Sunday, October 18, 2009

Blog entry; Saturday, 17 October, 2009.......

Morning, feeling OK,
recovering from yesterday's town trip... it usually takes me a day to
rebalance from what isnt 10% of what I used to do for a living....

I had a strange experience at the bus stop in Palmar yesterday, heard
a Tica woman talk about how she liked living out of town where their
wasnt any noise, or people to bother you...... thats about the
equivalent of blacks in Detroit talking how great cotton farming was
before the civil war....

nobody here in 15 years has ever said any such thing.... I thought
latins loved noise?

I suspect they are starting to think.... I went thru three
supermarkets yesterday, local sized, and looking at prices was an
awakening for me.... if I was making $15/hour it would have been
meerly rude.... and at a hundred or so a month it was absurd, but I
only have self and dog to feed, and neither of us has any great
expectations...... But to locals w/families it must seem insane.. My
guess is average wage here is less than $2/hr..... corn flour is .68
cents a pound, and white flour .45 cents.... meaning you dont get
many tortillas an hour working... it takes a couple pounds of dry
food per day per person to feel OK, meaning a family of four is
spending more than 25% of their income on food, 50% if they make

and beans are a dollar a pound...

I heard a guy on radio other day, from IMF world bank talking in a
cultured voice about how the economy was a matter of life & death now
to poorer people......

I'm surprised he even knew..... I didnt think the Elite realized we
weren't caking out!

do you spose the guy lives on tortillas and a few beans daily.....
you know, its one thing to pay lip service to it, and another animal
to do something about it more than Carp "no shits".....

I'm proud to be humble.....

I'm happy to send a little girl fruit regularly....

I'm thankfull I have learned how to live cheap enough I could buy a
bag of popcorn and some pudding for her mom to make for her

I was well paid when she wanted to come home with me....

her mother had never made pudding before...

can you imagine a young mother never having opened a box of pudding
mix in her life....?

sure makes the yuppies buying bottled water seem like assholes....

the world is heading for planet wide civil war...
And the militaries arent going to stop it....

the use of force only sets up resistence.....

apply all the army you want, kill all the people you like, but
sooner or later one of the assassins you've created in doing so, will
get in on you.....

its the imbalances that have created the insecurities....

and trashing the middle class, devastating the poor, and enriching
the rich is a recipe for disaster...

I ran into an interesting woman yesterday.... Not sure why she's
interesting, the eyes I think... we chatted briefly, she was a
checker at a supermarket.... I noticed they had a plastic crate for
her to sit on... yeah, this is the third world...
Interesting eyes.. Will have to stop back and chat some more... got
a neutral hit off her... In this culture thats pretty good... most of
the Latinas expect males to kiss their ass 24/7... being male, one
tires of the attitude... I've had some real experiences, like Geech
cartoons, painted pigs who were just sure they were irresistable to
me... glad nobody had fone cameras at the time, to catch my escape

some of these women are real ugly.... Latinos never even notice...
they apply their best grandiose romantic shit universally......

anyway it was a nice hit to just get a woman who was "there".....
no crap.... I talked to several women in the couse of the day, I
like to observe their reactions... saw one who was interested in
me, but not my type, with me its become a hobby... Judging
reactions to truth.. sometimes I see good reactions, most often
aloof, caught up in their vanities.... I tend to admire most women
who look nice, but who are still real humans...

My buddy once told me about a vignette he experienced, in Eugene,
he was somewhere public doing whatever, and there were a couple of
women nearby, and some water fowl took off, and he watched one of the
women follow the birds with her eyes, and get an appreciative look,
admiring the natural beauty.... and it hurt him to see, because he
had a wife that didnt have the mental capacity to appreciate
nature... Well that wife was exed long ago.... she lacked alot more
than just an appreciation of natural beauty...

she lacked human decency much of the time... he felt bad for her next
husband.... but that guy eventually left too........ one way love is
no replacement for two way decency.....

cut the crap girls, and things will go better....

oh! lord! save me from the Burb Babes!

Sent from my mobile device

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