Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sunday, October 3rd,2009.................

Morning, sun just coming over the mountain....

slept really well, until almost dawn, full moon setting as I woke....
blue sky this morning....

got fire going a few minutes ago, have been searching in the bible
for clues, did find a passage I have used talking to locals ect.
Before; Revelations 11:18 "and to bring to ruin those ruining the

What I get out of the bible is continuous warnings against bad
actions, and that it comes back on those doing the bad actions....
Simple cause & effect packaged in a complicated form....

bad actions bringing bad luck...

and that its the humble honest types who escape....

I heard a bit from BBC yesterday on latest quake in Sumatra....
houses/villages burried by mudslides etc. roads broken up until
unpassable, etc. And that was only a 7 plus Richter.....

Fissures in the earth, and the entire wedding party of 400 swallowed up...

a woman who survived and lost no one, so fear stricken she was bawling
and could hardly speak, said it was so bad she thought it was the end
of the world....

hey folks, whats the big one going to be like?

And some one was kind enough to go to extreme effort & leave us a warning?

I think I'd be acting, preparing...

meanwhile talk of Olympic games in Rio de Janero?
Are the wealthy going to be offered armored car tours of the shanty
towns as part of the tourism package? See the results of their own
handiwork? and call it unfortunate? a third of The population
living on less than a dollar a day, and their Government will spend
Billions kissing the asses of the planet's wealthy, providing them
with a circus, an entertainment adventure, so they wont have to be
too bored in their Ivory towers all around the planet......

Whats wrong with this picture?

And will you be watching at home, comfy around your TV? imagining
yourself rich enough to be there in person, watching sweaty people
try to become famous enough to never want again.....

My, my arent we arrogant and haughty.......

its the imbalances...... that will trash us.....

And Stars fighting from their orbits? What could that be? Anyone
seen star wars?

I think I'd take the warnings seriously.......

best be working on that bug out kit... Best be thinking about which
way the wind blows from nuclear power plants..... best be getting out
of Babylon while the getting is good...

Best get humble....

Can you imagine all the cities on the planet falling like the twin
towers at one time? if a quake that extreme happens planet wide,
there will be enough plate boundary friction to cause extreme amounts
of volcanism, and piezo electrical lightning storms, both of which
will start forest fires etc. not to mention the burning cities and
burning nuke plants.... and the Tsunamis? 80%
of humanity lives within 5 meters of sea level....

its going to be a stinking mess 5 minutes after the fact...

I think a wise man would have a life out of town, build a shelter easy
to re-erect etc. on yesterday's report from Sumatra there was a
comment about people having already built shelters out of scraps of

it is a priority...

my advice? Same as always; get out, dig in, grow your own staple
foods, arm up, prepare on all levels...

warning signs? wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes and famines in
one place after another... you gotta know the times...

well, we have food shortages, we have the quakes, wars too, nothing
missing except enough time for the big one to happen...

do you suppose the women I talked to the other day on the bus will
remember me telling them about the palm fruit soup? you bet, when
they are hungry they will....

there wont be anyone starving here.... its why I came to the
tropics, food and water and warmth....

could get cold with no house and no electricity in the northern lands....

folks the Apocalypse isnt just a fable..... Its a warning of what
happens if you imbalance an ecosystem planet wide.....

Gee? Do you suppose a carbon tax will be enough? Or will it just be
putting more money into the hands of the elite?

The endless want of more & more will eventually get you to where you
have nothing....

Sent from my mobile device

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