Sunday, November 22, 2009

Blog entry; Saturday November 21st, 2009........

Morning, eating, nice day... practiced guitar, learning rose in
spanish harlem & guantanamera... feeling good about the guitar...

its something I enjoy, and a life long goal I'm finally making
progress on..

also did an hour of online surfing for a mate..... was in
Mongolia again, wading thru the fat white chicks, mostly looking for
nice eastern types... also marking nice white and black women...

finding plenty I like, but I know at my age etc. my come backs
will likely be few, but I'm giving all the ones I like as people
their shot.... and book marking the ones I really like, to make sure
they get my hit when I actually get registered.....

its been good for me emotionally, so many years with so many limits,
and so many dissapointments....

so many people letting me rot.........

and I'm open to the future, I would have no problem at this point
selling out here, and going someplace else... I dont care where I
live, as long as the climate isnt too harsh, and I can do the things
I like to do, & it isnt ground zero.......

Mongolia looks nice, albeit cold..... (have a lizzard on my foot,
he just walked full length over me, no fear, I said hi! To him)

anyway, the reason I like the online trip is it's hope factor...
you see, I'm planning a nice 2nd mid life crisis..... the first
helped alot, and I figure another could too..... I dont fear
change, I tend to like it....

and I've given up on others...... from now on only counting on me....
done made it thru the fields of dispair from being shined on and
lied to, now in the foothills of adventure, and huffing up some
energy for the stiff climb ahead.......

I've gotten what I own down to the point It would all easily fit
into a boat, or on a couple pallets or in a shipping crate.... so,
we'll see what really happens, but I am insisting on change...

anyway, hitting all kinds of women I like, beauties, plain janes,
all colors etc., its fun.... maybe will be fun for them too.....
I really apreciate the ones who have good things to say about guys,
we arent all bad, and if I judged all women by past
relationships, I wouldnt be looking..... what I have learned, is
it pays to be picky.... pretty is only one criteria, character and
integrity are others.... and any woman I get serious with is going
to know from the get-go that I'm not going to put up with headtrips,
manipulation, or excess negativity..... and if they want to spout
feminists propaganda, thats fine with me, as long as they dont mind
hearing my opinion too, which is the result of thinking and
experience, and not something I picked up third hand, that
originated with someone too ugly inside & out to get a date....

and I'm not into fat chicks.... I'd rather ride the scooter!

I think about half the women on the planet need to be given six
months in a Chinese run
re-education fat camp..... kinda like boot camp, only more
exercise and less feed, and electroshock refrigerator therapy,
where to get anything to eat, they have to take some voltage to open
the door, that increases over time......

no oil, no sugar, no fast foods.... no sofa, no TV, no hot baths,
unless you count the sauna just before the ice/slush pool.....

I think maybe some attitude training could be a positive.... no
negativity allowed for the entire 6 months, you know, teach them
some manners, give them classes on how to have nice relationships
etc. and the ones that dont quite get it, can be recycled back at
the beginning.... maybe after a few years, even the worst ones would
make nice wives? if not, let them stay there.... it would make the
world a better place....

there should be some similar place for guys who are bad.... it
really pains me to see good women with total assholes who mistreat
them.. some want it, some deserve it, but many dont..... I think
where women fall down is their vanity... guys with good looks and/or
money tend to be problematic.... and women who are social whores
often pay a nasty price for their arrogance....

me? I just want a fun & loving partner, who is pleasant to look at
and be with, who is honest, straight forward, and also forgiving,
because I'll surely need some of that!

Sent from my mobile device

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