Saturday, October 31, 2009

Blog entry; Saturday 31 October 2009........

Morning, 1:am....

woke, full moon, thinking about a report I heard out of Detroit,
that they are bulldozing whole neighborhoods....

This is insanity folks... the govt. Uses taxes to help big banks to
the tune of trillions, and meanwhile people are being evicted from
their homes by the millions and the homes bulldozed....

What's wrong with this picture?

Those people have to live somewhere... FEMA camps I guess? line 'em
up and gas them and call it democracy? No sane country would do any
such thing.....

welcome to the beast government....

What it tells me, is Scott Nearing was right, depressions are planned events...

folks, we have a management/organizational crisis in the making.....
conspiracy theory keeps turning into conspiracy fact.... funny how
that happens....

New World Order? nothing new about it, same shitheads, same planet,
same stupidity.....

But the disorder is increasing.... we're seeing some serious mental
entrophy happening here.....

all boils down to fight or flight.... I left the US going on a
generation ago, and was called a paranoid... I verbally predicted to
coworkers attacks on the US, and that their retirements wouldnt be
worth dog shit when they got there...

The US is headed for civil war.... And its not going to be long.....
and my guess is when that happens, there will "just happen" to be a
nuclear world war start...

Gee? what if I'm right again?

and I'm not the only one saying such things... plenty of other
intelligent people making the same realizations...

And it's seamless, this isnt isolated events, this is all
seamless... the chances of it all being accidental happenstance are
absolute zero.....

Where evil minds do scheme, dying victims soon scream......

Best you work on that bugout kit, best you plan to be a refugee, and
plan to have to fight for your very lives....

Revolution comes when life isnt worth living according to the Tao...
what this means to the illuminati, the only way to prevent you from
stopping their plans is to kill you before that point is reached...

A nuclear war could convienantly do that....

You wouldnt mind would you, if we incenerated you alive? or had you
dying puking and your teeth & hair falling out?

or if you made it farther, maybe just a few Tumors?

Money has no soul.....

and neither do the people who live for it.....
if you want to keep your's I suggest you get ahead of the curve and
stay there.... get mobile, get defensive, get stealth... get

Sure seems to me like the robber barons are running things.... not
nice folks....

I think I'd unplug my TV and have it first item on my shit to
yardsale... as there wont be any TV to watch soon...... Nuclear war
means no TV, no internet, no beer, no food, no electricity, no
running water, no safety, no government for you to look to for
every need, it means absolute desolation, especially if I am
correct about thermal shock from nuclear winter setting off the mega
quake... what it all means is no nothing... Only death and
destruction.... almost everybody dead, like some science fiction end
of the world movie...

What's your part in the movie?

now the bible says that Satan's job is to kill, steal, and destroy..
sure seems to be the script of whats happening now doesnt it.....

Whats your job? is it to stay glued to your TV until the blast wave
flattens your house on top of you?

I've worked construction, I know what "stick built" means, same root
word as in match stick.....
All those fancy houses in all those endless subburbs will burn
nicely, especially if they are busted up.... make a good weenie
roast, gee? Where can we get some weenies? oh! they're already in
the houses... weenie heads, watching TV.... little weenies, big
daddy weenies, mommy weenies.... little pink baby weenies...

soon to sizzle and pop open and char a bit....
gee? Is that what you want to see?
well, you get there by inaction.....

like Robert Heinlien said in the 1950's, the way to survive nuclear
war, is to not be there when the bomb falls.....

the three rules of real estate are location, location, location...
sounds similar to heinlein's axiom.....

If I wanted to murder a nation, paralyzing them first economically
would be a great plan....

I think if I was still finding myself every morning waking up in
ground zero land, I'd be doing something.... me, I've got it easy
now, kids grown up, wife off bothering some other guy, just me and
the dog up on a mountain in some two bit banana republic, peopled by
folks who never figured out that honesty had any benefits.....

When I was a kid growing up in Oregon, I observed the crows...
they flew in flocks, and often fed on worms in irrigated fields...
sometimes they hung out in the trees.... and I noticed you never
could get close to them.... no matter where they were, there were
always some watching, on the lookout for approaching danger... and if
anyone or anything dangerous appeared, the guards would cry out, and
the whole flock would fly off.... very good survival vignette....

What are its elements? Always post guards, constant vigilance, and

Crows have survived a million years just fine, with no shortage of
preditors licking their lips thinking about snapping them up....

now in modern human culture we do it different;
we post no guards, and if the natural guards cry an early warning,
the others call them paranoid and keep pulling worms....

we also tend to limit our mobility with materialism and shelters that
literally weigh tens of tons...
that do the same basic job as a wall tent, the anscestor of the modern
That weighs maybe a hundred pounds or so.....

with what I realize now, if I lived in the US, I would never bother
with a house... I'd go back to a wood cookstove in a wall tent or
yurt.. It was fine....

Sent from my mobile device

Friday, October 30, 2009

Blog entry; Friday 30th October 2009............


feeling pretty good... Listened to some short wave, not good, things
are getting bad, the control trippers are making their moves, and
people are making noise, but nothing is being done....

I keep thinking about the bible, what it all means, and wondering how
to explain to people that I'm not a Christian per se..... i didnt come
at this thru religion, I came at it thru a dawning realization of
what it was all about, and what it all meant...
Any long term follower of this blog understands what I am talking
about, that I've realized we are all caught up in a big game, a test,
like Gladiators,
maybe "Genetic Gladiators" to coin a phrase....

in other words, Satan was put here, manufactured, to insure the
test would go according to plan... his job is to kill, steal &
destroy.... and he has plenty of help.....

our job is to survive, but even more than that to do the right
things.... basically I suspect the ranchers have time travel, and at
the end of the game they start backtiming, and picking out who ever
they decide played well to the death, and picking them out to save....
there is alot in the bible pointing to this concept.... They arent
interested in cowards, or people too stupid to listen to warnings
etc.. they want the best... If I am correct on this, they will
basically unravel time backwards by lifting people out.... they can
do this with no danger to their own culture, because we cant backtime
and effect them.... while they can do it to us...

What this means, is if you cant actually physically survive, its
important that you have a good death...

i.e. you die trying to do the best things possible to fight the evil etc.....

nobody much in human history has gotten out alive.... Enoch is the
only one who never died...

Christ's death and resurection was an example of what they could do...
dead one day, not dead a few days later.... How? I'm not sure...
are they able to transfer spirits? Or was he a genetic upgrade capaple
of self repair from fatal condition? Or did they back time and snag
him in the twinkling of an Eye? I dont know.... but all of these
are possibilities... and have basis in the bible.....

the great delusion, or the big lie is going terminal, we have a
group of powerful elite trying to consolidate total control of the
planet, while cutting population by any and all means.... wars,
genocide, manufactured plagues, forced sterilization, you name
it.... I am beginning to suspect world war two, the death camps in
Germany, Russia, China etc. Were all just practice runs for the grand
finale.... Satan's mindset is if he can kill off all humanity, he
wins, because he's spoiled the game.... this would explain the build
up of the nuclear arsenals etc. to hundreds or thousands of times of
overkill...... he's planning on doing a good job... add in the
global warming...

Would a sane and enlightened being who was immortal and in control
of a planet allow a form of technocult that would insure the total
trashing of the biosphere?

Would he strive constantly to keep humans from getting effective space travel?

he is reportedly the power of the air, read; he has military
transport and battle craft...

no? why all the UFO reports?

and why wouldnt he choose to just escape? I suspect he's boxed in
somehow to insure his options are limited.....

Yeah, its like a science fiction movie...

and you get to play a bit part.... one of the extras who gets killed
off... Or you can survive... but no cowards win the game....

and I doubt you get saved out for dying due to stupidity......

enjoy the big test.....
do your best....

and also realize the longer things get let go, the worse its going to be...

Sent from my mobile device

Blog entry; Thursday 29th October 2009......

Evening, drifted off to sleep listening to short wave.. did hear an
interesting Ham radio buff's program, learned there is a crystal radio
club online, and that people are even making short wave crystal
radios, something I've long wondered about, and wanted to build...
Crystal radios being absolute minimalism and requiring no power

so I will be searching soon for their website, hoping its not too
complicated to access, I usually cant get on websites, their sign in
shit is absurd... ask questions I dont have a clue what they are
about... they never work for me, I just wish they'd mind their own
business, and just make it easy to use... webpages seem to be
invariably laid out to be a pain in the ass, and nothing seems to
work.. but they look nice, and I guess thats what really counts
right? Its not if they are any good for anything, its the vanity
foremost culture....

anyway, thinking I might be able to afford a crystal shortwave...
likely cost more to do than I can buy a chinese portable battery unit
for, but I know what I want, and thats absolute minimalism, and to
listen to the insane world..

I must be a funny bird, dont have any desire to talk to anyone, would
rather listen and write...

maybe I'd make a good shrink? listen, write on a notepad, tell people
they needed to change their lifestyle and find happiness thru
minimalism, dematerialism, etc. and charge them a hundred dollars an
hour to blubber all their problems to me, and tell me how screwy
their subburban childhoods were? yeah, normalcy is so emotionally
damaging.... What they needed was seriously life threatening
childhoods to toughen them up some.... then they wouldnt need to
flatten my couch with their ass, and complain because they grew up
with nothing to complain about.....

me? I feel lucky to have survived a grade B horror movie style
redneck upbringing.... makes living alone in the brush seem so

I feel fine as long as no one is trying to kill me because they're on
some power trip...

ah yes, we are what we experience plus a little....

anyway, no couch, no wall hanger shrink certificate, no hundred
dollars an hour, but who cares, better off not having to hear fat
women complain about husbands who dont listen to them...

try not complaining lady... he'll probably get worried and be
checking you for a pulse & body temperature, just sure something
drastic has happened.....

