Friday, October 30, 2009

Blog entry; Thursday 29th October 2009......

Evening, drifted off to sleep listening to short wave.. did hear an
interesting Ham radio buff's program, learned there is a crystal radio
club online, and that people are even making short wave crystal
radios, something I've long wondered about, and wanted to build...
Crystal radios being absolute minimalism and requiring no power

so I will be searching soon for their website, hoping its not too
complicated to access, I usually cant get on websites, their sign in
shit is absurd... ask questions I dont have a clue what they are
about... they never work for me, I just wish they'd mind their own
business, and just make it easy to use... webpages seem to be
invariably laid out to be a pain in the ass, and nothing seems to
work.. but they look nice, and I guess thats what really counts
right? Its not if they are any good for anything, its the vanity
foremost culture....

anyway, thinking I might be able to afford a crystal shortwave...
likely cost more to do than I can buy a chinese portable battery unit
for, but I know what I want, and thats absolute minimalism, and to
listen to the insane world..

I must be a funny bird, dont have any desire to talk to anyone, would
rather listen and write...

maybe I'd make a good shrink? listen, write on a notepad, tell people
they needed to change their lifestyle and find happiness thru
minimalism, dematerialism, etc. and charge them a hundred dollars an
hour to blubber all their problems to me, and tell me how screwy
their subburban childhoods were? yeah, normalcy is so emotionally
damaging.... What they needed was seriously life threatening
childhoods to toughen them up some.... then they wouldnt need to
flatten my couch with their ass, and complain because they grew up
with nothing to complain about.....

me? I feel lucky to have survived a grade B horror movie style
redneck upbringing.... makes living alone in the brush seem so

I feel fine as long as no one is trying to kill me because they're on
some power trip...

ah yes, we are what we experience plus a little....

anyway, no couch, no wall hanger shrink certificate, no hundred
dollars an hour, but who cares, better off not having to hear fat
women complain about husbands who dont listen to them...

try not complaining lady... he'll probably get worried and be
checking you for a pulse & body temperature, just sure something
drastic has happened.....

I guess I could make them feel better, by telling them if they lost
some weight the guy might even look at them again too....

or I could carefully explain that neither vanity, nor materialism
were viable paths to happiness, and that their neurosis was
electronically induced by their best friend Telly.......

well you see lady; Telly is really self centered and evil, and he
tries to get you to do all kinds of self destructive things, because
that how he makes money for his real owners....

he's not really your friend, he just pretends that he is.........

just like Barbie and Ken, who teach you how to think, & what to think,
and who never ever ever discuss anything actually important.... more
bucholic paplum... that's what you need, more comfy lies, to make
the preditory world seem so warm & soft & fuzzy....

no, it would never work..... The world isnt ready for the truth, and
when it is, it will be because its too fucking late....

anyway, get a real life.. A natural life... One without all the
crutches and addictions... or else....

so.... Here I am in the tropics, under a tarp, rolled up in a blanket
in the dark writing words to people I will never know.... I can be
unimportant, and enigmatic..... what a combo, some nutcase trying
to show you the way out of the cave you are lost in....

well blogging is such an interesting hobby....
Its creative expression, its social, and its worrying to the status
quo.. all fun trips....

sometimes I wonder why people read blogs? i assume they are searching
for something lost....

and when I can write something distinct, or interesting, I've maybe
made somebody a little happier in this insane world....

its also a great cure for insomnia... You can express the things that
bother you, and therefor let them go.... same technique the hundred
dollar an hour shrink uses to get you to empty your walllet into

no folks, there is no future in complaining, thats what shrinks and
politicians get paid so highly for, to listen to your complaints, and
do nothing about them...

the way to stop complaints is to realize the truth, that you arent
happy in your fake life, and you need to get a real one, where birds
sing in the morning, theres always something to do in the garden, and
where you can cook on a small fire, and have time to hug the dog just
because she's a good person....

happiness is a creek to camp by......

imagine a vacation that you never had to go back to a job from....

now there is something worth working towards....

much more obtainable than endless materialism...

morning, awaiting dawn, raining lightly...
Still thinking about short wave last night.... heard a couple
Christian women complaining, wishing they had somebody like ronald
reagan again to unify around.... boy that gave me a geech mental
reaction.. I rate reagan fairly close to Satan himself.... he used
the christians to get elected, then kind of abandoned them.... like
some guys use women for sex.... yeah I remember Ronnie, same guy,
that when someone asked him about trade and budget deficit, answered;
well your getting something you arent paying for, so whats wrong with
that? in other words have some more free lunch, isnt this rat bait

well youre paying for it now, and for supporting scumbags one after
another, each one who tightens the noose around your piggy necks,
and is sharpening a long pointy knife.....

Same two Christian ladies were trying to figure out last night how to
shut the system down, and suggested not paying taxes, disobeying
laws, etc. but hedged about that, looking over their shoulders at big
brother's shadow...

basically they were on the right track, but just didnt have the guts
to step outside the box unless everybody else did... like Zebras
at the river, crowding up to the edge, all worried about a

no! You go first! no! You!

what they dont realize, is their cushy existance is the price they'll
have to pay for their freedom....

and the cushy existence is going away anyway, but few want to think
about that, they just want to eat as much as possible and hope the
crok eats somebody else when its waterhole time.......

Anyway, I found it heartening Christian ladies were contemplating
renegade thoughts... it means when they run out of feed they may be
open to other creative sollutions, like getting out of the system

Anyway was sad listening to them want a sicko leader who is long
dead.... I doubt Jesus would have thought much of Reagan, a
professional liar....

humans are fairly stupid animals.... me, I dont wish for a leader...
even if JC showed up himself I'd be watching very closely what he
actually was doing, and I wouldnt allow my wishes for a better world
to cloud my hopes again... I'd observe and come to my own opinion
about what was actually being done... and if I didnt agree, I'd say

leaders seem to invariably have an agenda that uses up followers...
the leaders do OK, credits flow into their accounts.... but
followers generally get taken for a ride....

I just see it as; if I get my own mental and life trip in order, I
dont need a leader dependency.... I can be my own leader just fine,
and dont need to pay the salary of the leader and his buddies...

leadership comes with a price to followers, you go where he takes
you... best you think about where a leader is wanting to actually
go before you follow him... i see the Christians as maybe having a
better leader than they deserve... One who wants to remove the best
people out of a mess they didnt want to create or be part of....
But how many christains work to not assist in the creation of the
problem? Very few...

Sent from my mobile device

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