Friday, October 23, 2009

Blog entry; Friday 23rd October, 2009.............

Morning, just waking up......

feeling OK, home alone today, nothing much on my agenda, thinking
maybe to cut out some knife blades, have several drawn out...
continuing my neoindiginous hobbies...

Thinking about all the poor fools in the US, and everywhere else, just
trying to make it, working themselves silly, dragging their asses
home, turning on the TV, and collapsing in front of it to watch the
nightly pagent of political horror....

Yup folks, thats what you are working for, to support a bunch of
Bafoons who are insane, talkin' shit, and slowly working their way
towards getting the dogshit nuked out of you......

Is any of it worth getting nuked for? the TV, the 6 pack, the toxic
food? hardly....

Reality as the beast would have it is a nightmare existance...
Football? Some big gorillas chasing a silly ball around, fighting
over it, to compete for money? Bimbo Cheer Leaders flopping their
wares, Commercials for whatever useless shit, so you'll get the
rotating spirals in your eyes, pull out your plastic slave credits
card and Zombie on down to the commercial center, and bury yourself
for more plastic trash, more toxic food, more vanity items, the
economic treadmill of death... your's, end of the conveyor ahead,
Cancer, obiesity, heart condition and medical bills so the Aztecs in
white robes can hack your living heart out, and if that doesnt save
you, recycle you for body parts.... at a profit to their local
Temple of individual doom....

Does anyone ever have time to really think about what they are doing, and why?

its all vanity....

Absolute insanity....

yeah, the beer is good... and the food fills the great hungry gut,
and the job keeps you busy as hell, and the bills pile higher than
the sky, but are you really happy?

Do any of you have a dream? do you long for something wholesome and good?

Wouldnt you like to throw off the harness, get some sky over your
head, wander off fishing some creek, or working in your own garden in
the morning?

Its all made up of personal choices... Taking the easy sleazy way,
that just trashes you more every day.... for what? a house you dont
really own, full
of shit you dont need, a garage with your vanitymobile waiting for
your return at car O'Clock every morning, as you hump the world's
way towards the Apocalypse?

Arent you fed up with the shit at work? the gutless co-workers ready
to backstab you into a promtion for themselves, Management who have
more credentials than clues, working for an Elite that consider you

Where is your heart? Where is your real dream?

well, all you have to do is make the mental connections, get a few
relays to click, realize more is infinite, that you can use up your
life doing it, and never see a sundown as a free animal....

You werent born free....
But you could choose to die that way....

die free?

I heard bob Chapman last night, was a repeat of an earlier broadcast,
he did some good rants.... cracked some good jokes, one about
talking to Mad Max, who told him the downhill trip didnt have a far

The gold only works if there is a far side you know...

I dont think the far side will be much good for gold... economics
wont save you... wont keep your bacon off the atomic barbecue..

I think there are those waking up....
i think a few are realizing they need less rather than more...

more is infinite, less is finite.. which is the most achievable goal?

anyway, another pretty morning here... slowly working my way towards
a better life than the good one I already have....

My worker is going up the mountain today, to work on my buddy's place,
we have a thing going, its not perfect, but our goals are gardens,
and fishing, and adventures.... And we are getting there, an extended
family of sorts, a clan of like minded individuals cooperating loosely
in a whole wheat direction.....

Not white bread types....

The difference between us and everybody else is we are getting some
where... we use our brains, we help each other, help our kids, help
others we are connected to...

None of us are perfect, we have ourproblems, but by the grace of great
spirit we carry on in spite of the ocasional dispute over petty

What do I want out of life? a better life for the people I care
about.... to expand our franchise out, include some more OK people in
it, get better and better security, healthier lives... improve
ourselves, set an example for our kids, have our grand kids grow up
thinking thats how its done....

we have guts.... we have intelligence, we have skills... we use them...

We have our silly hobbies... we use them too....
Every one of us is bettering ourselves, every one of us are learning....

whats the difference? we have a direction we all head, towards a
better life in real terms.....

My worker carried maybe 60 pounds of citrus down the mountain
yesterday, its going to his sisters house, there will be several
people with sacks of lemonaid in the corner of the kitchen, his sister
is a friend of mine, Her husband is a really good person... we have
some love for each other in our group.. There are kids, who eat ripe
bananas until they cant eat any more, who sip lemonaid on hot
tropical days between stints playing...

And every day that passes we do better.... We have some very pretty
women in our group, some good moms, who do their part and then
some... There is a little girl who climbs into my lap, and who talks
to me in spanish, who at 2&1/2 gets to learn things on a computer...

When she is old enough to choose a mate, she wont think food only
comes from a grocery store.. She'll think it comes from the family,
from being part of a group that grows gardens, that farms the bulk
staples organically, that has friends and partners in her
grandfather's tribe....

She wont want a pony she cant have, she'll ride horses with her
friends any time they think of it....
she'll think its normal to work outside, to go into the mountains, to
have get togethers, to eat well, to go fishing... She'll think gator
steaks cooked over firewood grills are as right as rain and better
than chicken... She'll have a pet chicken, and a dog, and learn to
swim in a river.... her uncles will hug her and look out for her, and
eye her boyfriends for quality... Her cousins will be several
her women examples will be hard working and laughing.... She'll think
money is something you use for what little we dont produce for
ourselves yet... she'll have an education.... She'll travel to other
countries...she'll speak a couple languages... She'll have friends
that speak others....

I was once where you are now... but I had the imagination to know
there was something better..
And after being scewed over enough I made the decision to do something
about it....

And I sold stuff, gave away truckloads, and cashed in my PERS, Put my
place up for sale, bought a very small sail boat, and never having
sailed before left San Diego and taught my self to sail enroute for
Costa Rica.....

It wasnt an easy trip.... puked thousands of times, thought I was
soon to be dead dozens of times, slept with the dolphins sleeping
around me in the moonlight, sailed by the stars, and arrived in a
strange country with only a hundred dollars left....

I didnt speak Spanish, I fought with corrupt officals and won, I
had other adventures, I bought a farm on a mountain when my place in
Oregon sold, ran out of money again... Lived on boiled green banans
for months sometimes....

But I did it.....

And this morning while you are in your boring job, I will be cooking
hearty food over some sticks, bathing in the spring, working on my
hobbies, giving the dog a hug, and posting this blog entry....

Life is short, you gotta live your dreams, not be part of a doomed
civilisation.... opt out, get where the horizon meets the sky, get
out before the war starts, even if it means living in a tent....

it all boils down to having the guts to really do it....

and then making it happen one thing at a time....

me+me+me+me=us...... Ignore the squawking heads, get a real life...

Sent from my mobile device

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