I guess I could make them feel better, by telling them if they lost
some weight the guy might even look at them again too....

or I could carefully explain that neither vanity, nor materialism
were viable paths to happiness, and that their neurosis was
electronically induced by their best friend Telly.......

well you see lady; Telly is really self centered and evil, and he
tries to get you to do all kinds of self destructive things, because
that how he makes money for his real owners....

he's not really your friend, he just pretends that he is.........

just like Barbie and Ken, who teach you how to think, & what to think,
and who never ever ever discuss anything actually important.... more
bucholic paplum... that's what you need, more comfy lies, to make
the preditory world seem so warm & soft & fuzzy....

no, it would never work..... The world isnt ready for the truth, and
when it is, it will be because its too fucking late....

anyway, get a real life.. A natural life... One without all the
crutches and addictions... or else....

so.... Here I am in the tropics, under a tarp, rolled up in a blanket
in the dark writing words to people I will never know.... I can be
unimportant, and enigmatic..... what a combo, some nutcase trying
to show you the way out of the cave you are lost in....

well blogging is such an interesting hobby....
Its creative expression, its social, and its worrying to the status
quo.. all fun trips....

sometimes I wonder why people read blogs? i assume they are searching
for something lost....

and when I can write something distinct, or interesting, I've maybe
made somebody a little happier in this insane world....

its also a great cure for insomnia... You can express the things that
bother you, and therefor let them go.... same technique the hundred
dollar an hour shrink uses to get you to empty your walllet into

no folks, there is no future in complaining, thats what shrinks and
politicians get paid so highly for, to listen to your complaints, and
do nothing about them...

the way to stop complaints is to realize the truth, that you arent
happy in your fake life, and you need to get a real one, where birds
sing in the morning, theres always something to do in the garden, and
where you can cook on a small fire, and have time to hug the dog just
because she's a good person....

happiness is a creek to camp by......

imagine a vacation that you never had to go back to a job from....

now there is something worth working towards....

much more obtainable than endless materialism...

morning, awaiting dawn, raining lightly...
Still thinking about short wave last night.... heard a couple
Christian women complaining, wishing they had somebody like ronald
reagan again to unify around.... boy that gave me a geech mental
reaction.. I rate reagan fairly close to Satan himself.... he used
the christians to get elected, then kind of abandoned them.... like
some guys use women for sex.... yeah I remember Ronnie, same guy,
that when someone asked him about trade and budget deficit, answered;
well your getting something you arent paying for, so whats wrong with
that? in other words have some more free lunch, isnt this rat bait

well youre paying for it now, and for supporting scumbags one after
another, each one who tightens the noose around your piggy necks,
and is sharpening a long pointy knife.....

Same two Christian ladies were trying to figure out last night how to
shut the system down, and suggested not paying taxes, disobeying
laws, etc. but hedged about that, looking over their shoulders at big
brother's shadow...

basically they were on the right track, but just didnt have the guts
to step outside the box unless everybody else did... like Zebras
at the river, crowding up to the edge, all worried about a

no! You go first! no! You!

what they dont realize, is their cushy existance is the price they'll
have to pay for their freedom....

and the cushy existence is going away anyway, but few want to think
about that, they just want to eat as much as possible and hope the
crok eats somebody else when its waterhole time.......

Anyway, I found it heartening Christian ladies were contemplating
renegade thoughts... it means when they run out of feed they may be
open to other creative sollutions, like getting out of the system

Anyway was sad listening to them want a sicko leader who is long
dead.... I doubt Jesus would have thought much of Reagan, a
professional liar....

humans are fairly stupid animals.... me, I dont wish for a leader...
even if JC showed up himself I'd be watching very closely what he
actually was doing, and I wouldnt allow my wishes for a better world
to cloud my hopes again... I'd observe and come to my own opinion
about what was actually being done... and if I didnt agree, I'd say

leaders seem to invariably have an agenda that uses up followers...
the leaders do OK, credits flow into their accounts.... but
followers generally get taken for a ride....

I just see it as; if I get my own mental and life trip in order, I
dont need a leader dependency.... I can be my own leader just fine,
and dont need to pay the salary of the leader and his buddies...

leadership comes with a price to followers, you go where he takes
you... best you think about where a leader is wanting to actually
go before you follow him... i see the Christians as maybe having a
better leader than they deserve... One who wants to remove the best
people out of a mess they didnt want to create or be part of....
But how many christains work to not assist in the creation of the
problem? Very few...

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Blog entry; Friday 30th October 2009......

morning, sun is up now....

getting ready to start my daily rituals... Wash dishes, get food
cooking, practice guitar, think, write, cut some firewood.. hoping
I find some info on crystal radios, wondering how EMP resistant they
are.. I like the idea of an energy passive reciever, and that they
have the art to the point its functional w/short wave is heartening...
it means I may be able to get a kit to build a device for my bug out
kit that needs no batteries to tune in the world... also realizing
if I could build a good one, I could hook it to my guitar amplifier,
on rechargables, and have a fairly upscale reciever who's heart was
that same passive device.....

you see, I dont trust the government, or anybody else, and they are
already threatening to shut down the internet for control purposes...

hey folks, when are you going to wake up to the fact you dont need
controlled? That as long as you arent hurting anyone or trashing the
planet, you dont need a thousand regulatory agencies running your
life for you, nor do you need to support them...

its all bullshit...

bullshit piled as high as the moon.....

And Barrak and his buddies are taking their turn using their agenda
on your aft end.... quit supporting leaders, quit supporting the
beast system and expecting a Christ to save you, he aint coming until
after its pretty much over... and until then it doesnt matter who you
are a slave to, they all take you down the road to sure hell...
only sane option is start edging out of the system, start rearranging
your life to where you arent a fat contributor to the Babylon bash,
and get your kids to the best safety you can get to, because whats
coming is beyond ugly.....

it aint no joke folks.... Nuclear war and setting off a mega quake
aint no joke.. not a wall left standing on the planet, and you think
going along for the hayride will get you somewhere? hardly......

its a trip, and every step is a step closer to the end... and god
only knows when that is....

The whole goddamnit could crash at any time... I think we have
alittle while, but I dont bet my life on it...

Nor do I want to feed into it.... run with the Lemmings, go where
the Lemmings go, get what the lemmings get.....

the bible states that if you dont want to get what Babylon gets, you'd
best get out... Well last night's Christian Ladies are probably
pretty good folks, trying to earn a living etc. but they dont really
believe in their own religion enough, to take the advice seriously...
bliss ninnies or something, think that Christ/God is going to save
them no matter what... i.e. They dont have to follow the advice, they
just have to stay on the hayride? I dont think so... jC gave alot of
warnings, and explained what to do...

And its all been turned into a social club fund raiser for the best
glitter boys & girls of the bliss ninnies...

no apreciation what so ever of the advice... No one putting two & two
together & getting four, just business as usual in the stalls of
marketplace Babylon......

youre going to be dead meat moron, along with everybody you care about....

why? because you heard but didnt listen, because youre a fluff head
w/no good sense...

i.e. Reject genetics prooven by the greatest test of all human history...

you have to believe yes... but you also have to act.... and it
isnt superficial believing that counts, its understanding the warnings
on a logical level, and then getting out and preparing your trip, and
getting your group prepared too....

if no wall will be left standing, paying on a house is fairly
stupid.... if its all going to crash & burn and be radio active,
getting somewhere else is critical...

The Christians, mainstream version, are just as intoxicated by the
great whore as anybody else....

Yaweh/Jahova and clan are looking for a few good men and women...
The test is stringent... you have to make it thru all the shit
everybody else insists on causing... and you have to have your own
mind trained....

anyway, my food will be done in a few minutes, and I'll go about my
day... eyeing the steel bow project a bit, wondering what I should
do next.... dig out my stainless bolts I have stashed for it, and see
how wide I need to make the slots.... Do some marking of the steel,
rig my saw up w/grinding disk & a wedge in the trigger so I can have
both hands free to very carefully control the steel limbs and get a
precise cut.... we're getting down to the last few steps on the
limbs, and when they're done, I can treat the steel with Ospho to
stop the rust, and then primer and paint them, and turn to finishing
up the riser.... will take a long time, but I'm really happy so far
with how its coming....

it keeps me busy, I get to design, plan, and slowly build a one of a
kind bow.... a mate to the crossbow, stargate quality, done with my
own imagination and learned skills, and its going to be pretty....
also I think be an incredibly fast bow....

I've been trying the limbs, flexing them, and I think the pull is
going to be close to where I need it, somewhere in the 50 to 100 pound
range, hopefully less than 75, perfect would be 55-60 in my
opinion... I'll know the first time I string it....

if I can pull it OK, I'll leave it... If not I'll lessen it....

anyway, going to be a nice possession, made out of scraps and things
I recycled.....

whats important, is that I am preparing.... And when the shit hits
I'll have it...

Donald Trump I aint.... but to survive & prosper, and do the right
things, I will certainly try my best......

Sent from my mobile device

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Blog entry; Thursday 29th 2009....

Morning, midnight actually, woke, lit candle for misquitos...

woke rested, and have a topic in my mind... Its one I've touched on before...

One of the things in my life that I have noticed, is a growing
attitude related to education.... When I was a kid, college or
university level education was more rare in american culture... and I
learned it had been even more rare before the G.I. Bill era after
world war two... in fact, the military in the US was and is set up
on a two tier system of rank, that is dependent upon education,
surely the americanized version of the old feudal system of military
rank according to social class... When I was in the Navy, I and
everybody else who was enlisted had our noses thoroughly rubbed in
that social class distinction in what is nominally supposed to be a
classless society in the US...

