Monday, October 19, 2009

Blog entry; Monday 19th October 2009.........

Tyranny continued.....

So, what do I think is the right thing to do about the encroaching tyranny?

Oh, its been long known, every brave new world has those who wish to
live outside of the fences...

I want to live where the sky meets the horizon...

I want to be left alone by control freaks...

I want my home to be for family, friends, and invited guests...

I do not want to be bothered by official anyone.....

I do not need to be identified, I can politely identify myself thankyou....

The biggest thieves use the small thieves as an excuse to steal the
most possible from the most honest.....

I see it all as a waiting game, the universe is ruled by letting
things take their course....

I have oft been the victim of injustices, its how I got here, up on a
mountain, living under a tarp roof, cooking over an open fire...
every injustice lead to realizations and reactions and actions... I
left the US 15 years ago because I was sick of the sickness.... now
people who laughed at me, and some who helped abuse me scramble to
also put some distance between themselves and the awakening monster of
a reality.... Some thought I was crazy, they now follow my

the answer to Tyranny is to physically leave... the sooner the
better, because tyranny invariably collapses, and most often has a
violent ending.....

To escape tyranny is sanity....

"He who stays endures."

he who leaves experiences freedom and adventure and learning.....

How many fiction novels do you suppose are based on the theme of
someone refusing to submit to tyranny and setting out on their own?

well, this blog is a long hajira..... a quest for personal freedom,
an expression of hope to help others by publishing my mental process &

I have time to think, I have time to go crazy and refind sanity... I
have time to learn... I have time to do nothing at all....

One of the rewards of not supporting the system is increased liesure...

If you add up taxes and the costs of working, you'll find little
left to justify the bother....
It used to be bad, now its gotten worse, and soon much much worse.....

Those Indians in Bolivia arent stupid... They realized the big lie
wasnt working for them, and they're going back to what does...

Ditto for those in the US etc. Now beginning to migrate back to the land....

The Mega quake is no joke... i heard a person on short wave admit
yesterday earthquakes were getting stronger & more frequent....

and its why I spent time discussing quake resistant construction
concepts... That I have realized from years of thinking about the

being ahead of the curve allows one to help others...

anyway, going on three in the morning, I have a fire going, its a
nice night... daylight in a couple hours, with its usual

Camping full time is a good life.... better than being part of the
system was.......

Our elite are just sure they know whats best for you... what do you
think? what would you rather do? stay a bored slave or free
yourselves by unshackeling yourselves from your vanities?

The world is still wide... Its open and free... Farmers in Nepal
using cooperative micro-loans will soon have a better life than those
working in cities... there will be more food on the table, better
blankets on the bed, happier & healthier children..

abandon the cities... leave the elite in their ivory towers to await
the fall.... find some sky to park yourself under.. learn some
crafts, grow big gardens, set up co-ops, keep your baggage light,
keep your mobility.....

pull your children our of public schools, strive to better your own
habits... turn the tide starting inside....

I hear them talking about carbon tax, i.e. They are about to start
taxing everything you buy, or do, or think, or shit...
Gee? We got where we are now, i.e. In deep shit, by paying taxes to
the bastards, do you think more taxes will fix anything?

I said long ago in this blog that we needed to start untaxing things,
untax what doesnt polute..

well of course they know better than me..... so prepare for deeper
poverty, and more control....

I suggest you start untaxing yourselves...

how? pull out of the system, make 100% self sufficiency your goal,
and do it stealth... the neoindigenous concept provides the key...

quit buying vanity, and start buying your freedom... choke the
fucking bastards off, by following the Bolivian Indian's example....
dont cooperate with drones, act stupid, get smart, hide everything,
especially food and daughters, and sons for that matter, because all
they can see is fucking them up with public school mindwashing social
programs, using them for sex, using them for cannon fodder, and
using them for body parts, and burying whats left....

"Dig tunnels deep, hide food everywhere." (Mao)

Sent from my mobile device

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