Saturday, October 3, 2009

Blog entry; Saturday, 2nd, October, 2009............

Morning, midnight actually,
mosquitos woke me, so I got up and lit some dry coconut husks for a smudge....

Was awake thinking about the technocult, and how we have high levels
of drone toxicity....

It costs more now in Oregon just to get a building permit, than what
my grandfather spent to build his house....

and things like residency, and marriage for foriegn nationals? Absurd
levels of cost and paperwork for something that really isnt the
business of anyone except the person doing it...

Its like the Guaymi Indians, they have to get written permission to
cross the border to visit their family on the other side.... Gee? Who
and the fuck are the governments that they should require that? The
Guaymi were only here living maybe
10,000 years before the latins showed up to manage their lives for
them.... at constant fees mind you.....

Are white people any different? is the Beast government any more
legitiment at running my life than it is anybody elses? this whole
concept of government has gone way, way, way too far, and I think
we're about to prove that with a world wide economic collapse leading
into the Apocalypse.... we could call it the Apocalypse of the
bureauostacracy? basically we have more bean counters than beans
coming over the horizon... and they generally count our beans best
as they pop them into their mouths......

Thats what its all about you know; a free lunch program for people
too good to grow their own corn & beans.... guess they never studied

there is no free lunch, sooner or later you end up paying somehow...
in the case of the mega-drones, they get to pay thru the nose when the
mega-quake comes and grinds them up and presses the shit out of them
under their ivory towers of vanity.... and squeezes the blood out of
the turnip heads and the stupid sheep who believed what was normal was
also right and good...

Personally I have a hard time imagining the head space of anyone who
thinks they have the rights to run the lives of millions of other
people for any reason...

Boy, now there is some extreme arrogance & vanity.... the emperors of
old werent shit in comparison to modern tyrants...

We now have tyrants over billions...

But the real rules have never changed, when the overload of drones
stealing and drinking the blood of the people goes too far, social
collapse sets in, and eventually they get theirs...

In whats coming the collapse is litteral as well as social.... You
couldn't get them to beileve any of it of course...

one of my realizations of late, is that our anscestors in biblical
times seemed to better understand the sky gods phenomina much better
than we do... must have been more obvious to them when the ill omened
stars appeared overhead, and strange people fell out of them, or used
"stairs" to come down and twiddle with humanity.....

I doubt Jacobs ladder had any steps, no stairway to heaven, but
considering it was awhile before the age of machines, the device
likely picked up its name from the ladder leaning against the
as in Amos 9;6 "He who is building in the heavens
his stairs and his structures over the earth."

Those people appear to understand better than most do today.....

I think its easier to understand the unbelievable if you see it, than
to believe the understandable if you dont....

i.e. they were boggled by seeing things in the sky, but had no choice
but to believe their own eyes...

while we in modern times could see the same artifacts, and understand
what they were instantly, if we saw them, but because we cant see them
ourselves, and only have ancient accounts, we refuse to believe they
exist, or that the warnings left are anything but supersticion and a
profitable free lunch program for the priesthood.....

one of many free lunch programs now in operation.....

but none of that alters the validity of the warnings....

An interesting thing about the woman on the bus the other day who
brought up the fact that the apocalypse was upon us, is that what
brought it up, was she was talking about government, the conversation
had drifted from how worthless and lazy younger women are, to
disapline, and she'd smacked one of her daughters, and the
"Patronato" (read; CSD) had come to her house... she was in total
derision about the agency drones, and said yeah, and they wanted
money! as if she had any to spare for the assholes, and from the gist
of things, I think she told them to fuck off, and they went in search
of easier victims....

so then she pops up with the statement about the Apocalypse... after
drones comes the apocalypse, as natural as honey after bees....

So if an uneducated Campesina can make the mental connection between
drone-ism and collapse, it doesnt say much about about a highly
educated elite who cant....

Which leads me to wonder what the sky gods are going to do with people
who actually worked for the beast goverments? you know the very ones
who trashed the planet.... do you suppose their minions will get
lengthy trials and copius clemency? or maybe just get the laser
treatment to shorten the process and shorten the lines of those being
processed... might be like the killing fields of Cambodia; who are
you, and what do you have to say for yourself? And make it snappy, we
have another couple million to fry today...

I dont think long stories about saving kids from disapline by
collecting money from their parents will be much of a successful
ploy... worked for the government? Zot!, sizzle, plop.......

no, glad I dont work for the government..

been there, done that, shitheads on high are real shitheads...

I dont work for governments any more, I work trying to warn people
about whats coming.... and try to get them to "rethink themselves"...
(called; "repent" by the priesthood of free lunches)

So what do you suppose will happen to those who worked processing
people out of their livelyhoods in trade for pieces of paper that were
permissions to have a life? those fat paychecks might not seem such
a good idea as you saw fried bodies pile up ahead of you...

later; day now, went back to sleep for awhile...
So, I have a day home alone w/the dog, nothing on my agenda besides
my routines of cooking etc...

Did get to listen to short wave last night w/my new rechargable
batteries, it was all repeat programs, and so nothing new.... the
world is going to shit due to liars... Some are starting to wake up,
I hear less badmouthing of liberals on rightwing programs.... that
was Linbaugh's legacy, he programmed a bunch of rednecks how to hate
real good.... most of whom were supposed to be desciples of JC, who
kinda preached the opposite tack.......

the paradigm isnt groups at the bottom against each other, its the
more honest folk against the more dishonest types.... And its more a
struggle for mass personal enlightenment, than a pointing fingers
exercise..... some of those instinctual liars, killers and thieves
types could look in the mirror, and realize where it was taking them,
and decide to grow up.... nasty little children.......

I feel thankfull for what I've realized.... I have a chance now,
have been fixing myself pretty good in this last year... hasnt been
easy, but then the problems were pretty bad and went back a long
ways.... Half the battle is in realizing what other people have done
to you is less important than just learning to get along fine
alone.... I think humans are like needy little monkeys, and its
hard for them to realize the way to keep other monkeys from shitting
on you, is to not need them.....

And when it comes to people in your past, who have done you serious
damage, best to let it go, its like carrying a boat anchor high into
the mountains......

I think its better to learn what you dont really need, than to focus
on what you think you do...

Getting by with less, is easier than packing more and more thru life.....

I have a suspicion that those instigating the money pumps will have a
hard time when it all fails & falls.... I dont need to do anything to
them, I just need to focus on getting my own trip in order......

Sent from my mobile device

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