This was my first taste of the educated elite....

I just assumed it was an isolated anomoly of the military... and the
officers also were broken down into two classes, OCS, and ring

OCS having gone thru officer's cantidate system, and ring knockers
thru Annapolis... The ring knockers got their name from their class
rings, and that supposedly officers from /anapolis would tap their
ring to remind OCS types of it when discussing a point, i.e. i'm
better than you....

there was also a third class of quasi officers; warrant officers, who
had come up thru the ranks, there seemed to be two types of these;
type one was just decent people with a higher intelligence, type two
were extreme suck ups, and were the worst of all officers... you
could count on them to backstab the enlisted class at every
opportunity to advance their own appearances.....

when I got out of the military, and into the working world, I began
to realize that the class distinction also was permiating civil
society, and that there were also three basic levels, high school
grads, college grads, and "better" university grads, the ring
knockers of the civilian world...

It didnt take too long to figure out it was money related.. that
there was a tier system going on in the supposedly classless society,
that it's roots were economic, and it's superficia was education...

all thru my working career I observed a growing phenomina, that
experienced management, i.e. The civilian version of decent warrant
officers, were being replaced systematically by educated types, and
newer experienced types being overlooked in process.....

I also observed these new management types have some other
distinguishing characteristics, one they tended to have near zero
experience and understanding of the job's reality.. two, they tended
to be highly concious of their own elite status... And three, they
tended to be less than honest... and four, they had no practical
experience, nor any desire to obtain any.. and so are effectively
foundationless supervisory specialists...

and herein lies my point....

I and my buddy were both raised on farms, and both had higher than
normal IQ's... Growing up on a farm, you learn alot of things by
osmosis, and you tend to become a keen generalist....

We both ended up working for public agencies, and we tended to
compare notes at night on the phone... two distinct goverment

It became obvious to us both that the newer educated management types
didnt know shit in comparison to the older experienced types, and
that they were arrogant, and liars, and suck ups, and thought they
were better than every one else....

In other words, they didnt know their fields, got their job via
connections and nepotism, education was used as the excuse for hiring
them, and they tended to band up with similar worthless liar
management types, and hire even more like themselves, and never never
promote any of the experienced types into management....

This in a nutshell, is what has happened to the US.....

we now have a neo nobility of such types, who dont know their ass from
a hole in the ground, suck up all the money possible, and try to run
the place on divine rule principles, and who have a sleaze

which explains why the US is in dire straits now... its become
universal in the culture... And the workers hate them, mistrust them
for good reason, and are unable to help them due to their stupidity
and arrogance...

if you wonder why america is soon to collapse, look at this one
aspect.... incompetant and corrupt management, that has roots in
education being used to walk a stealth elite class system in a
classless society....

These people are really stupid.... and all they know is to try to
tell others what to do.... its like if you took green Ensigns and
made them all Captains & Admirals.... and got rid of the experienced

not going to fare well in the wars of life in the modern era... The
professional management class are completely trashing the country in a
single generation... even the communists bureaocrats in the USSR
didnt do that... At least it took them longer if they did....

and this explains the current mindset of the government and their
corporate buddys that together make up the neo-fascism reality....

its why they try to mandate absurd and socially unacceptable laws....

and it is about to come head to head with the body politic...

and remember their qualifications; ignorance, arrogance, and dishonesty....

I dont think they will do well when the paradigm shift happens and the
violence starts thats been caused by their own stupidity and

They are about to set off a civil war collectively, and I suspect
they will quickly become its prime victims...

the moral of the story, is if you have an educational system that
produces incomplete management types, political correctness is no
replacement for competence and integrity..

I will also make a prediction; that the hardest phase of the civil
war will be getting past the paradigm of the status quo being
obeyed... and the minute the military, police, and the population at
large realize there is a new paradigm backing the rebels, the old
status quo of arrogant drones will crumple like toilet paper....

Because working for the type has been a universal experience... and
no one has any respect for them...

The new world order is at its roots based on this incompetance...
pseudo leadership.......

now my point; education is not equal to experience, and seems to
foster much much arrogance than gaining experience does...

Those who cannot do, teach... those who learn from such teachers in
turn, cannot do..
If you cannot do, you cannot effectively manage, you can only pretend
to, and cause problems...

neither a degree nor a job title is equal to experience.. the
culture in large part is collapsing due to emphasis being placed more
on social class via the medium of education, and less on actual
experience and resulting good sense...

Sent from my mobile device

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

blog entry; Wednesday 28th October 2009...

The Statistics proove this out, more people killed by hospitals in the
US than all other causes combined.... more in ten years than died in
all the wars of the last century....

Gee? If thats an accident its a big one... quite the pile up, people
driving in the fog of acceptance, seeing the crumpled and growing
stack of bodies too late to slam on the brakes....

Quite the industry.... look up profits of the medical industry.....
they're doing pretty good, and about to become a mandantory taxpayer

guess theres serious future to it too, soon to be augmented by some
fun homeland security summer camps for excess landless peasants.....

Same basic result, lower the numbers, more goodies for the rich....

you see, there's no limit to greed...

so, how stupid are you? just sign yourself in...

and it looks like they arent even satisfied with the incenerator
camps, they're planning a big urban renewal project.. they have
this nifty device now that they can use to recycle entire cities, you
just push a button, and a couple months later you can load the
metals into trucks, use the rubble for land fill, and do whatever
you want with the liberated from ownership realestate....

yeah, quite the trend... use them peasants up but good...

personally if I found myself in a city, stranded there, I'd start
walking out...

cities are ugly, they're big industrial parks to process things....
resources, people, whatever... all grist for the mills of

I think I'd rather be a coyote on a far hill... the feed isnt as
easy, but theres no smell of death hanging in the air either... no
millions wheezing smoke and carcinogens into their bellows,
contaminating their mechanism, and insuring themselves a place in line
going up the steps of the pyramid...

Where the Aztecs in white robes send them into the great beyond,
spirit seperated from wealth and body parts, into stupid slave

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blog entry; 28th October 2009..........

morning, doing my daily rituals of dishes, building a fire, and
getting food going....

Feeling bothered, world reality, its very obvious that there is an
agenda running... and its to remove your rights, and make a better
more fearfull slave out of you.....

People distrust the government now.... gee? I used to get called
a paranoid for that.....

guess paranoia is contageous? sure seems like it...
I see it as a survival trait...

Hey guys! Question; in a nuclear war, where on earth is target number
one? Jewrusalem? or Jew Nork? Have to wait and see I guess,
could be D.C......

my point is joke aside, that there are places more likely to get
hit.... meaning there are places less likely to get hit also... I
personally dont think anywhere in the US is a good idea... too many
targets, too many nuclear power plants, and there will be too much
radioactivity.... its been a staple in Science fiction for
generations, in post nuclear war novels, that large portions of the
planet would become uninhabitable forever.. guess where those places
are? just about any place with a zip code on the address..... I
think US, Europe, Western Russia, and Eastern China will likely be
incenerated and sizzling the Geiger counter fairly soon if present
trends continue....

Did you notice what happened to the peace dividend of the 80's-90s'?
yeah, they created a new enemy.... terrorists, and that includes
you, if you have enough of a brain to go against the agenda.....

Also plenty of other places... I wouldnt buy realestate in many
Muslim countries....

Heard a guy on a call in yesterday, Muslim, trying to get the
Christians to realize the connections between /christian prophecy and
Muslim prophecy.... he was wasting his time with the Christians...
got shut off by the host.....

gee? I think doing an online search of Muslim phrophecy might be
interesting..... and likely very educational..... i wouldnt have shut
the guy off, I would have started asking lots of questions and taking

Thanks guy, who ever you were!

I heard you.....

Even if the Christians have their heads too far up their ass to think....

Lets see? all god's children? thats everybody except Muslims?
no.... is it just the Christians who think they are saved already?

Hey guys, ship has to sink before you get saved... just owning a
life preserver doesnt make it a sure thing... and looks like TV
Evagelist sharks are eating them up to the life preservers.....

No, we're all humans, we all laugh & cry... And if you think your
religion makes you perfect, you're more than a bit wrong......

It's all insanity you know.... and I've heard some Muslims trying to
tell the truth, trying to get heard all along...

These guys pray five times a day.... I think we'll all be praying
more often than that pretty soon.... we'll be praying pretty much
nonstop for God to save our worthless skins from our own stupidity...

All I can say to the Muslims, is get out of the big cities.... and
get out of Israeli occupied Palistine...

Get your families to safety..

focus on the roots of your culture....

Good luck, Allah be with you!

and if any of you have a spare daughter or two, preferably a nice
thin one, send me one, I have plenty of food and water, belive in
honesty and justice, and try not to abuse anyone.... well other than
the ocasional rude joke......

anyway, I do live in a spot not too close to any targets.... the
canal maybe, but its hundreds of miles away, and generally down

would be better here than anywhere the greedheads have in their
sights.... which is most of the Muslim world....

I think humanity is looking terminal......

neurotic monkies.....

I'd love to have some woman with a sense of shame... seems to be
missing these days....

And I dont Blame the Muslims for being turned off by what passes for
modern culture.....

It's sick......

And I think the small people better scatter, because before its all
over, those who run on high octane pride are gonna nuke the dogshit
out of everthing, including each other.... and any of us humble types
who get in the way.....

The Present "World Government" shit is just going to produce more
have nots, more problems, a fertile seed bed for the liars to plant
their toxic weeds in to......

Its just asking for some runaway ego to runaway with it... dont do
it.... Nobody will ever be safe again....

