Sunday, November 1, 2009

Blog entry; Sunday 1st November 2009...........

Morning, a couple hours until dawn, just waking up.....

thinking about things I heard on short wave on call ins programs...
women having misscarriges from being vaccinated, people being
vaccinated who came to hospital because they had the flu....

none of it makes any sense other than if you use powertrip as
logic... pregnant women should not be given vaccines, and vaccines
only increase risk for people who have contracted the disease...

Where are people's fucking brains?

we have total morons on powertrips killing people and babies, and
people go along with the program? are you totally fucking insane?

hey folks, dont you think this "leadership" thing has gone a bit
far? We have a government designed as an expedient in the horse
travel era that is run by a fascist congloerate of military
industrialiststs, perpetrating wars all over the globe on a macho
power trip, trashing people who dont want western culture or New
World Order anything, with the costs breaking down the national
economy, we have people being evicted from homes by banks that are
failing from doing it and being given to larger banks, heading for a
fascist monopoly state, etc.

none of it is sane...

listening to short wave is a great hobby, but I have bad news for
you, to the objective outside the box listener, it all aprears to
be heading a direction..... and that is toward total insanity, and
total meltdown... you can only head down the human stupidity path so
long before you get into the swamp.. I think we're in the swamp
folks, and a wise person would back out now...

Sun Tsu in the art of war states there has never been a protracted war
that a country benefited from.... I wonder what he would have
thought about a country who fought protraced wars all over a planet
for fifty years pretty much non stop?

"lean years follow a great war"

"after an army has passed, thorn bushes
spring up."

If you were with a group of travelers, and they arrived at the edge
of of an endless swamp, and some guys who were all puffed up
thinking they were leaders, decided to cross it, would you thrash on
your pack ponies and head into it, or would you give a polite excuse,
tell the rest of the party you have a minor delay, and that you'll
catch up shortly, and then you skirt the swamp or head some other
direction entirely....?

as long as you stay with the collective, you go where the morons go...

The US was going crazy years ago, it IS crazy now....

The great delusion is terminal.... either get out or go down with it....

its that simple.... as Ive pointed out a few entries back, we
have replaced good sense with education, we have replaced free will
with power trips, and we have replaced good sense with insanity...
what more can I say? get out and fort up folks, its like driving a
semi truck at 90 mph, and having the steering wheel come off in your
hands.... best hit the brakes, pray, and if you get it stopped, get
out, kiss the dirt, look into the sky, give thanks, and go home....

I dont think more politicians are going to save you... more of the same?

I think I'm doing the right things by staying outside the system, and
everyday using my silly hobbies to prepare for a part in the Road
Warriors movie...

I work $2 knives over into better styles for the subsistance reality,
I slowly think and work my way towards a custom bow with limbs that
wont twist or delaminate.... i learn to play musical instruments,
for the day the music dies.....

I was reading in the bible last night trying to figure it out... I'm
not religious about it, I grok what the overall trip is, have the
great mystery solved to my own satisfaction, but I am trying to fill
in the pieces, as I realize its a good warning...

I was reading in John, Jesus talking about the last Reserrection,
and it sounded totally insane, but knowing the sky gods over view,
knowing the things I have figured out so far, and knowing that they
used Jesus as an example, called the shot, let him be killed, and
brought him back to life etc. In the same body, still with holes &
wounds etc. I have no ability to deny the truth.. if in Judges 5:20
I read about stars fighting from their orbits, if I read about space
elevators, in more than one place, if I read about people being
lifted into the sky, it all clicks, I know what its about, and if
they can do all the weird stuff in jesus's miracles, it tells me
they can likely pull off their claim of the reserection somehow if
they want to.....

I've read enough science fiction to realize the potentials of space
travel, the potentials of any culture advanced enough to have
starships, and genetic enhancement etc. and I wasnt "converted" by
glassy eyed fanatics who caught me at a weak moment when I was dealing
with great mental anguish.... as many christians do...

I just figured out the truth... no fanaticism, no desire to become
part of a social group, no family induced programming, nada......

I would be considered a heretic by any church group... luckily the
inquisition isnt going on still, or they'd be piling firewood around
a stake for me...

And knowing there are entries on half a million web pages if you
search "god returning in a space ship" tells me I'm not the only one
who has figured it out...

And if they went to such an extent to give warning, I sure as hell
will take it seriously, and pondering the reserection, sounds nice,
I hope its true, but I'll try to do my best while still living, and
kinda use the reserection for an if all else fails insurance policy,
and not an excuse to go fruit loops....

later, went out to my local food tree and gathered a bunch of bread
nut fruit from the ground, took them in a bucket down to the spring
and washed them... now over a fire.... got over a gallon, have
another dozen trees producing, what I got would keep self and dog
alive on minimal rations, we both like them, she'll be sitting right
there, tail wagging when I'm done cooking them....

was thinking about your reality, civilisation and all that, I think
the bible is right, we arent going to stop the crash.... I dont
think we should stop trying though.... if we put as much money into
space elevators as we did into wars, we would be beyond the Malthusian
paradigm in short order...

the guys in the bible have space elevators, and starships too, so it
must be possible to make it past these times...

I think part of the problem is every body is focusing on the problems
and not working on sollutions... I've tried sending my space elevator
thesis out to people who could use the information and get it out...
Not a single response...

guess trying to actually present the absolute sollution isnt
profitable sounding enough?

Tells me; the sky gods are right, humans are too stupid, too ego
centric, and too willfully ignorant to survive...

So..... guess I'll keep trying, keep pointing out the truth, until
its over, and When JC shows up, apply for a job... not because I'm
some glassy eyed Jesus loving fanatic, but because there's going to
be alot to do, and I like helping other people, and if he did what
he did to get me the warnings, I owe him a favor, and some serious
respect, and his team is going to be the guys with sollutions and
things happening, and the other group having caused the apocalype
dont seem to deserve my assistance at all.... so its an easy

And like in Sun Tsu's art of war, when asked what kind of person he'd
want to help fight a war, he says he'd not be interested in some one
ready to beard tigers, or atempt to cross roaring rivers, he'd want
someone who aproached great difficulties thoughtfully and
methodically etc....

Well, I suspect the Ranchers of planets would think the same.....
which would you choose in an evacuation? a glassy eyed non thinking
fanatic, or people who had struggled to do the right things
thoughtfully, had their own households in good order, bags packed,
carts ready, colonist's tools well maintained, and who had been
helping each other get thru the great difficulties as best possible?

Sent from my mobile device

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