Thursday, October 29, 2009

Blog entry; Thursday 29th 2009....

Morning, midnight actually, woke, lit candle for misquitos...

woke rested, and have a topic in my mind... Its one I've touched on before...

One of the things in my life that I have noticed, is a growing
attitude related to education.... When I was a kid, college or
university level education was more rare in american culture... and I
learned it had been even more rare before the G.I. Bill era after
world war two... in fact, the military in the US was and is set up
on a two tier system of rank, that is dependent upon education,
surely the americanized version of the old feudal system of military
rank according to social class... When I was in the Navy, I and
everybody else who was enlisted had our noses thoroughly rubbed in
that social class distinction in what is nominally supposed to be a
classless society in the US...

This was my first taste of the educated elite....

I just assumed it was an isolated anomoly of the military... and the
officers also were broken down into two classes, OCS, and ring

OCS having gone thru officer's cantidate system, and ring knockers
thru Annapolis... The ring knockers got their name from their class
rings, and that supposedly officers from /anapolis would tap their
ring to remind OCS types of it when discussing a point, i.e. i'm
better than you....

there was also a third class of quasi officers; warrant officers, who
had come up thru the ranks, there seemed to be two types of these;
type one was just decent people with a higher intelligence, type two
were extreme suck ups, and were the worst of all officers... you
could count on them to backstab the enlisted class at every
opportunity to advance their own appearances.....

when I got out of the military, and into the working world, I began
to realize that the class distinction also was permiating civil
society, and that there were also three basic levels, high school
grads, college grads, and "better" university grads, the ring
knockers of the civilian world...

It didnt take too long to figure out it was money related.. that
there was a tier system going on in the supposedly classless society,
that it's roots were economic, and it's superficia was education...

all thru my working career I observed a growing phenomina, that
experienced management, i.e. The civilian version of decent warrant
officers, were being replaced systematically by educated types, and
newer experienced types being overlooked in process.....

I also observed these new management types have some other
distinguishing characteristics, one they tended to have near zero
experience and understanding of the job's reality.. two, they tended
to be highly concious of their own elite status... And three, they
tended to be less than honest... and four, they had no practical
experience, nor any desire to obtain any.. and so are effectively
foundationless supervisory specialists...

and herein lies my point....

I and my buddy were both raised on farms, and both had higher than
normal IQ's... Growing up on a farm, you learn alot of things by
osmosis, and you tend to become a keen generalist....

We both ended up working for public agencies, and we tended to
compare notes at night on the phone... two distinct goverment

It became obvious to us both that the newer educated management types
didnt know shit in comparison to the older experienced types, and
that they were arrogant, and liars, and suck ups, and thought they
were better than every one else....

In other words, they didnt know their fields, got their job via
connections and nepotism, education was used as the excuse for hiring
them, and they tended to band up with similar worthless liar
management types, and hire even more like themselves, and never never
promote any of the experienced types into management....

This in a nutshell, is what has happened to the US.....

we now have a neo nobility of such types, who dont know their ass from
a hole in the ground, suck up all the money possible, and try to run
the place on divine rule principles, and who have a sleaze

which explains why the US is in dire straits now... its become
universal in the culture... And the workers hate them, mistrust them
for good reason, and are unable to help them due to their stupidity
and arrogance...

if you wonder why america is soon to collapse, look at this one
aspect.... incompetant and corrupt management, that has roots in
education being used to walk a stealth elite class system in a
classless society....

These people are really stupid.... and all they know is to try to
tell others what to do.... its like if you took green Ensigns and
made them all Captains & Admirals.... and got rid of the experienced

not going to fare well in the wars of life in the modern era... The
professional management class are completely trashing the country in a
single generation... even the communists bureaocrats in the USSR
didnt do that... At least it took them longer if they did....

and this explains the current mindset of the government and their
corporate buddys that together make up the neo-fascism reality....

its why they try to mandate absurd and socially unacceptable laws....

and it is about to come head to head with the body politic...

and remember their qualifications; ignorance, arrogance, and dishonesty....

I dont think they will do well when the paradigm shift happens and the
violence starts thats been caused by their own stupidity and

They are about to set off a civil war collectively, and I suspect
they will quickly become its prime victims...

the moral of the story, is if you have an educational system that
produces incomplete management types, political correctness is no
replacement for competence and integrity..

I will also make a prediction; that the hardest phase of the civil
war will be getting past the paradigm of the status quo being
obeyed... and the minute the military, police, and the population at
large realize there is a new paradigm backing the rebels, the old
status quo of arrogant drones will crumple like toilet paper....

Because working for the type has been a universal experience... and
no one has any respect for them...

The new world order is at its roots based on this incompetance...
pseudo leadership.......

now my point; education is not equal to experience, and seems to
foster much much arrogance than gaining experience does...

Those who cannot do, teach... those who learn from such teachers in
turn, cannot do..
If you cannot do, you cannot effectively manage, you can only pretend
to, and cause problems...

neither a degree nor a job title is equal to experience.. the
culture in large part is collapsing due to emphasis being placed more
on social class via the medium of education, and less on actual
experience and resulting good sense...

Sent from my mobile device

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