The Current reality, with its Ego tripper do-gooders trying to run
everybody else's lives and stuff their pockets at the same time, is
bad enough......

only humans would be crazy enough to blow up the whole world arguing
what to call the great spirit, and who was most right about the minor

I dont think you deserve to be a species.....

Maybe a few dried specimens in a glass case some where in a Galactic
museum of extinct semi-intelligent life forms......

"homo Extinctus"

sheep stupid enough to follow wolves around,expecting them to fix the
call your congress hyena....
its animal farm D.C.

later, did a bath in the spring, got food done, lentils and corn,
pretty good.... one adapts, havent used oil in my cooking for a year
or so, dont miss it, healthier without it.... have been putting the
finishing touches on a couple kitchen/camp knives this morning,
custom shapes that I cut other knives down into.... Very nice
possessions now......

keeps me busy..... minor materialism.....

Well I wonder how people are doing in the US now? guess they are
starting to figure out where credit & vanity take you..... I've
always tried to live within my means, seemed wise, one never really
knows what tomorrow brings, so overextending myself was a bad enough
habit with paper money, and after one very slight experience w/a
credit card, I paid it off, and cut it up... it was too easy, too
addictive, and the downhill end of payments sucking the blood out of
you, was ugly.... I dont think I ever owed much over $200, but that
was enough to figure out the game....

I guess being a little more sensitive has its good side... plenty of
people bury themselves before they figure out its an ego & vanity
I just never was too much of a money Yahoo!...

Those who have little often learn not to count on more.... there is
a difference between poor & frugal, and poor & foolish.....

both ways you are poor, one way has hope, the other is hopeless.....

I think there are going to be alot more poor people soon..

I also think there was a reason being thrifty was in the boy scout's
ideals.... My copy of the Fieldbook was printed in 1967, thats 28
years after the stock market crash of '39..... and the great
depression was still fresh in the minds of adults at tthe time....

To me it was ancient history, being born afterwards, but I did find
it interesting listening....

The Book that pieced it all together for me was; Scott Nearning's "The
Making of a Radical"

where he just happens to explain how the great depression wasnt
accidental.... which is why I didnt suck up the bait on the latest
crisis... already had the pattern....

they arent really depressions, they're Elite instigated
impoverishment cycles.......

putting the cotton pickers on an economic diet for awhile..
puts more humming birds in the pie in the plantation house....

Basically the depression was used to get the people stressed enough
to believe in pearl harbor, and take their anger out on the Japanese,
men drafted off to the slaughter, women offered jobs in cities....
it was to boot the military industrial complex.... after the war they
sold the slaves the american dream, and continued using them to boot
industrialism.... more peasants moved into the cities, into spacious
"Ghettos" called subburbs.. and less Spacious inner city ghettos,
called Apartment complexes....

now landless, the peasants forgot how to grow food... making them
easy victims for the next wave of capitalism; agribiz and

currently we are into a new phase, where the big money maker is
offing excess peasants, and calling it medicine.....

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Blog entry; Wednesday 28th October 2009........

morning, going on three....

just woke... thinking about the instinctual liars, killers, & thieves...

Now, the Tao states that a good soldier is not violent..... so what
about leaders? would it be good for leadership to be inheriently

If one studies human history, it becomes obvious that wars are
endemic.. if one reads the newspaper its obvious that people kill
each other...

Pretty amazing if you think about it... its a big planet, plenty of
space and resources for everybody to do fine, get along etc. and
even in ancient times constant warfare... why?

Well, it isnt because the average person thinks killing is a fun and
interesting hobby.. surely no shortage of violence portrayed on
video, but its not something everybody likes to watch...

it can be used in video to up the fear or excitement level of a plot,
but if its used too much the potential audience starts dropping off,
and you end up with a sub group who is attracted to violence or

in other words its not universal in the human genome..

And we have seen both in history & in very modern times that its quite
common for political leadership to lie to its people to be able to
start a war... I suspect if you have two peoples living seperated by
geography and no contact, lying is prerequisite to getting them to
start killing each other..

And in the bible, in Genesis, killing and lying are connected in the
story of Cain & Able......

And there is a Zen saying to the effect that one should avoid liars as
they are capable of doing anything, thinking they can justify it..
with lies...

I think the human genome is variable in both liars and killers....
but that the ones most likely to lie, are the ones most likely to

Then consider the ego factor... and the tail of the Rat; Greed... if
you think about prison populations, who is supposed to be there?
isnt honest folk...

its liars, killers, and the greedy....

But we seem to have a two tier reality..... as Bucky Fuller pointed
out, Government is a protection racket, and in his writings he gives
an example of how civilisation started with farmers and raiders...

so what we have in effect, is two seperate classes of humans, one
using the threat of violence or actual violence to control the other,
and also using lies... we call this government.... It also used to
be called; the hereditary warrior class......

In modern times they have moved more into business & economics, and
in so doing have become more stealthy, i.e. another form of lie.....

For liars to succeed, they require fools.....

but what happens if the hereditary fools get wise?

I would suspect the liars to attempt a diversion, by starting a war,
doing alot of killing, covering their own tracks... killing no doubt
becomes easier the more you do it, and its a known fact it becomes
addictive to some abberant minds.....

Now the current economic woes have a greed/lie connection....... fiat
currency? you mean false currency... Dirivatives? you mean an item
considered wealth, in this case credit slave IOU's, or contracts sold
and resold, until their value has been pumped up to more than the
actual value of
everything on the planet? I think thats fraud by definition... Who
commits fraud? liars?

Politics? the word is a synonym for liars......

Holy spirit? a spirit of truthfullness, now as repackaged & resold
by religions as dirivatives have been by bankers and insurance

are we seeing a pattern yet?

and when they start their smoke screen nuclear war, are you going to
believe them?

Will they have Bush & Cheney back on TV as "guest Liars?" (good chance)......

What will happen to you and the people you care about in a nuclear
war? will the war stay confined to your TV?

Are you going to sit there and listen to the lies until the building
you are sitting in is crushed by a detonation wave right after the big

Lets see, incredibly bright flash, TV goes off, and seconds later
your body looks like a roadkill in a pile of burning rubble that used
to be your house payment....

Do you have any kids? Grandkids?
Do you give a shit about anyone other than yourself?

Would you want that to happen to even your dog?

Then why do you continue to buy into it all?

either you are really really stupid, or you believe a big lie, or both....

Like the Zen saying, the path to wisdom begins with the realisation
you are a fool....

Have I ever been successfully lied to?
A man is only as good as his word...
a good Scout Tells the truth...

Wake up dear person, and smell the Napalm.....

What do you suppose instinctual liars, killers & thieves think of
peaceful protests? are they likely impressed, or do they just have
their hired guns suppress them?

"Some wear gorgeous clothes,
carry sharp swords,
And indulge themselves with food and drink;
They have more possessions than they can use.
They are robber barons.
This is certainly not the way of of Tao."

Where are we? the end game... where the instinctual liars, killers,
and thieves become terminal, and take their victims with them...

Just pop the top on another beer, and change channels... That will fix
things... belch, fart, another trip to the refrigerator for the fat
slave off duty....

Or maybe its another icecream and cup cake for a pudgy painted &
perfumed princess couch potatoe? change channels to another romance?
Dream you are a rich little bitch....and beautiful, in a life of
extreme vanity..

Wake up!

your house, or whats left of it, is soon to be on fire, and your
children burning.....

or they could be in a rubbled school.....

Or they could be out in the sticks, but to make that possible you
might have to give something up...

Do nothing, and deserve what you get....
Do something and get a different future outcome....

So which will it be? Rubbled cities, radioactive continents?

Or some Vampires caught in the spotlights?

you decide with your actions...
its your movie......

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Blog entry; Tuesday 27th 2009........

morning, just sent last issue, now want to continue on same theme....

the point I am heading towards, is that anybody can do the same
things I do, i.e. The construction of a new neoindigenous lifestyle
one piece at a time.... even if I lived in the city, and held down a
job, as long as my goals and hobbies were neoindigenous, I could
gnaw my way to freedom... In fact the materialistic parts would be
easier.... everything I have ever made in the way of neoindigenous
items could have been done in an apartment in town... basically it
all boils down to choices.. You can use your resources to live a
vanity lifestyle, or you can divert them into buying your freedom....

how would I start? with the basics: food, shelter, clothing, tools, &

its like my steel bow project, slowly piecing together a one of a
kind bow... using artistic skills I began to acquire at 5 years

everything I do I draw out on paper first, and do endless sketches
trying to design to absolutes....

when I get a design down to where I cant improve a single line, I make it...

The thing I have been working on for portable shelter is a framing
design, discussed a few weeks back, that uses a structual shape made
of notched together struts, that are laced thru holes with cord...
the base section looks like the Roman number five, i.e. a "V" with
a line at bottom and top... in my design the bottom point of the V
has a space between the two struts, instead of them meeting at the
same point... this allows a very rigid, but still flexible, very
lightweight structure that comes apart for transport... not as
minimalistic as the traditional lattice style yurt frame, but also
much stronger & more substancial while still maintaining good
portability.... and can be done in common lumber... and not very
much of it to provide me a structure.... my current structure has
3/4 inch rafters and a 2x4 frame, not impossible dimendions to
acquire..... On bigger buildings I would go to one inch or so rafter
poles, and start wall framing with nominal 2x6's now about 1.5
inches by 5 inches... and angle rip them all to reduce weight, and
bulk, and to create a neoindigenous asthetic....

