Monday, October 5, 2009

Blog entry; Monday 5th October 2009.............


morning, dawn in the offing.....

Have been thinking the last couple days about what I heard on BBC
about Columbia, that the Paramilitary death squads all these years
were financed by local business types, that they were mercenaries who
did masecres of poor people to get them to abandon homes and land, so
that the wealthier elements could do a land and resources grab for

it filled in a missing piece of the big puzzle... I had thought that
the paramilitary groups were an offshoot of the rightwing

well I was both right and wrong at the same time...

And I have realized Fascism is much more insidious than I ever dreamed......

in fact, Fascism is everything, everything is Fascism......

in other words, all the genocides, all the police states, in human
history have an element of local Fascism down to an almost grass
roots level...

Be it the disappeared of Argentina, Stalins Gulags, or Nazi Death
camps, or your local FEMA detention centers, or be it Zembabawe, or
death squads in Guatemala, its not just Government thats the cause,
its the rightwing suit & tie business types who are the root and vine
of the problem...

historically no difference between Genocide of Native indigenous
populations, and herding them onto reservations, and Prisons for
profit on TV.....

Basically economics is a preditory game, and the creation of wealth
also produces an equal amount of poverty, but that isnt all.... it
creates an elite class down to the small town business lunch types...
no difference between Henry Kissenger and the guys in the lions
club...... its all the same types, and they impoverish their
victims, and then when crime levels rise due to diminished
opportunity, the police state is instituted, and the Gulag, prisons
for profit, and labor camps begin.....

when does it end? with the storming of the Bastille, and the Guillotines.......

its all one folks.....

all human history, all the wars, all the slavery, all the genocides,
all boil down to the average types believing the big lie, thinking its
good and normal, and finding their place as a cog in the gearing of
the great monster machine called civilisation....

It isnt just the ultra rich, not just big bankers, not just the
Iluminati, not just politicians, not just Jews, Not Muslims, not
communism, not Capitalism, its all the same..... and it goes down to
small town merchants, and big farmers doing agri-biz, or their Ranch
owning equivalents........

the love of money really is the root of all evil...

What does it mean? it means you are trapped in a nightmare... And the
only way out is self sufficiency...

that to stop the beast from destroying the planet, you have to quit
buying things...

have you ever heard of "Consumer confidence"?

Thats double speak for; "Victim Gullibility".....

In other words I've been on the right trail with my neoindigenous
concepts, I just didnt know how right.....

When you buy something, anything, all you are doing is enslaving
yourself & enslaving others....

The more materialistic you are, the more you feed the monster, the
more children you throw into the burning arms of Balaal.... the more
victims you march in lines of thousands to the top of the pyramids to
have their living hearts cut out, to run the blood gutters, and fill
the meat market with flesh.....

its all the same game.... always has been....

and always will be as long as you support it with your purchasses.....

Why were indiginous peoples exterminated? for their lands and
resources, surely, but also because they had cultures that allowed
them a quality life without buying very much....

Modern people laugh at indians who bought hachets, mirrors, knives,
sewing needles, and rifles, but the main point is missed.... thats
all they really needed.....

So we cant have that continuing can we? minimalism in a consumer
based civilisation!

lets denegrate and assassinate.....

Counter culture of the 60's and 70's? same trip, its focus on back
to the land, gardening, crafts etc. meant it was a threat to even the
local micro-fascists, who were who began bad mouthing them.......

eventually they were exterminated by their own women thinking little
jane and johnny needed to go to public school to be properly

now they dont have enough brains left to find the grateful dead concert....

And so we approach the end game; world government, read; "Fascist Planet"......

Chip the cattle..... march the excess into labor/death camps, burn
the bodies all neat and tidy, so the others dont realize the big

Its what the bible is all about, its what our progenitors tried to
warn us of.... its the only game on earth.... its all you know....

my advice? same as always; reduce baggage, get minimalistic, get
self sufficient, scatter... best take up hiding too! arm up, get
back to what really works on the family level, and when things get
ugly, know it isnt government thats your enemy, they are only the
enforcers... the real enemy is the merchant class, and you can kill
them by weaving your own blanket, or just by realizing you dont need
more and more and more, and instead just getting what you do need, and
petering off on the consumerism, and booting up the mobility and self

Sent from my mobile device

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