or wider
spring and make another set of limbs... and will have learned
something important, i.e. Have a place numbers wise to figure

I think it will work fine as is... it will be a bow... and
considering I have many more times as much work into the riser, no
loss if it is light... thicker spring is easier to find...

I suspect what it is, is that steel has a softer curve at the bottom
of its tensil graph, and gets harder as its flexed... spongy,
then stacks up.... so its too soon to know anything until I get the
numbers, I'm just worrying because thats what I do best before

I had a pretty good day, had a minor set back on another issue, but
I'm used to setbacks, life is generally like sailing a boat at 5
knots, against a 7 knot current... it sure seems like you are
getting somewhere, but in fact you'd make better progress going the
other way...

life is generally an up hill climb in all directions..

and all you can do is learn to appreciate the exercise.....

Listened to radio today, I cant believe the shit happening in the
US..... government on a colision course w/reality.... people are
figuring the shit out, and its not looking like a joking matter...
sooner or later its going to come unglued......

its starting to twang loose like a piano coming apart, first one
string and then another.... cracking sounds..... sprong! creak!

people in government must be suicidal.... they've caused way more
damage to the body politic than what started the revolutionay war...
and they are still pushing their assinine agenda?

hello! that rope around the neck isnt going too feel good to dance from!

treason is a capital offense.......

and when the bumpkins get ahold of your scrawny necks, chickens
would have better odds..... bumpkins are able to kill things they
arent even mad at, every country person knows that....

we butcher our own animals etc..... most of whom we like.....

What do you 'spose it would be like if we were really pissed off, & fed up?

Being even tempered is not being incapable of drastic violence...
and even abject cowards will kill....
I think the status quo is dancing with a jug of nitro glycerin....
these guys just dont get it....

I was thinking about all the experiences I've had cutting throats
etc... I know what it feels like to do, I know what kind of edge my
knife needs to have to do it etc. and I know about shot placement
with arrows, bullets, etc. I grew up with all that....

and I dont think some drone is going to be much of a challenge
because he plays tennis....

reality is where the rubber meets the road.....

and I think the best way to turn the military and police, is to order
them do do something wrong...

sure a few will, enough to spark off a civil war, but not enough of
them will follow bad orders to finish it... this isnt Viet Nam, with
a bunch of guys with no way home other than to follow orders to commit

This is going to be a home game, and more players than spectators....

in fact, the drones who order it will attempt to be spectators, and
it wont take long for everybody else to figure out who the real enemy
is.... you dont start civil wars without a very very good reason...
because god only knows the eventual out come.... drones are real good
at having meetings, and coming up with shit that never works.... any
blue collar type knows the syndrome well... what that means is
arrogance makes you prone to errors, in civil war, errors mean
defeat, and firing squads....

good old country boys know the fundamentals of life... their inner
city cousins from rough neighborhoods have their own version of
neither type is fond of drones, government etc....

glad I'm out of the country..... I wouldnt get mistaken for a drone
by anyone, but I'd hate to see all the dead bodies, it would give
me bad dreams and affect my digestion...

do you suppose the suit and tie will die with it's cultural pushers?
no great loss there..... its an example of status quo thinking,
trying to solidify a style that has no other reason to continue than
the status quo thinking of it as their own uniform...

the business suit is as impractical as it is uncomfortable.. you
wouldnt get far anywhere on the planet outside of the city wearing
such an outfit... try walking ten miles in a business suit.. You'll
need first aid for all the chaffed areas, blisters would be ugly
from the pointed shoes with slick soles.... and the suit wouldnt
keep you warm at night in the forest, you wouldnt be able to work in

basically its for people who sit in chairs all day... who never walk
farther than it takes to catch a taxi..... and even ride

later, slept for awhile, woke up to a VOA report on the first
american civil war...

that was a strange hit.....

Well I think this one will be completely different....

it may start in a region but it isnt going to be regional... its
going to be the body politic against Federal control... and the Feds
are going to lose...

People are beyond sick of government in their lives, nobody wants
world government except those who think they will gain power from

its like a nightmare situation of a few elite trying to push thei
agenda down everybody's throats...

I have been through some nasty experiences in my life, watched
government trash the american family with absurd laws, watched them
trash people's businesses with absurd laws,
and then watched them trash the country & finally the economy with
absurd laws, and now they pretend to fix it with more absurd laws,
and at the same time push a world government agenda so they can have
more & more absurd laws..... Are we seeing a pattern yet?

control results in chaos.....

and this isnt Nazi Germany, that was then, this is now... the Nazis
used technology very well to control their own people... but that
lesson wasnt lost on anyone.... everybody knows what fascism is, what
it tries to do... and lying only fuels the resistance....

The government is only capable of fucking things up, and the lessons
of Hurricane Katrina were lost on no one....

This is the internet age.. If the government trys to shut down the web
for a control trip, they will do more to trash their own credibility
than anything anyone else could do or say....

belief in the government has been sliding for decades, and only
gotten worse with Obama's fake fixes, and the congress ignoring the
will of the people on issue after issue...

What happens when there is nobody left that believes in the
government? will they keep lying on TV and have 300 million people
cursing obscenities in their homes and shutting the shit off...?
thats already beginning to happen... people are one by one shutting
of the propaganda from their end... 30 years ago I was a very rare
person for not being in to television... now its a movement... 30
years ago I was an instinctual survivalist, and now millions who have
never grown a plant in their lives are figuring it out...

this isnt going to stop... once a person realizes how fucked up the
system is they never forget...

Now people I never had much common ground with, are in total
agreement on one issue; that the status quo is evil.... arrogant
snobs who think job title or money or education, make them better than
everybody else....

it doesnt work like that.....

I've been an observer and keen interpreter of humans my whole life...

(2B continued)

Sent from my mobile device

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