If I were starting from scratch, say living in the city, I would
trade in my vanitymobile on a small truck, between 3/4 ton and 2&1/2
tons, and I'd ride my bike to work..... then I'd buy a horse
trailer..... if the truck was at the smaller end...

then I'd start piecing together a portable building or two, in the
apartment living room if necessary...

and I'd be glueing tarp material ect, in the parking lot or where
ever... I'd also be working on my gear, leatherwork, sewing
clothing, collecting quality cookware, building or acquiring my
weapons,, tools etc. and there would come a day I quit my job,
loaded the truck, and set out on my new life... I'd have a horse or
two and a dog or two, and enough bulk food stashed, and everything
part of a well planned and executed neoindigenous lifestyle... where
basically I could go anywhere over the horizion, park, and put up my
camp... and it wouldnt cost much.....

because I'd be doing it all myself.....

would I worry about a job? no... I'd have two or three years worth
of food, simple bulk stuff, not spendy freeze dried.... and I
also have skills... I can grow food, do carpentry work etc.

Being a generalist creates alot of personal security....

Anyway, my point is You can do it too, at what ever level you can
afford.... from a hunk of tarp and a wheel barrow, to one of the
nice yurts I saw in my dream last night....

It all boils down to letting go of the American nightmare, and taking
up with the neoindigenous dream...

it sure is alot easier than making payments on one's vanity after the
salesmen have gotten done with it......

the beauty of the concept is it provides a lifestyle matrix thats
flexible... weapons can range anywhere from bows and arrows to black
powder, to an M-14, all your choice... House can be any size or shape
you choose, and mobility anything from a pony cart to a truck..

no payments folks, no permanent job, and no expectations other than
sunrise, sunset, and the phases of the moon... a solar panel
eliminates the electric company... the portable computer eliminates
the school, the garden eliminates the grocery store,, and the shovel
and water can eliminates the plumber.... the gun, bow, sword,
tomahawk etc. eliminates any need for police, and a decent ham
radio eliminates the fone company and TV, especially if combined
w/portable computer... which I consider to be where the future of
both fields to be.... long legged wireless digital communications...
imagine a sattelite broadcast internet that the return side was
digital HF ..... would work anywhere...

anyway, I'm going to work on a hobby or two.... Write more later....

later, worked on a couple knives... thinking all the while about the
Marine on Alex Jones yesterday, and how those boys are going to need
some backup when the shit hits..

and dont shoot at uniforms, analyse intentions....

theres going to be no shortage sent out on missions they dont agree
with, who wont fight, or will change sides if they arent shot at...
if youre in doubt, shoot the officers and back off....

and anyone who isnt out there deserves to be the cattle they will be
if the battle goes the wrong way... its going to be your chance to
get even guys, for all the injustices, dont blow it watching TV.....
if you are able bodied and know whats right, you'd best be doing
your best to support the right team, and I dont mean cheer

let it be a sea of rifle barrels.....

and make every shot count, thats why they choked off the ammo supply
on you, so when the day came, you'd remember to shoot carefully at

have a nice revolution.... do a good job, your kids and grandkids
have to live with the results.....

do it for them.... and for all the decent folk who have been screwed
over so long by the status quo....

This Aint about politics, its about economic class.....

And it isnt the poor versus the middle class, its about common folk
versus the sickos; instinctual liars, killers, and thieves....

Start now by withdrawing your support incrementally for the economic
system... Do it by not buying the crap, start buying your freedom and
what you will need afterwards to have a decent life.....

I'd prepare for the worst... that it goes all the way to nuclear war
& the megaquake....

and I'd design my lifestyle to start day one, after all is rubble,
all nice and planned out...

another thing to remember, is when the battle starts, its not going
to be a target rich environment.. War is won with mercy... meaning
its going to be target specific hunting... one doesnt win in chess by
taking pawns, generally a waste of a move... its the high value
peices that count, and an overall strategy to get at the main guys.

One thing I suspect about the guys at the very top, the so called
"Illuminati" is that their incredible arrogance has a sinister
basis... these are the creme de la creme of countless generations of
palace intrigues... the ones who survived.. as bucky fuller pointed
out; government is a protection racket, read; Mafia.. and if you
think about it, both buearocracy & the Military are ordered just like
a Mafia... what this means to me, is their incredible arrogance is
based on a self confidence... in what? killing.. killing,
personally, and also ordering others killed. Thats the road to the
very pinacle.

so be not too smug if you set out to fight their minions... they are
killers who surround themselves with killers, and who control lesser
killers.. which explains alot if you think about it. & answers
questions like why are there wars?

Do not underestimate their ability to kill.

My guess is they will kill for entertainment. meaning what will they
do for self preservation?

Their arrogance isnt based on stupidity, its based on insanity....
and having sucessfully killed many times. and having survived many

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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Blog entry; Tuesday 27th 2009..........

Morning, several hours until dawn ....

contemplating the world situation, wondering just who would come out
on top in event of a meltdown.... I think the problems would be
people trying more of the same... trying the same mistakes over...
if we divided the body politic into three basic groups, we'd have
capitalists, socialists, and individualists...... now capitalism is
fine on a mom & pop level.... but it never stays there, so it aint
fine for long.. socialism is great except it invariably produces an
elite also just as capitalism... individualism has more potential,
and was picked out as the fundamental model for American govt. By the
founding fathers, albeit long forgotten... personally I think all
three have a place.. but human nature being what it is, when the shit
hits socialist and capitalists will be so busy bad mouthing each
other that if the status quo is removed they'll go on battling it
out and allow some bazaar group to take over while the two are
trying to club each other....

individualists are less interested in government.... they know
better.... I suspect they are where things are headed after the
bazaar group finishes off the technocult... so a flow chart would
go from current status quo thru civil unrest, thru bazaar group, onto
individualism, bypassing socialism, & capitalism, and thru failure
of unknown bazaar group, onto the individualism of necesity.....
bazaar group would be an ad hoc group that discovered itself in power,
and run off with the ball like like a dog... big danger is continued
bickering between socialist and capitalists... best route would be to
knock off that shit and go back to individualism... which
interestingly enough is what the Tao also points towards... that a
good life is when individuals function and are bothered by no one...
i.e. libertarianism... I think libertarians and greens are likely
to gain precident over capitalists & socialists if things continue...
I think the bazaar group might be the capitalists & socialists who
survive their squabble and try to merge and go back to business as
usual.... Old Rut party....

my guess is greens and libertarians could possibly unite... Both want
to be left alone to grow their garden, while capitalists and
socialists both want to continue on the more of everything path....

we'll see what actually happens...

there is only one certainty, that the current status quo of world
government heads has to go.... if not, forget anything but personal
survival on the run from control freaks....

basically what we need is a balance... mom & pop capitalism, small
town socialism, on the farm libertarianism, and in the forest
greens... and shut down the big corporations... and shut down big
government also... smaller is better, local school boards have enough
problems.... and anything bigger is worse.....

if we continue with current status quo we get nuclear war, mega
quake, and maybe a 10% survival rate.... It HAS to go.....

anyway... I will continue to assume and prepare for the worst,
hope for the best, and wait & see what really happens.....

All I know, is good people do die in bad situations, if they let
themselves get into them.....

on other subjects, feeling good having gotten steel bow limbs another
step towards completion... am wondering what it will be like, suspect
a fast bow... limbs are narrower, ie less air resistance, steel is
fast shit as a spring, my only worry is how the pull is... If it
stacks hard... the spring steel I am working with is thin... so
hoping it will all work out.... Doing my best to turn resources into a
harmonious whole...

On knives, currently working on an interesting design... its one I've
played with before... uses a curved edge.... would make a nice raw
meat slicer.... what I tend to do is play making different stuff
and ocasionally find really nice sizes and shapes.....

later, went back to sleep... had an unusual dream, with a visual
vignette of a Yurt villiage..... very pretty... much prettier than
politics... & There is where I think the eventual answer lies; in
getting back to a more mobile more minimalistic existence...

Politics is often the result of sedentary lifestyles, neighbors
trying to get along by establishing rules.... well, less crowding,
less rules necessary, and disputes are easily settled by distance...
Its like highschool... why all the problems w/drugs, violence etc.?
might as well ask why we send our kids into social sardine cans for
a dozen plus years of their lives? open the can, problems go away..

I see online school as the great hope of education... I have also
heard that a couple states are trying to outlaw home schooling... I
suggest a consumer boycott of those states by all who believe in home

School is like everything else; a runaway concept, taken over by the

a hundred plus years ago almost every body home schooled, and they
had churches, parties, dances, and community projects for social

then the one room school....

and now the inner city high school phenomina... an evolution into

personally I think its time to let go of much of the technocult on a
social level... I've driven across the US several times in my life,
would have to think to count how many trips.... the amazing part to
me, that other than the northeast, and southern california, and
around big cities spotted here and there, it's mostly empty space,
getting emptier as you go west....

What that means to me, is any one with the brains of a jack rabbit
that can figure out a mobile life style, is pretty much free to
follow the wind....

I've been living in a tarp shelter for years now, and other than
needing a new tarp, its fine.... Even so much as a couple pony
carts would mobilize my current existence... most of what I own now
could be moved on a small truck...

I'm thinking if I sell this farm, to move over onto the Reservation,
and get myself a surplus army truck, and some small scale farming
equipment... I may do some permanent construction on my next
property, but will also likely to continue evolving neoindigenous...
I would see the permanent construction in the light of an Apache
Ranchera, a place built into the mountains for defensive reasons....
I will be working also on nomadic structures... I have an Indian
friend I ran into in town last trip, and in our conversation Ranchos
were brought up, and he said he'd built several indiginous ranchos
(round buildings/conic roof)
including some upscale versions for hotels on the coast.. and he
asked If I was going to build traditionally? I said no, not quite,
that I wanted to build something a bit more creative, using my
neoindigenous art forms.... I didnt say too much, not wanting to let
the cat out of the bag, but I'm looking forward to having fun
astounding the indians a bit... I've got a structural system worked
up, and done the experimental models, and know how to build portable
buildings better than anybody now... I've lived long term in Tipis,
Yurts, and now a Wall Tent, and have been doing serious designing
all the time... I have a degree in construction technology,, but
am not as much interested in tract housing as I am neoindigenous....
Personally I'd feel better designing nomadic strutures that other
people built for themselves, than designing houses people made a
lifetime of payments on......

