Saturday, November 7, 2009

Blog entry; Saturday 7th November 2009........

Morning, dawn & drippy, rain forest rain, gentle rain like this most
of the time is normal during wet season...

I was thinking this morning about the coming social crisis in the US....

I know how to save the country from total meltdown......

The sollution is fairly simple, whats needed is to be able to prevent
panic... if there is no panic, there is no total anarchy... if there
is no total anarchy calm minds will provide solutions, and others
will come to concensus with them and paradigm shift can have it's

The Government, FEMA, etc. can be expected to do the exact wrong
things... the result of educated elite minds who think power over is
the sollution to all problems.... it will never work, and just cause
more chaos and deaths....

The way to prevent total anarchy is simple...

Everyone must prepare to help others....
If everyone gives up their petty differences, and prepares to help
others as well as take care of themselves, there will be an abundance
of everything thats needed... neighbors who all begin to prepare now
to help each other will become better friends... some of the better
lasting friendships in the US have been the results of people helping
each other in the disasters such as the storms in Florida... how can
you not value a friend who helped you & your's in a time of peril?

the key word is everyone.... think ahead people, if everyone
prepares now to help others, it will be more like a neighborhood
party than a crisis...

Start now yourself... Buy or store or grow more than you will need...
enough you can seriously help at least somebody... if you have a
good neighbor who is anti-gun, buy an extra gun and some ammo and
sit on it... when the crisis comes, idealism will be replaced by
reality, and you can walk over to your neighbors house, give them the
short course in gun safety and handling, hand them the gun and ammo,
and you have just done more to counter the anti gun mentality, than
all the propaganda and legislation in 3 generations the anti gun
fanatics have done... when the crisis is over and they attempt to
return the gun etc. offer to sell it to them at your cost.. you have
then created a fellow gun owner...
This is more than you could accomplish by donating the same time &
money to an organisation or a politician, you have effectively
doubled the number of gun owners..

If you grow a garden, and have the space, plant extra.... If you put
up food, can extra....

the time to prepare is now.... store extra seeds, if a neighbor
seems intrigued by your gardening, teach them something, give them
some seeds, help them... create more gardeners...

if you are an older man and in your neighborhood there is a single
mother, when things get bad, she is your "Crisis Daughter"..... if
you are a woman who knows how to can food and your neighbor lady
doesnt, she is your crisis sister... If you are a young man and an
older woman is living alone in your vecinity, she is your mother to
care about...

If everyone who has a light bulb burning uses their mind and
resources to prepare, there will be only minor problems... they key
is spreading the idea, that everyone must prepare to help someone...

your personal security is more dependent on being able to help others
than sitting on a hoard for yourself alone....

It's the natural thing to do.... the separation in neighborhoods is
unnatural, a result of a busy schedule-watch TV alone in your own box
mentality.. suggest to your neighbors that all prepare to have a
neighborhood potluck meal system thru the crisis... "we all get
together once a day, bring what we can, and invite the less prepared
to come with their children, and take a place in the chow line"....

begin talking now, hand a few Zuchinnis over the fence..... Follow it
up with your favorite Zuchinni recipe... Plant a few extra hills of
Zuchinnis, have the kids put them in the wheel barrow, & pass them
out to every house in the neighborhood with infectious grins...... do
the same with sweet corn....

Americans are the most giving people on the planet....

Go with that energy... enjoy boggling your neighbors... I always
enjoy giving home grown food away...

start preparing now to love your neighbor as yourself when the crisis comes...

and there will be no crisis... the best form of socialism is;
"backyard socialism"...

if you can, pick out somebody in your neighborhood who is DIFFERENT to
be your planned "help victim".... stash something to help that person
or family....

if you are white, help the black folks, if you are young help someone
older, if you are older, help someone young, if you are a woman, help
a man...

help somebody different.....

The Spirit of america is in her heart..... during the crisis, do a
good deed for someone every day.... Its a technique that made
boyscouts the pride of every neighborhood a couple generations

if your children see you helping others, will they grow up into better adults?

If you want a better neighborhood, become a better neighbor...

if you want better security, give security...

if you have no family, create one.....

if after the crisis you have money to invest, look for a company that
manufactures backyard gates, you will do well......

If you have a green thumb, start a nursey bed, and plant fruit trees,
give one to every neighbor who has the space.... Cherry trees love

after the winter comes spring, after the dark comes dawn... the
darkest hour is just before the dawn....

become a real human.... Be all you can be.....

do your best, be prepared...

be thrifty that you may help others...

if you are self centered, shame on you, its time you changed....

if you are giving, give more when there is more need....

its infectious folks, all good things are infectious..
If some one asks how to thank you? ask them to help someone else...
Thats the best thanks possible....

ask people how they are doing, and follow it up with deeper
questioning, and try to help them with their problem, our traditional
greeting of; "how are you doing?" has forgotten roots..
Now days we ask it or answer it without really thinking... in the
crisis ask it more seriously, and then help that person with the
problem even if you have to ask others to help you to somehow do

if you are a christian, help a muslim, if you are muslim help a jew,
if you are nothing, become something better than you are now...

every problem comes with opportunity attached, they are an
inseperable dichotomy pair.... If you see a problem search it for it's

Sent from my mobile device

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