Thursday, October 15, 2009

Blog entry; Thursday 15th 2009........

Morning, just after midnight actually... woke rested,

listened to short wave radio last night, caught some interesting stuff...

heard chapman, he did a pretty good program, talked about nuclear
war, that if Israel uses nukes on Iran, Russia will Nuke Israel, as
per a warning statement by Putin, then US nukes Russia, China nukes
west coast cities, russia nukes others etc., and as bob put it, if
you live in a city you get roasted...

he also talked about big business types taking delivery on
commodities like copper, steel, oil, rather than trusting each other,
governments, or economic system..

this is a sign I've been expecting, that the defacto nobility would
begin distrusting each other...
its all like in history during chaotic times; empires built to only
disintigrate into fighting between the elite and their inflated
vanities..... kind of a warring states reality....

Bob figured the Russians would turn Israel into a parking lot...

Things are definitely getting iffy, I wouldnt bet on anything at
this point other than things getting worse, and Bob also made a
statement about accelerated worsening, that what used to take a year
now happens in three months.....

I've felt the same for some time.... I dont know when WW3 will start
or how, but Iran is definitely a good trigger, and everything else is
in place to make it all possible......

we have an economic system thats so bogus the bankers have
extrapolated debt/dirivatives out into more fiat money than the value
of everthing on the planet... people are catching onto the cogs and
levers of the big lie, the Elite have to be getting nervous, and
the food supply is going downhill more due to human stupidity than
climate change....

its a big hair ball of a reality...

World government? By bankers? Using bogus everything? and a president
who thinks offing the elderly to save money is better than not playing
at world conquest via expeditionary resource grab wars? and then he
gets the planet's highest peace honor while protracting wars he said
he'd get us out of, before election...

I think its all insane... and I hear mainstream news sources talking
out their ass propaganda and thinking we will all suck it up?

I better look in the mirror in the morning, surely I must look
exceedingly stupid, if the status quo thinks I believe everything is
wonderful because they are in control....

I think everything would be wonderful if they and their games all
disappeared into another dimension, and this one could restabilize....

that would be a miracle....

at this point, its like being trapped on a rock, while bears, wolves,
and mountain lions, battle over who gets to eat us....

if I could grow wings of an angel and fly off into the heavens I
surely would......

meanwhile billions go on like everything is OK and we're on the right path...

these days I've given up on planning a future, just have a few
general goals I'm working towards, and no confidence I'll make it to
any of them.. the goals are all do-able, but reality looks iffy....
I'm not sure if the technocult will be here 15 minutes from now....
I'd guess so, but not sure..

and each day projected into the future has worse odds.... we surely
are insane.....

the good news is I'm OK, I have food fall on the ground, and the
spring runs water, and I have tools to dig a foxhole if need be....

Morning, world is still here, sun bathing the valley brightly,
climbing the hills, soon over the mountain.... I got a fire going
after cleaning the fire pit, warming food, thinking to go to town
tomorrow rather than today... thought today was friday, was a day
off, not unusual for me......

slept OK after being awake at midnight.....

What do I think? I think nothing has changed enough to forestall
catastrophy, the peace dividend after the cold war never happened,
because the winds of politics never really changed.... strong and
steady cold north wind....

We never cleaned house, just ragged at the servants gone arrogant to
do it........

And now house cleaning day is arriving, but we also are having
spontainious combustion in the dirty laundry composting where we left

the status quo was never changed out, we never changed ourselves
and quit pointing fingers, and
never started cleaning our own room....

We just assumed we were wonderful, that others were to blame, and
we're just sure lying to ourselves and others would get us by the

not so.........

people are consuming less in the US, about 25%, and paying off credit
debt... meaning instead of money going into the economy, its going
into the hands of bankers.... i.e. Short cutting the economy....
Going direct to people no better than ourselves.....

I heard an interesting thing on radio DW, Germany's national short
wave station, was on Micro banking in Nepal....

it was good, the Germans started a project with some seed money, and
taught cooperative microloans to Nepalese farmers, and let them
evolve their own version.....

They started making it go, set up the ground rules in interesting
manners, like; children and older people got better interest on
savings, loans for agricultural projects got better interest rates
than other types, and the local co-op was responsible for paying back
loans in default, so friends and neighbors tried to help each other
out of personal interest....

schools have been built, with both children and adults studying,
co-operative stores are now selling co-op products, irrigation systems
are going in, people building houses, buying land, and living their
dreams... They have started growing crops they didnt grow before,
buying livestock, basically a local rennaisance all built around
their own inginuity and started with a tiny amount of money thanks to
the good people of Germany.... one Nepalese commented on money
lenders in the area before the new co-op, called them bastards in
Nepalese, said it was a shame they were still alive... They had
charged 60% interest... and now the co-op was operating on a spread
of maybe 8%-12% for savings and lending....

it was a great thing to listen to!

archives at;

and I see a learning opportunity in it for us.....

our lenders charging up to 30% on credit card vanity loans.... Whats
the word for bastard in Nepalese?

these people designed their own system, and being humble made it
work, as it was their only opportunity ever.....

And we, who would grin at the thought of taking out a loan for a
Buffalo, or a Sewing machine, are more poor in real terms than

But they are up and running now, and all credit goes into the
feedback loop of their own system, all benifits go to their areas and
villiages and people.... and none of them owe more than they can pay
if they work hard....

Compare all those variables with our system of bastards exporting
wealth from us and our communities.... Maybe its time we imported
some Nepalese to teach us how to get ahead in real terms....

What they have done could be done anywhere there was humble, honest,
and socially responsible people...

'Havent seen too many of those lately........

Will the Nepalese become so successful they forget their humble
agrarian roots as we have?

Will an Elite spring up telling lies and using corruption to screw the rest?

I doubt it, I dont think there is time.... Our inability to humble
ourselves, get rid of the Bastards, and get together and cooperate
towads sanity will trash the planet.....

Do you suppose the Nepalese villagers will adapt? Take up using
beads or something for currency, continue the system, go on improving
their villages and lives and raising children up to have hope of
better lives?

I think its time to start over... get away from the loan sharks, form
our own co-op, say no thank you to help that isnt really help, get
our own trips in order?

How? well, gotta get humble first, quit borrowing from bastards,
live within our real means, get honest with ourselves and each other,
Turn off the TV and take better care of the Goats & chickens....

the problem all boils down to our own vanities...

get real........

Sent from my mobile device

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