The payment model house is experiencing noticeable difficulties, and
what I know, is that the Neo in neo indigenous allows me to use modern
materials.... products that far exceed cotton or nylon canvas, last
much much longer, and also I can choose from more modern insulation
materials... Add some folding furniture, and all the other nice
goodies of a neoindigenous home, and it gets quite stylish.... One
of the things I'd like to get would be a wood cook stove... thinking
when I do, to put it on roller casters to make moving it easy..

I've moved woodstoves before....

Sent from my mobile device

blog entry; Monday 26 October 2009.....

evening.... rain soon I think, tired, worked on grinding steel bow
limbs today... got them evened up, true, and surface ground...

need to cut string grooves, and bolt slot, and then start painting process....
They're looking good...

Heard alex jones today that was interesting... one caller suggested
primitive weapons if you dont have a gun..... also a marine called
in, Marines and other military starting to seriously wake up...

And as I suspected, the breakdown is going to be roughly between
officers & enlisted...
my guess younger officers and older enlisted will bleed over some...
but I think there will be no shortage of national heros out of the

I've been there, joined the military at 17 during viet nam war,
wanting to do public service is a large part of the mental make up of
enlistees, soon completely screwed by the arrogant officers...

Believe me; they'll seriously enjoy being part of a revolt against
arrogant snobs... a Nirvana Concept to anyone enlisted....

some officers are good... many, especially higher officers, are total
But there is no set rule.... but dont worry, the guys know which are which...

worked a bit on a knife today also.. but mostly on bow limbs.. I
think primative weapons are fine..
They were effective a thousand years ago, and laws of physics havent
changed much...
A good broadhead coming in from 300 yards away is fairly impressive...
Cant imagine what flights of thousands must have been like...
guy on call in quoted Jesus saying get a sword...

yup, still work just as good as they did then....

just remember your strategy is planned around the reach of your
weapon... different strategies for rifles, bows, and swords......

my advice is when the shit hits, wrong place to be is where they
expect you to be.... they've gone to great effort to know where you
live... dont be there.... be camping, be in the brush, be far away
when they expect you to be close.. be close when they expect you to
be far away.....

I still hear people bad mouthing liberals or conservatives.. the
status quo really likes that..

its not your personality, or your ideology, its fascism versus common
people... now are you a liberal fascist? Or a conservative fascist?

or neither?

I dont think what comes out the far side will be like anything
anybody imagines, good or bad....
Best case is a good average of decency.... worst case is total destruction.....
politics is how we got into the problems...
more politics wont be what saves us...

Sent from my mobile device

Monday, October 26, 2009

Blog enrty; Monday 26th October 2009.........

Evening, midnight, woke rested, so I got up and plugged in the
lamp... feeling OK, snickering about an interview I heard yesterday,
on alex jones, was w/Gerald Selente, of he went on for an hour, and about 80% of what
he said I've written about in thus blog.... thats funny.... some
guy from New York basically has come to same conclusions I have on
myriad issues... he basically thinks govt. Is in deep du-du.... I
agree... anyway first time I've ever heard the guy, and he touches on
issue, after issue, most all of which you've read here... I dont
know if he puts out a news letter etc., but I do know this blog is

It was like I began to wonder if he read my blog?
i could see some guy from new york reading my blog, cherry picking,
and starting a newsletter... chances are thats not whats happening,
and wouldnt bother me if it was... My guess is its just starting to
become obvious to everybody the old paradigm stinks, whats its pieces
are, and what likely results will be.... he definitely hammered on
issues like the big lie etc... I suspect if you go to that website
things will seem familiar... and me, I live out in the brush, only
listen to short wave,
and cant usually get a website to do shit for me, due to not knowing
shit & not having anyone to show me how to get past all the crap..

it obvious same types of people design web sites as designed windows,
clutter heads that think people have nothing better to do than learn
stupid shit there is no need for... I dont want to sign in, I cant
figure out half the shit they're asking for, I just want shit to

my website at is simple, one issue, you go there,
no sign in crap, you read my thesis etc. and go about your
business... anybody with a telephone or computer that can get there
via search engine or web address can use it w/zero crap.... how bout
that? the feed back loop has never worked, wish it did, but thats
life when you have to rely on your kids to run your website, and they
have jobs to hold down etc. And not much time for dad's stuff...

anyway, moral of the story on Gerald Selente, is its the beginnings
of a new paradigm... move out of the big city, dont believe a thing
govt says, dont bother obeying stupid laws, grow food, prepare to
live in interesting times...

basically people are fed up w/the shit, fed up w/control trips and
manipulation, that fool less people every day, and people are changing
their own lives & outlook to go around the dead system like traffic
going around a bloated roadkill cow on a country road... oooh!
roll up the windows, it stinks!

as long as you arent hurting anybody, and not damaging the planet, its
none of anybody in govt.'s business what you do.... they want you to
chip you chickens so they can tax you for them... They want you to
chip your dog so they can fuck it... all control trips with a
pricetag they expect you to pay... fuck them, shoot their tires out
from the brush....

that will put a stop to it.... just dont do it too near where you
live.... dont worry everybody will soon be doing the same... govt.
Vehicle? blam!

ego trip on hold, flat tire to fix, not bothering anybody for at
least 45 minutes.. and they wont like going out of town as much...
when it becomes wide spread, they wont go out of town, and will carp
threats on TV, should be entertaining... just dont get caught....

Only reason things have gotten as bad as they have is because
common folk are nice guys....
When people get fed up enough, they quit being nice.... when the
system ignores warnings and continues to play stupid control trip
games and threatening people etc. Its a short trip to civil war and
firing squads for the dumbfucks...

its a natural cycle, its how cultures genetically edit the most
obnoxious types... and go back to gardening in peace,.....

Look at Russia, culturally imploding, glitter in Moscow, spud
patches multiplying everywhere else... even Putin has a place in
the forest...
i dont think Obama has thought of that one yet, that he maybe should
think about a place out of town.... he's a Citiot, i.e.
city+Idiot..... thinks you solve problems by passing more laws, when
theres information to the contrary thousands of years old.... the Tao
Te Ching is the second most translated book in human history... and
the president of the US obviously doesnt know it exists... so much
for a liberal education... the guy has had at least 14 years of
education, and hasnt a clue about one of the top ten
philosophies/religions on the planet...

yeah, he sounds like a nice guy, but some bumkin like me could show
him how to improve his chances in 30 minutes or less...

The guy hasnt a clue about how things actually work... he believes
the big lie is real.....

sooner or later he'll figure it out.... after nothing works......

everything the govt. Is doing now is moot....

they're going to lose every battle....

you cant swim against the tide....

especially by swimming the wrong direction....

My advice is go with whats natural, quit thinking you can go against
it and win...

The future is simple, the shit is going to crash... One way or
another... they wont chip my chickens or me... long before that
shit gets here, they'll be history.... Latins dont obey any laws..
they just pretend to.....

"When the government is harsh, the people become cunning."

i.e. They get smart, figure out the big lie, pretend to support the
system, and hide their food & daughters....

people figure ways around problems, if govt. Is a problem they figure
ways around it.. if being rich doesnt make them happy, they'll figure
it out or die trying...

me? I like less... Less problems, less responsibilities, less work,
less time away from home, less dishes to do, less house to deal with,
you name it... Less is easier to get to and deal with than more...

its like women.... I have less problems with them, why? I dont have
one... simple cure, and all the women can go down with the Titanic
or get into a life boat.... I have my own lifeboat... most of them
dont.... meaning closer to the water the main deck gets, the nicer
my lifeboat looks... I could get to be a handsome looking guy before
this is all over.... do I care? No.... My lifeboat is fine alone...
More room, more food, more freedom... I can sail it anywhere I want
without having to explain shit to anyone... where are we going dear?
why; the direction I'm heading... why? because I decided to go this

There is alot of power in not giving a shit..

Set your own course, and take it... I suggest it be away from
Babylon, they're crazy there....

morning, daylight... A bit overcast, just had my wild bird show up
and come into the house looking for dropped corn.....

I'm home alone today, do what ever I feel like...

imagine that eh?, and its a monday too!

so how does it feel to get eaten by an ever growing monster?
Government is like some grade B horror film, with the monster growing
and growing, and making zombies out of people by hypnotizing them
w/TV, and then eating them body and soul thru economics and

the Corporate Fascist system just keeps playing monopoly, imprisoning
the poor, creating more, sucking up all the wealth and power,
increasing its weapons, until what? you've watched the movies....
the monster has to die somehow, something simple that it overlooked,
some mistake it made, an assumption, so the lead actors can go off and
live in peace and love each other with out the monster preventing it
with it's existence.....its an old fable.... myriad variations...
But the monster has to die for you to be free of it, and get what you
want.... in our case, the best way to kill the monster is quit
believing in it, in it's money, materialism, or fearing its control
trips.... find another magic land to go into, this one sucks...

I found one with a smaller monster nobody pays much attention to....
much better....

Sent from my mobile device

Blog entry; Sunday 25th 2009............

Still morning, worked since daybreak on the 6 inch utility knife..
It was a bit ugly due to being tired when its turn came on the
grinder, but thru a dint of serious hand labor, managed to clean up
its problems into a good knife... its a good little crossover
between a hunter and a kitchen knife, thicker blade w/a hunters
lines, and a kitcheny handle of Bakelite slabs... I dont mind
bakelight, good stuff, a tich brittle, but its more durable than any
wood, and very heat resistant, likely the handle of choice for
spaceman's knives, if cold doesnt make it too brittle...

