Monday, November 9, 2009

blog entry; Sunday 8th November 2009........

Early evening, fell asleep in the late afternoon, slept fine for a
few hours...

one sleeps when they are tired or after eating, its not like the
rat race, with its constant lack of sleep...

I think about whats going on in the US now,
Fascism 101, where by law you have to pay money to insurance
companies.... in other words to live you have to have a job...
they've effectively made subsistence illegal... read; universal

Well, should be entertaining, everybody losing their jobs... maybe
they'll throw you all in jail for not having health insurance eh?
fine you, imprison for 5 years, unemployment problem solved?

yeah, sounds extreme.... wouldnt put it past them....

was thinking today about the fact cures were possible to all the
problems, but were not likely to happen anytime soon... the big lie
is like a pig dipped in tar and set on fire... its going to run and
squeal... nobody is going to stop it until its burned up.....

well, enjoy the cotton picking...

the technocult is like reversed prostitution; its not voluntary,
and you have to pay them alot to use you for a sex worker... its
worse than real slavery...
You have to pay to be an involuntary slave now, just picking cotton
isnt good enough anymore.......

well I've been stupid more often than not, but I can learn...
these days I see reality is like a burning house; if you are inside
theres only one direction; out!

some people do it with drugs, i.e. Suicide their lives a day at a
time... some get lost in denial and type A behavior, and run
themselves into the ground and call it a life, some opt out by
becomming TV junkies.. they work a job to be able to go home and not
have to think about how their life sucks, others get lost in books,
or computer...

very few are leaving the burning building...

theres no such thing as justice anymore... Just a sick reality, and
even sicker denial...

I am thankful for what I dont have...

What I know, is the only way out of a burning building, is a door
or a window... and the higher up you are, the harder to get out....

Like the bible points out, those at the bottom will do better when the
shit hits than those at the top...

what is happening, is people are starting to figure the big lie out...
some will find a door....
the rest will still be in it when the crash hits....

what I have figured out, is the Apocalype isnt some bazaar
prophecy, its a prediction of were we are heading now... I'm fairly
sure we are 25 years or less away from it... I suspect much less
time... but I also realize predictions most often fall short..

Orwells 1984, is happening now... Just getting set up.... so I dont
say when the crash will come, I just know its very likely to be in my
life time...

and so I turn my hobbies towards preparing myself for it...
hobbies are hobbies, usually its not important what one's hobbies
are... But in my case it is important to me.. as my hobby isnt just a
hobby, its a form of security in very insecure times...

weaponized hobby.. self defense.... real insurance, not the
imaginary paper stuff....

anyway, so here I am with insomnia... talking to myself in
public... a sure sign of insanity... I hear there are blogs people
set up w/response loops, that would be interesting... I catch alot
of flak from my friends & family for the shit I say, but I notice
they read it, and I notice they generally flavor their lives in some
part with what I come up with.. so I'm probably not missing much
with the one way comms.. I'd just get more people telling me how
screwed up I was, while they used my ideas... I've seen the
patterns... generally its a time factor; first the squawk, then the

I dont care, I do it for a hobby... I think, and write about it...
if somebody else wants to read it and squawk, I'd most likely
chuckle.... If you dont like what I write, dont read it, if you dont
like how I think, think your own way...

but just keep in mind the fact I could be right about some of
this, and that I do have an alternative from normalcy point of

its one of the reasons I like short wave radio, its a bazaar medium,
its one way, but I notice that quite often some of the nut cases turn
out being correct...

I also listen to normal stuff from other countries, but the
perspectives are different, because its not my own trips, and so I
get to listen and think more objectively, and compare with other
closer to home realities... What I hear most is a crazy world with
the same problems everywhere... people being manipulated by
fascists... governments talking shit, people asking why are things
screwed up? but few thinking to actually do anything to save their
own aft ends from the inevitable results....

So I'm thankful for being a renegade... i'm not worth a shit for much,
but I do have a somewhat unique point of view... I dont have a clue
how many blogs there are, or what they say..... I've only gotten to
read a bit of one blog...

So mine tends to be my own artform, I'm not copying anyone....

anyway, I think I can go back to sleep now... getting tired....

I think part of the reason I blog, is because I dont have anybody to
care about... no woman, good or bad.... so I just care about
everyone, and write what I think might help in the long run...

good night...

Sent from my mobile device

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