Saturday, October 17, 2009

blog entry; Saturday 17th of October 2009.............

morning, have been busy since daybreak, getting food going, cutting
firewood, cleaning corn, scrubbing skillets etc. heading towards my
usual fare augmented w/biscuits and gravy.......

got an email this morning from nr#-1 Son, my daughter in law has H1N1
type influenza, and he is mommying her.....

no doubt in my mind that no girl has ever been mommied better by her
guy...... and she's tougher than dinosaur leather, and as Onery as
a wolverine, so I pity the poor virus, it's dead meat...

doesnt need a vaccine, doesnt need a government mandate, just
grapefruit juice, chicken soup, and cinnamon toast, aspirin, and cold
showers if fever gets too high....

To color in the story a bit, I was onto potentials of dangers from
microbes due to human population density years before it was such an
in thing, and everybody in my group got hammered on about it back in
the snail mail days.... in fact, my son bought a book on the swine
flu subject probably 7 years ago..... and as he said in his email
this morning; dont worry, I know what to do......

gee? How did that happen? wasnt watching mainstream TV.......

and thats the power of being a good scout, i.e. Being well prepared.....

its a hobby folks, and a wise insurance policy....
And helps connect dots, like on sayings from ancient China, that in
the course of a long life a wise man should be prepared to leave his
baggage several times etc...
Whats that all about? aint about life as mainsteam moron mind wash
portrays it......

Life is not a sitcom for stupid slaves.....

Life is an interactive and ocasionally/mostly often fatal game...

I heard an interview the other day on short wave.. was a past US
secretay of the treasury, but I swtched on the radio in mid interview,
and didnt get his name.... he's written a book about the current
tyranny of good intentions, and talked about the insanity of having
SWAT TEAMS in small mountain towns etc.... he also mentioned
revolution/civil war, and made a statement I've often made, the US is
bigger than Bagdad, the military wont be able to hold it.....

so where; game over, thanks for playing, means either get it in the
freezer or burry it.......

So much potential Television, so much bullshit!
Potential wasted for profit motive.......

humanity likely to go nearly extinct for same reason........

people are not as stupid as management likes to think..... we know
those swat teams arent there for Alciada, they are there to enforce a
dinosaur status quo......

Dead Dino ahead, and its gonna stink, but it stinks now....

thru the study of Taoism, I know one thing; the status quo is
doing enough of the exact wrong things to totally trash us.....

personally I'm sick of the yeah, yeah, yeah we know whats best
for everybody assholes......

I wont miss the habitual liars........

everybody with half a brain groks the truth now,
i.e. we dont need the bastards.... about 1% of america has already
made it back to the land.... thats about 300,000,000 people, who
added themselves to the 30 million or so already there....

so it means ten percent more back into the sticks....
I expect than number to grow from now on.....those are the folks most
likely to survive in the US........ and we know now that its a world
wide phenomina...... the tide has turned ........

what people who go back to the land will discover, is that they need
even less government, even less corporate fascism, even less
sitcom....... something about living a real life that makes actors
portaying city life seem fake and disgusting..... its like
pornographic material when you arent into that scene.... sitcoms
are sleazy mindwash for thoughtless bored city dwellers with out a
clue one about anything but their job, and their social game.....

this morning I was up about two, and this moth came into my
shelter.... he's still here, on my shirt hanging up.... the moth is
unusual, as it immitates a bat for camouflage flying... Its got a
7&1/2 inch wingspan, bat shaped wings, and its flutters even sound
like a bat's... Color is a brindled brown...

its easily the biggest moth I've ever seen...

I would rather see that moth than a thousand sitcoms......

I wonder how many people would be shocked to learn TV isnt real?

Watch the flickering light box little mindless slave, now you are
getting sleepier and sleepier, when you wake up, go to your job and
do what your superior beings tell you to do......

wanna hear a good bit of gossip? learned yesterday my exwife is one
of those stats on moving out of town.... didnt get the whole story,
dont care, its none of my business, etc. but I do think its
entertaining, and I wonder if she ever realizes now what I was trying
to accomplish 30 years ago, that wasn't good enough for her then....

lets see, I was doing big gardens, stocking basic foods, experimenting
growing grains, cutting firewood, and building small scale farming
equipment in my workshop..... and the gardens were organic, the
kids got alot of attention, and I did my own mechanic's work....
Yeah, I was young and dumb, and just a bit ahead of the curve.....

too late for that reality, and I'm happy she and her husband are
getting out, maybe they will survive....

Sent from my mobile device

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