Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Blog entry; Wednesday 28th October 2009........

morning, going on three....

just woke... thinking about the instinctual liars, killers, & thieves...

Now, the Tao states that a good soldier is not violent..... so what
about leaders? would it be good for leadership to be inheriently

If one studies human history, it becomes obvious that wars are
endemic.. if one reads the newspaper its obvious that people kill
each other...

Pretty amazing if you think about it... its a big planet, plenty of
space and resources for everybody to do fine, get along etc. and
even in ancient times constant warfare... why?

Well, it isnt because the average person thinks killing is a fun and
interesting hobby.. surely no shortage of violence portrayed on
video, but its not something everybody likes to watch...

it can be used in video to up the fear or excitement level of a plot,
but if its used too much the potential audience starts dropping off,
and you end up with a sub group who is attracted to violence or

in other words its not universal in the human genome..

And we have seen both in history & in very modern times that its quite
common for political leadership to lie to its people to be able to
start a war... I suspect if you have two peoples living seperated by
geography and no contact, lying is prerequisite to getting them to
start killing each other..

And in the bible, in Genesis, killing and lying are connected in the
story of Cain & Able......

And there is a Zen saying to the effect that one should avoid liars as
they are capable of doing anything, thinking they can justify it..
with lies...

I think the human genome is variable in both liars and killers....
but that the ones most likely to lie, are the ones most likely to

Then consider the ego factor... and the tail of the Rat; Greed... if
you think about prison populations, who is supposed to be there?
isnt honest folk...

its liars, killers, and the greedy....

But we seem to have a two tier reality..... as Bucky Fuller pointed
out, Government is a protection racket, and in his writings he gives
an example of how civilisation started with farmers and raiders...

so what we have in effect, is two seperate classes of humans, one
using the threat of violence or actual violence to control the other,
and also using lies... we call this government.... It also used to
be called; the hereditary warrior class......

In modern times they have moved more into business & economics, and
in so doing have become more stealthy, i.e. another form of lie.....

For liars to succeed, they require fools.....

but what happens if the hereditary fools get wise?

I would suspect the liars to attempt a diversion, by starting a war,
doing alot of killing, covering their own tracks... killing no doubt
becomes easier the more you do it, and its a known fact it becomes
addictive to some abberant minds.....

Now the current economic woes have a greed/lie connection....... fiat
currency? you mean false currency... Dirivatives? you mean an item
considered wealth, in this case credit slave IOU's, or contracts sold
and resold, until their value has been pumped up to more than the
actual value of
everything on the planet? I think thats fraud by definition... Who
commits fraud? liars?

Politics? the word is a synonym for liars......

Holy spirit? a spirit of truthfullness, now as repackaged & resold
by religions as dirivatives have been by bankers and insurance

are we seeing a pattern yet?

and when they start their smoke screen nuclear war, are you going to
believe them?

Will they have Bush & Cheney back on TV as "guest Liars?" (good chance)......

What will happen to you and the people you care about in a nuclear
war? will the war stay confined to your TV?

Are you going to sit there and listen to the lies until the building
you are sitting in is crushed by a detonation wave right after the big

Lets see, incredibly bright flash, TV goes off, and seconds later
your body looks like a roadkill in a pile of burning rubble that used
to be your house payment....

Do you have any kids? Grandkids?
Do you give a shit about anyone other than yourself?

Would you want that to happen to even your dog?

Then why do you continue to buy into it all?

either you are really really stupid, or you believe a big lie, or both....

Like the Zen saying, the path to wisdom begins with the realisation
you are a fool....

Have I ever been successfully lied to?
A man is only as good as his word...
a good Scout Tells the truth...

Wake up dear person, and smell the Napalm.....

What do you suppose instinctual liars, killers & thieves think of
peaceful protests? are they likely impressed, or do they just have
their hired guns suppress them?

"Some wear gorgeous clothes,
carry sharp swords,
And indulge themselves with food and drink;
They have more possessions than they can use.
They are robber barons.
This is certainly not the way of of Tao."

Where are we? the end game... where the instinctual liars, killers,
and thieves become terminal, and take their victims with them...

Just pop the top on another beer, and change channels... That will fix
things... belch, fart, another trip to the refrigerator for the fat
slave off duty....

Or maybe its another icecream and cup cake for a pudgy painted &
perfumed princess couch potatoe? change channels to another romance?
Dream you are a rich little bitch....and beautiful, in a life of
extreme vanity..

Wake up!

your house, or whats left of it, is soon to be on fire, and your
children burning.....

or they could be in a rubbled school.....

Or they could be out in the sticks, but to make that possible you
might have to give something up...

Do nothing, and deserve what you get....
Do something and get a different future outcome....

So which will it be? Rubbled cities, radioactive continents?

Or some Vampires caught in the spotlights?

you decide with your actions...
its your movie......

Sent from my mobile device

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