woke, full moon, thinking about a report I heard out of Detroit,
that they are bulldozing whole neighborhoods....
This is insanity folks... the govt. Uses taxes to help big banks to
the tune of trillions, and meanwhile people are being evicted from
their homes by the millions and the homes bulldozed....
What's wrong with this picture?
Those people have to live somewhere... FEMA camps I guess? line 'em
up and gas them and call it democracy? No sane country would do any
such thing.....
welcome to the beast government....
What it tells me, is Scott Nearing was right, depressions are planned events...
folks, we have a management/organizational crisis in the making.....
conspiracy theory keeps turning into conspiracy fact.... funny how
that happens....
New World Order? nothing new about it, same shitheads, same planet,
same stupidity.....
But the disorder is increasing.... we're seeing some serious mental
entrophy happening here.....
all boils down to fight or flight.... I left the US going on a
generation ago, and was called a paranoid... I verbally predicted to
coworkers attacks on the US, and that their retirements wouldnt be
worth dog shit when they got there...
The US is headed for civil war.... And its not going to be long.....
and my guess is when that happens, there will "just happen" to be a
nuclear world war start...
Gee? what if I'm right again?
and I'm not the only one saying such things... plenty of other
intelligent people making the same realizations...
And it's seamless, this isnt isolated events, this is all
seamless... the chances of it all being accidental happenstance are
absolute zero.....
Where evil minds do scheme, dying victims soon scream......
Best you work on that bugout kit, best you plan to be a refugee, and
plan to have to fight for your very lives....
Revolution comes when life isnt worth living according to the Tao...
what this means to the illuminati, the only way to prevent you from
stopping their plans is to kill you before that point is reached...
A nuclear war could convienantly do that....
You wouldnt mind would you, if we incenerated you alive? or had you
dying puking and your teeth & hair falling out?
or if you made it farther, maybe just a few Tumors?
Money has no soul.....
and neither do the people who live for it.....
if you want to keep your's I suggest you get ahead of the curve and
stay there.... get mobile, get defensive, get stealth... get
Sure seems to me like the robber barons are running things.... not
nice folks....
I think I'd unplug my TV and have it first item on my shit to
yardsale... as there wont be any TV to watch soon...... Nuclear war
means no TV, no internet, no beer, no food, no electricity, no
running water, no safety, no government for you to look to for
every need, it means absolute desolation, especially if I am
correct about thermal shock from nuclear winter setting off the mega
quake... what it all means is no nothing... Only death and
destruction.... almost everybody dead, like some science fiction end
of the world movie...
What's your part in the movie?
now the bible says that Satan's job is to kill, steal, and destroy..
sure seems to be the script of whats happening now doesnt it.....
Whats your job? is it to stay glued to your TV until the blast wave
flattens your house on top of you?
I've worked construction, I know what "stick built" means, same root
word as in match stick.....
All those fancy houses in all those endless subburbs will burn
nicely, especially if they are busted up.... make a good weenie
roast, gee? Where can we get some weenies? oh! they're already in
the houses... weenie heads, watching TV.... little weenies, big
daddy weenies, mommy weenies.... little pink baby weenies...
soon to sizzle and pop open and char a bit....
gee? Is that what you want to see?
well, you get there by inaction.....
like Robert Heinlien said in the 1950's, the way to survive nuclear
war, is to not be there when the bomb falls.....
the three rules of real estate are location, location, location...
sounds similar to heinlein's axiom.....
If I wanted to murder a nation, paralyzing them first economically
would be a great plan....
I think if I was still finding myself every morning waking up in
ground zero land, I'd be doing something.... me, I've got it easy
now, kids grown up, wife off bothering some other guy, just me and
the dog up on a mountain in some two bit banana republic, peopled by
folks who never figured out that honesty had any benefits.....
When I was a kid growing up in Oregon, I observed the crows...
they flew in flocks, and often fed on worms in irrigated fields...
sometimes they hung out in the trees.... and I noticed you never
could get close to them.... no matter where they were, there were
always some watching, on the lookout for approaching danger... and if
anyone or anything dangerous appeared, the guards would cry out, and
the whole flock would fly off.... very good survival vignette....
What are its elements? Always post guards, constant vigilance, and
Crows have survived a million years just fine, with no shortage of
preditors licking their lips thinking about snapping them up....
now in modern human culture we do it different;
we post no guards, and if the natural guards cry an early warning,
the others call them paranoid and keep pulling worms....
we also tend to limit our mobility with materialism and shelters that
literally weigh tens of tons...
that do the same basic job as a wall tent, the anscestor of the modern
That weighs maybe a hundred pounds or so.....
with what I realize now, if I lived in the US, I would never bother
with a house... I'd go back to a wood cookstove in a wall tent or
yurt.. It was fine....
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