Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Blog entry; Tuesday 24th November 2009............

Evening, eleven O'clock....

slept for awhile, now awake, put some wood on the fire and thinking
about the my space/doulike website, and how misleading it is, and
what a sleazy business model..... I dont have alot of online
experience, coming at it as a white guy trapped in a third world
perspective etc. and the only reason I bothered with the site was
because the way it was set up one got the impression basic service was
free, and improved service was pay...

Basically its a Stallion trap, like the indians would build, a
corral with a mare in heat, this case thousands, and once you get
inside, they close the gate on you and its economic castration

I wouldnt reccomend the service to anyone, I suggest if you want to
use a pay for use personals site you go to one thats more up front
about it, not misleading, and isnt sucking you in first and then using
very manipulative psych techniques to extract money... $30 a month
is an incredible sum in most of the third world, one seventh of
humanity lives on $30 a month more or less... so what they are
doing, is using nice looking women to extract large sums of money
from guys in the first world by creating the impression of a free
service, and getting the women to be able to post foto and blurb for
free..... many of these women are very poor.... many are supporting
kids at third world levels... and the whole site is a perfect example
of the taoist point about wealth extraction creating poverty... the
whole reason poverty exists, is because the entire economic system
is designed as a wealth extraction device, with the few, in this case
the operators of, extracting excessively from the

The way the site works, one is confused by how really poorly
designed the operating system is, how poorly it functions, and all
I can say is they have alot of nerve charging that kind of money, and
its obvious the reason the site is so glitchy and disfunctional, was
because all the focus was on the ripoff, and non on functionality...
if it was $5 a month it would be overpriced..... And I suggest
the site be boycotted by anyone with the least personal integrity,
just on principles, and that its best use in real terms, is as an
online example for anyone studying internet or other business models,
of a real sleaze bag operation...

I know about the other more up front $30 or so a month dating
services... I thought they were bad.... I now realize I hadn't a
clue what low was...
That they were overpriced and used people's hearts and sexuality to
extract money was bad.. but the misleading intro appearances, and
manipulative techniques of are unlikely to be "improved
on" anytime soon..

if you want to study an online preditory "Viper" capitalism example,
by all means visit the site...

so... a fun learning experience for me... and I grok its time to
use that best of all filters when one encounters sleaze in business,
i.e. dont give them any money, and give them plenty of bad word of
mouth, which is why I am writing about it here.. providing an
articulate voice for a bunch of humble third world people with hopes
of a good partner, many poor women with kids, perhaps widows too...
who's needs and desires, physical appearances & sexuality, are
being used to manipulate others into stupidly paying for a chance to
connect up with them.....

humanity is really sick, is a classic example of that...
and prostitution is more honest and moral than this....

So I guess its time to hitch up my pack, and take my business
elsewhere... back to craigslist, and maybe do a bit more seaching of
personals websites, now I have this experience digested..

and hopefully the vignette on this blog has barbecued a vulture
somewhat, to coin a phrase...

and I wondered why it was so thick with white I know....
they are the women most likely to think the least of someone having
to pay $30 a month to try to connect with them... any third world
woman or man would consider that sum absurd.. and shows perfectly
why the third world even exists....

Well, all I can say, is I'm damn glad I dont have the Karma of the
site's owners and operators, I suspect when the ranchers come back as
per the bible, there will be some vultures on the barbecue...
them...... they obviously have no fear of God, and no realizations
of gods being skygods etc.

Oh! Thank you great spirit for the experience... and the ability to
express it verbally in an understandable manner..

yes folks, consumerism is the feeding end of fascism..... the less
you buy the more freedom you create.... and the more you buy or use
the economic system, the more fascism & tyranny you feed into...
self sufficiency is more than a creed for archaic luddites, its a way
out of the cave that keep others from starving to death lost in the
dark too....

And its also an example of why my focus on neoindiginism functions so
well, after every disapointment I have it to go back to for a base
of operations....

and another word on the mating game... the primary reason I have
lived alone for most of the 15 plus years, is because I didnt want to
have to live up to some woman's inflated by TV economic
expectations.... all the third world women want a first world man
etc. and are contemptuous of anyone not running the rat race....

so I may be alone, I may be crazy by most people's standards, but I
am wide awake after sleeping fitfully the nightmare of the big lie,
and the american dream....

It's all going to collapse folks... human psychology being what it
is.... money is alot worse drug than anything else on the market...
I suggest you too begin using your hopes and hobbies to exit stage
left... good always triumphs over evil.... why? because evil
invariably collapses in upon itself taking both victims and
perpetrators into the abyss...

welcome to Apocalypse's planet, do fasten your seat belt, put on your
helmet, body armor, check the clip in your pistol etc. put a few
more arrows in your quiver, sharpen your knife, etc. Etc......

because the collapse is dependent on the business model... and from
what I can see, the overall human business model is a sick one...

Well, I did get the limbs primered today for the steel bow.... I
will leave them at that stage now, until I get the rest of it built...
so they'll get scuffed and dinged up in the building process, but
when it all comes together, I can sand, recoat with more primer,
and paint them last thing before the bow becomes a wall hanger.....
its a fun project, way out in left field, but I do know one thing;
it will hunt rabbits if I need it to..... its like all my
neoindigenous projects; tangible and real gains towards security,
whilst the world goes mad around me...

Its like my billy club... I had a hunk of Cortesa, and some years
back put a couple days of hobby time turning it into a billy club,
with leather grip, wrist lanyard, etc, all very nicely done..
now I've never hit anything with it, may never, who knows? but I
do have it.... and someday it may thump a few fish heads.....
figurative or litteral....

its like so many projects I do... sometimes I collect pieces for
years, and work on them for days on end, but when finished I have
them.. and they may be absurd now, but a club, or a gaff hook, or a
spear, or a bow might be handy things to own in due time.... like my
tools w/cortesa handles, they'll be there when I need them....

its all working towards the same goal... like my recent project
cutting down the bakelite handled knives into other styles.. I have
them now, very durable knives, which will last generations, not
take up much room on the load, and could become very handy in a post
collapse world....

its all an example how the logic works... be it bow & arrows, or
learning to play a guitar etc., its all a means to the same end..
being prepared.... and after the apocalypse, do you suppose the
skygods will do all the work? Or us? think!

Sent from my mobile device

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