Thursday, November 5, 2009

Blog entry; Thursday 5th November 2009...........

Morning, dawn in a few minutes,

woke up thinking this morning about the world's problems...

As we know from Taoism its taxes that cause poverty, and laws that
cause crime... if you dont believe it, get a copy of the tao online,
and read it for yourself....

and bothering the people in their homes and work gets them fed up with

in other words the bigger government becomes, the worse it is for
common man... and the better it is for thieves, liars, and

also I've had a chance to live in a small banana republic corruption
zone... I have seen good people and bad at work in government here...

its like a microcosm....

A social system relies on justice.... justice is balance..
If their are unjust laws, balance is destroyed.. and yes the social
system continues to operate, but it operates with a problem....

and if you have an elite that write laws for the benefit of large
corporations, where there are winners, there are losers......

Where you have corruption, the people lose respect for government,
and the corruption becomes common at all levels of society.....

what I am describing is the down hill trip the world has witnessed....

well down hill trips get you some where, and its not going to be
good, it isnt good now, and its getting worse... expanding
Government to create jobs is like expanding hell to create bedspace,
and calling it a resort hotel ..........

yeah, government jobs are great, I've had a couple, and there are
winners and loser, and there is balance & imbalance...

And their dream of world government? very lofty and idealistic...
what do you suppose the reality end of that dichotomy is going to be?

The ranchers called it the beast government... beast? you mean like
preditory animal?

who is it going to be made up of? 100% altruistic wise men? or just
a "conglomerate of corruption?"

will its experts in management be humble, or will they be wise in
their own eyes?

will it cost anything to run? and who will pay the price ultimately?

in other words we are going to support an unnecessary dictatory
bureauocracy that thinks it runs the world.... how do you control
the world? what do you control? its not the planet's orbit they
want to control, its people's lives...... its the flow of wealth,
its resources, its like China's government on a grander scale...

its not a good idea, even though it sounds good...

do I need more government? Gee the biggest problems on my horizon are
FROM government... the biggest problems in my past were from
Government.... the biggest problems I have now are from a form of
petty fascist corruptocracy.... And if those problems get any worse,
they will drive me underground... I have tried to stay out of legal
trouble my entire life... and from the looks of things I may be
driven into "crime" not by any personal wrong doing, but by the
expansion of laws..... if you write laws with out end, sooner or
later everybody is somehow criminalized...... infinite laws/finite

So.... if I have to become a "Desperado" that means you'd better
not mess with me, unless you like living out old west advernture
movies on a personal level... I have Martial skills..... I am a very
practiced gun fighter... I am used to living in the brush..... so
do you think its wise if a society criminalizes me? for just hanging
out on my farm bothering no one?

And you? how will you become criminalized? by being levied taxes you
cant realistically pay and survive? look at the big picture,
search agenda 21.... My old redneck friend who said they wouldnt be
content until they marched us at gun point inside barbed wire to &
from work, was right on target....

and he retired from a governmet job, loves his grandkids, was an
honorable worker etc.

and he also said during the fall of the Soviet Empire that we shouldnt
be too smug about it that we would experience the same collapse in due

whats happening now?

and if they pump their grandiose economy using warfare and popolation
reduction to turbocharge the flow of wealth upwards, all world
government is, is taking off the illusion, and going to direct
social warfare and genocide by the direct method....

The future is now....

will they spray us with nerve gas like they did the Kurds? will they
use us to kill each other calling us terrorists because we wish to be
left alone like the tribal regions in Afghanistan?

will anyone be safe anywhere?

will you be safe as a slave, when they use up your life and then use
you for body parts....?

hey folks wake up... its you they have walking into the meat
grinder... You, & you & you.........

I suggest you get outside the machine... I suggest you quit supporting it...

I suggest you get right with the great spirit....

I suggest you prepare for all hell to break loose..
I suggest you not use their money....

It's all coming together... the grand finale...

"Civilisation is the terminal phase of a Culture."

I read that quote in a US Army publication...

What is world Government? its the terminal phase of humanity....

is that a good idea? Or wouldnt it all be better if we scattered and
left the sacrificial pyramids to ruins? shouldnt we begin to focus on
providing food for ourselves, focus on mutual defense from the

They plan on reducing world population by 90%, who is safe?

Welcome to the opening phases of the battle for earth.....

many have read this blog for entertainment... others with less
acquired knowlege & skills have read it to learn....

Others to keep track of what we are thinking.....

The only thing worth buying is your freedom...
Welcome to interesting times....

only the fittest will survive... balance is what will come out the
far end.. What will be the price? and who will pay it? wake up fat &
bitchy slave, act now or die soon...

I have very little to work with... I prepare on a micro budget....
turn their own system against them use every dollar to free
yourself.... it all adds up to total control.... Read; total death,
read; apocalypse.... read; its the crazy nut cases who are sane.....

"When one is sick of the sickness he is not sick."
(Tao te Ching)
words written first on bamboo strips.. before there was paper..

Today, I will work on my silly steel bow project... What are you doing today?

Anything? anything to prepare for what is upon us?

dont waste your time trying to change the Beast...
You cannot.... but you can affect your own destiny with small acts....

every day do at least one thing to exit the madness.. if you have
realized the truth, use it to free yourself... mobility is security,
hidden food is security, planting food everywhere is security....
Waking up your neighbors and friends is security...

Working for the Beast is not security....

Get an Axe, a machete, a knife & a hoe......

learn to sharpen... learn to live on very little, leave the system
even if it means going under ground...

if you are part of the control grid, look the other way, do not
really try to enforce their laws... best you prepare to escape too,
because after they use you to control & exterminate others, its your

I am calling for EXODUS........
and your Passover gear? is it ready?

do you have your coat & blankets & boots?
Are you armed to the teeth? do you still believe the lies? is
watching more TV a good use of your time?

God help us....

Humility triumphs over arrogance.. war is won by mercy.... buying
gold is not as wise as preparing to help others...

for every action there is a reaction.. for ever puzzle there is a
sollution... for every problem comes with a sollution...

Go back to your roots.... Untangle the knot, merge with the dust..
and pray to see 20/20 in your own mirror......

and who is Gris Bosque? a small man.. someone who tried to help
others.... maybe someday a folk hero? lets all be folk heroes....
all be Robin Hood, all be El Zorro.....

all be our our own leader....

do not look to others, look to yourself...
Do not allow yourselves and your children to be vaccinated....

Sent from my mobile device

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