I've been into knives most of my life, made them as a kid, became an
engraver etc, got into blacksmithing, once had some nice tools for
knife making... now after having the shit beat out of me a few times
by the system and people in general, I'm down to hand tools and
ugrading steel blades that start as kitchen knives....

one of the interesting things I've learned in my hajyra, is that many
of the knife designs from traditional cultures are natural results of
their processes, the forging, the grinding etc. helping influence
the artist's craft and affecting muchly the finished results.. So
while many with more money and better tools have created some very
nice knives, many based on older styles, I by being disadvantaged have
been led into discovering some roots of the art they dont know and
cant grasp, without shutting off the machine, and learning to
actually shape a steel blade with a hunk of stone held in their
hand.... So rather than complain of my relative poverty, I feel
lucky.. I have learned the why of blade shapes, from the line
between the stone age and the dawn of steel....

and in fact I would encourage other knife lover/makers to try it,
grind or forge out your rough shapes and bevels, get some fairly
cheap aluminum oxide stones, some dripping water, and a flat rock or
stump to work on, with maybe a hunk of tire rubber for a cushion for
the blade, and go at it until you start seeing where it takes

I think you'll be pleasantly surprised after getting some
experience... I being the sea dog that I am, like to gnaw on
projects.... carving, sharpening, sketching, gouging, and sawing,
the mantra keeps me rocking towards my finished item results of what
started with a creative idea...

I wont win many knife shows, but I will have some exceedingly fine
practical knives, and did it on a shoestring... knives you cant buy
anywhere, and plenty good for a stargate pack pony's load...

and I got a couple hunks of scrap perfect to make harpoon tips with,
for use with the monster swordfish here...

I think what I might do on the handles, is pry out the cheesy stanless
cork and remove the screws one finds under them and replace with a
stainless allen screw and locknut... this would allow me to strip the
bakelite slabs for cleaning etc....

I also have another blade to cut out, a thrower, and thinking to
replace its handle slabs with ones shaped out of cutting board
plastic.... Bolted on too... allowing me a durable thrower with slabs
I can tighten...

I've thrown knives for years, have boughten pro quality throwers,
but thinking to do a carryier type, that I can use also as a
gardener's knife....

anyway... Moral of the story, is you dont need a shop and a bunch of
clients to make knives.... You can make them for yourself, and short
circuit all the money and vanity problems...

Also there's this; with the acquired knowlege and skills, in whats
coming, you may be able to not only subsist and survive, but to
prosper and thrive....

Which connects to why the Sky Gods would come lightyears for a few
good humans... its going back to their own roots... those who have
been through hell, are very likely not to repeat similar errors, and
are very likely to possess knowlege and skills more technically
oriented beings might have lost.... it would be a form of cultural
renewal with out having to do it themselves.. memory likely fades for
immortal beings, having cultural children could keep them younger
figuratively speaking... New blood, with out having to get too
bloody.... they have us to do that for them thanks to our own ample

me? I dont really know anything... But thanks to life, I have
learned how to figure things out and arrive at creative sollutions...

anyway, got food on, bath next, then guitar I think... maybe work on
the 9.5 inch knife later... wanna have it fairly done to show my
worker tomorrow, give him incentive to do more hand crafts

another point I'd like to make, is that it seems like being normal
isnt likely to be much in the way of a survival trait.... maybe its a
bit of a dichotomy pair? to be a good survivor you have to be a bit

We'll have to see if I make it, to test the theory.... I'll let you
know if I do....

another point I'd like to make, is you can quit reading adventure
stories.... and actually set out to find your own... It is possible &
preferrable, I've proven that.... I find adventure stories boring
now..... the real thing is alot better....

So you might consider putting the book down its too fakey anyway...
Get some gear made up, downsize on your pile of shit, get rid of what
you arent going to need, and upgrade what you will need, and then
some morning, lock the door, put the keys in an envelope with a stamp
on it, and drop them into the mailbox, the last thing you ever did
before becomming a free human....

Sent from my mobile device

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Blog entry; Sunday 25th October 2009........

Morning, awaiting dawn, slept good.. Up once on a rat hunt..

feeling pretty good about my latest knife project, learned something
in the process... I wanted a narrow blade, thinking like for carving
a turkey,
and boning... and the steel from the heavy bladed french knife was
9.5 inches long, and now that its shaped out, is turning into a
really nice size and shaped blade, and mates well to the last style I
did... My worker will like it when he sees it, and being latin,
he'll think its for sticking pigs... which in my observation is the
latin thing... I dont know if they eat the most Pork per capita on
the planet, but they're trying hard to do so... and everybody who
can, raises a pig, especially before Christmas..

I've watched the process of killing and butchery, they have it down to
an artform, with each person having his own opinions on whats the
better way to do it... I've also seen kids file out and line up on a
bench to sit and watch the entire process, from squeal to sizzling
meat & boiling pots... This isnt a packaged meat culture, its a
down & dirty here's how its done reality...

I'm not much on meat eating or butchery, been there, done that,
could do it again if I felt like it, but I dont feel like it.... my
stomach is happy enough with vegetabe based diet, and I know what a
rich fatty diet does to my skin problem and overall health...

Latins would eat pork 24/7 if they could stay awake and get the pork....

They're hell on chickens too...

and do in no shortage of cows and horses....

definitely a meat oriented culture..... They also have a cultural
thing about fat... western civilisation likes boney looking looking
fashion models, add 50 to 75 lbs and you are aproaching the latin
zone... They think fat is pretty.....

its like my son told me awhile back, latinos in the states have
become steriotypical as having obiese blond wives... thats their
ideal... thats what they go for if they can get it..... blond, blue
eyed, and plump or better.... its a bazaar one to watch...

Hobbiest level anthropologist that I am, its educational, and a good
culture to study, to learn how not to do things...

Politics in the US going corrupt as coffin occupants?

In latin culture its never been anywhere else...

here your lawyer is to negotiate the bribe... and pretentions of
uprightness are like onionskin....

Its like I once heard on an interview of a Mexican, he stated
plainly that the way to wealth everybody knew worked, was get into
politics or become a cop etc., i.e. some branch of the legal

Thats where the money is at, and they get it shaking people's pockets
out.... its not universal, I've seen good professional people in the
legal system, and I've personally seen some extorting people for
bribes... and I've seen the legal system let slide things people in
europe or north america would be aghast at.... things beneath their
dignity to bother with, but that effect entire communities
negatively... no shame this culture...

And thats the way things are headed in other parts of the world to...
maybe more flowers on the casket of justice here and there, but
whats inside is beginning to stink, and will soon have to be

The El Zorro movie and TV series kind of tells the story of latin
culture, Theres the rich guys opressing the poor people with police
and military... and in real life no El Zorro... thats just

Same as everywhere else.......

well, the planet needs a few billion El Zorros....

and best we produce them quickly or else....

I loved that series as a kid, loved the good side of the culture it
also portrayed, and loved when I learned to become fluent in spanish
and was able to watch the series in the right language and get the
deeper cultural nuances through it....

Very beautiful culture that was.... I dont think modern latin culture
is an improvement, they lost the beautiful clothing, the beautiful
music, & the beautiful architecture, and the beautiful horses...
but they did manage to keep the problems....

Other cultures are following the same pattern, have gone from gold
and silver to less limited forms of economic evils... and lost all
their beauty and past and future in the process...

Will world government fix the problem? Hardly, its just going to give
the bad guys everyone as universal victims with no place to escape to,
and a technocult level system to aid in the abuse... when I was
younger, and even more idealistic, the United Nations sounded really
good to me... but now that I am older I realize consolidation of
power isnt at all a good idea.... its a recipe for disaster... And
only will lead to worsening the human condition while pretending to
improve it....

Sad, but true.......

If you truely want a better reality, the direction to head is the
opposite tack... more laws more problems, less laws, less problems,
and every man his own El Zorro.....

Its like my son said about living in the US now, he just imagines it
an extension of Robin hood's era, with the sheriff of Nottingham and
his bullies with patrol cars etc..... they too have lost the beauty,
and kept the problems, out with the baby, in with the bath water....

anyway, its daylight now, the rain has gone, and I can see all the
obsticals in my way.. gone are the dark clouds that had me blind...
its gonna be a bright, bright sun shiny day.... right after

Looks to me like we're going to get to the heavens the hard way, a
few brutally trashed survivors, because everybody else was too
fucking stupid to use the brains, guts, and hearts they were given....

Life is short, youre going to be dead a long long time, and the money
wont do you any good..

But it will do incredible amounts of evil...

Sent from my mobile device

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Blog entry; Saturday 24th October 2009.......

Morning, still raining lightly, I sent out emails, did dishes at the
spring, and built a fire.. Got food on..

Thinking about how to advise folks on survival in light of the mega
quake etc....

first, I'd say get out of your rut, and move as far south as you can
by any means... collecting gold will seem stupid in comparison....

then I'd say get back into the brush somewhere and begin growing and
stockpiling food & water...

after that I'd say work on your mobility via focus on minimalism...
constantly upgrade your refugee pack etc. have the best you can

Also get in good physical shape, by walking everywhere....

then I'd say get in touch with nature, live low, its good practice....

the key to survival is inheriently in minimalism... also location....
ground zero or there abouts is obviously fatal.... for the mega
quake I think the best possible location is on solid rock... also
get some good distance from sea level....

another thing I forgot to mention in last posting is the effects of
mega quake on ice, Greenland and Antarctica ice will get busted up,
and with both continents being pushed down below sea level, and to
recieve Tsunamis, chances are theres going to be alot of ice washed
into the sea all at once... Definitely flooding coastal cities and

this water will be highly radioactive, thanks to runoff from the
nuclear fallout and the busted up nuclear power plants on coasts and

say a prayer for the dolphins and whales... Great spirit collect their
innocent souls......

water supplies in creeks and streams could become toxic due to mineral
releases in the rock formations... My guess is the safest water other
than stored will be from areas with limestone bedrock and clay
overburden.... limestone isnt as toxic as some geologies, and clay
is a good filter, for fallout etc.

definitely have iodine, and take it when the shit hits.... for
radiation poisoning of the thyroid...

think about fires... its going to be an extreme burn off......

also think about portable shelter for after the quake, at least some
truck tarp....

bury some food stashes, in gasketed containers... locate the stashes
in places you think you can still find after the mega quake...

build any construction you do as stong and flexible as possible, also
keep weight to lower areas....

grow alot of root crops, thet'll still be there in the ground after a
burn off....

practice fasting ocasionaly to learn how to deal with hunger mentally...

learn to center yourself.....

become honest in your self apraisal..... realize your chances of
survival are small, but that giving up makes death certain...

collect into a group of like minded people... its going to be like
war, where its your buddies save your ass repeatedly and vice

keep your kids as safe as possible... teach them all you can in case
something happens to you...

learn to make and repair things....

know the chances of humanity waking up in time are slim...

Realize that there is hope no matter what... there will be the alien
arrival after the quake, and they will be looking for survivors.. I
suggest you have signalling devices, flares, mirrors, smoke producing
materials, and lasers...

get into solar energy and have rechargable batteries...

get into ham radio and acquire gear, especially low power and more
portable stuff.. the hams that survive will be up.....

and having communication does help you mentally even if they cant help
you personally due to distance.....

prepare to cry alot.... youre likely to be extremely torn up by
losses.... realize whats going to happen ahead of time so you know
what it is and how to deal with it with out going mentally null....

be prepared to die......

but if you have to die, die right! Trying as hard as you can to
survive and to save others... there is no shame in a good death.....
And we all die....

dont believe a word the government tells you... you might as well
listen to talking leaches....

Be prepared to fight to the death to protect yourself, your family,
and your resources...

Learn survival skills best by living them daily..

get humble...

Learn to listen well, to others, who my be trying to warn you... also
learn to listen literally to nature, I'm near sighted and quit
wearing glasses, and now can hear even minute sounds that are out of
place around me... think about deer and other wild animals, very good
listeners, its an important survival trait....

Keep you body weight down and agility up, agility is better than muscle.....

keep you body as clean as possible... To aviod infections etc.

keep your feet dry...

learn to look first and react second....

withdraw all support possible from the system, and help as many others
as possible to survive... you will be judged on these issues if you

only speak truth....

its a costly habbit, but it's punishments invariably set you up
better for whats coming...

learn martial arts and primitive weapons skills...

learn how to make your own weapons and gear as much as is practical...

learn what you dont really need in your diet... when I first started
into semi-vegetarianism I worried about it, that my health might
Too much programming from a milk and meat economic system... What
happened actually is I got healthier by dumping the face stuffing with
rich foods...

its a war folks, a war for group and individual survival.... war is
won with mercy....

stock extra stuff for others.... its one of the reasons I have my
knife hobby... So I can pass out extras after the fact...

forget wealth....

dont allow yourself to be chipped... Better to die first....

learn from nature... an example, when the army ants come, the red
nocturnal ants grab their larvae and run and hide... good plan....

Quit watching TV, its mental masturbation, use the time to learn things.....

take up mentally calming hobbies, I find learning to play my guitar
gets me into an almost meditation state, very nice for a person with
a serious internal dialog problem....

learn not to assume anything...

learn to forgive.....

keep your Karma clean, the resulting bad luck from bad karma is the
last thing you need in whats coming...

avoid hypocrisy.. it stinks....

focus on basics and fundamentals...
complication invariably leads to problems...

build your trip from the most basic thing upwards...

if this farm sells, I'm planning on getting into mechanized organic
agriculture... but I wont be giving away my hoe....

I consider mechanical or electical tools as tempory... and try to use
them most often to help me boot more fundamental stuff... Like
yesterday doing knives with my generator and grinder.. I spent a
couple hours working on bettering $2 knives with spendy gas, and
tools that cost hundreds of dollars... am I crazy? You bet......

Live natural & eat organic..

This week I heard a program on aspertane...
Serious connections to all kinds of very ugly problems, including diabetis....

And I remembered my uncle Bill, he was a Hawaiin guy, happy camper,
better to me than my own parents, Took us kids everywhere kids love
to go; camping, to museums, the library, baseball games, was a great
father and husband type, I've never seen better.... Not perfect, but
damn good.... and I remembered the guy loved diet Pepsi....

well he got diabetis, went blind, and they cut his legs off, so he
gave up and died....

God damn those fucking bastards that sell such shit...

If people didn't eat it a thousand years ago, it aint food.....

For every step away from nature theres a price you pay.. for every
step back toward nature there are benefits regained.......

neoindigenism is where its at folks.....

the rest is toxic vanity......

I heard a couple weeks back cupcakes were in style.... a fashion
accessory..... thats real Marie Antonette..... "let them eat
cupcakes like we do!"

I think I'll stick with the corn muffins, thank you, they dont give me
a fat ass......

I think some women would be better off having their head lyposuctioned
out..... might help with the vanity problem......

Sent from my mobile device

Blog entry; Saturday 24th October 2009..........

Morning, daybreak,

just waking up, feeling OK....

slept well, its a drippy morning, life in a rain forest......

Pondering the nuclear winter/mega quake thesis,
wondering just how much smoke and dust would go into the atmosphere in
a major nuclear exchange... thinking definitely enough to cause a
sudden temperature drop within a matter of days...

Nuclear flash would set off forest fires, cause firestorms in the
debris of rubbled cities, and that multiple strikes in places like
missile silos could actually cause cracking in the crustal plates and
weakening from extensive cratering.... also there would be a lot of
water vapor thrown up from hits at sea from anti submarine warfare
etc... and all happen pretty much at once.... definitely not good...
definitely a real possibility of enough cooling to cause thermal
shock, plus the refrigeration effect of recondensing water vapor...

no, I dont think bunkers would do much good...

my guess is the heat release from nukes and firestorms would be
nothing in comparison to the cooling effect, and at best only delay
the quake slightly.... basically what we have is an undeniable
extension of the mutual assured destruction logic, into another
entire magnitude....

one would expect to see artic like temperatures over most of the
northern hemisphere....

one of the reasons I moved to the tropics was the nuclear winter
effect.. i've lived in Artic type temperatures for a two year period..
Its no joke...

this would also create a major temperature difference between north
and south hemispheres, i.e. More imbalance... and could certainly add
up to enough to trigger a massive effect on the planet...

And I seriously doubt that Fat bankers would be much at surviving the

also there would be electrical discharges, like EMP, and the piezio
electrical from the quake and resulting volcanism, and from static
electric charges from the sudden extreme drop in humidity due to
cooling of water vapor... This would effect the entire atmosphere,
with north and south hemisphe becomming effective poles of a planetary
battery, very likely to have serious effects on Ozone etc....

Its not a good idea.... I think actually fixing the social problems
would be far better....

the reasons for the war at root, are over who gets to control
what... boy, theres some petty vanity multiplied by extreme hubris,
like vampires fighting over their poor victim; us common folk and the
planet's resources they want to control....

very childish thinking to the extreme.....

especially considering its people who have a bit more than they
actually need already, hogging resources to the point a large
portion of the population of the planet is literally starving to

none of it makes ANY sense......

My, arent we insane.....

so the point becomes going along with the status quo as it is, will be
most certainly a form of suicide...

And I dont think more rigged elections, and more fake fixes, more
comfy mainstream propaganda, and more following such sickos is going
to stop it....

Great spirit help us, because we are certainly in dire straits.....

best become your own leaders folks, and exodus out of the system
entirely.... Because she's gonna blow.....

I dont think a water filter, some freeze dried food, and a stack of
gold coins is going to do much for you... especially with your house

adios humanity....

a diablo is more like it......

and all we have to do is change ourselves mentally, a new paradigm in
human thinking, to stop it...

hell is the truth realized to late...

The great delusion is terminal, no two ways about it, and that means
you, & you & you....

"If these days were not cut short, for the sake of the elect, there
would be no flesh left alive.."

sounds fairly extreme.....

will I be listened to? or just dismissed as a nut case?

I've observed human nature over & over, people are insistantly stupid....

the root word of ignorance is ignore....

Well, Einstien was wrong, human stupidity isnt infinte.... because
effect eventually catches up with cause.... our stupidity is
incredible, and our ability to survive it is nominal...

I appreciate the warnings in the bible, somebody went to great
extremes to try and help us.... Many even to horrible deaths at the
hands of vipers on two legs....

we have been warned.....

and instead of listening & believing, it was made into a system of
religions all bickering over control and money and who is most right
about something that the bickerers dont grasp the main point of....
how will it all seem to the few left standing when its over? I doubt
they will be much inclined to kick back for a beer and watch a ball

will johnny sixpack & suzie office slut spend much time on the couch
together watching sitcoms and fighting over money related aspects?

I dont think so......

Will their kid's reprt card seem a worthy issue?

will their vanities seem so important?

so yeah, just go along with the system, just prepare for a short era
of chaos...

and see what really happens....

a cry from the wilderness is all this is... a coyote yapping on a mountain....

somebody with nothing better to do than think up crazy shit...

laugh yourselves to death folks, literally.....

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