Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Blog entry; Wednesday, 7th October 2009.................

Evening, strange dream woke me, a nightmare, dreamed the military was
building a nuclear waste dump next to the family farm where I grew

glad it was just a dream...

must be listening to too much short wave news? The outside world
realities starting to affect my dreams...

I fell asleep listening to short wave, Albert Addis comparing US
Dollars to Zembabwe Dollars and to toilet paper...

I think its funny... Especially considering things like residency laws
here filtering for the wealthier americans etc... well... What good
is it going to be when those retirement checks turn into shit paper?

Costa Rica's economy is US dependent... when US economy crashes, this
one gets it worse, as they inflate here on top of dollar inflation,
rely on foriegn aid and other free money programs, from US and Europe,
and have a national attitude that they're the world's favorite
stepchild, due to tourism, etc.

Nothing bad ever happens here...

well that was then, this is now....

And now has it that the economy is going to crash soon, the US is
running on bogus bucks economics, and another stimulus package next
year wont work as good as the first one did....

because the sheep will see the first one didnt really stick... so
more pac man mouths on the TV talking psycho-babble bullshit about
pumping the economy up with what is effectively hot air, is likely a
waste of electrons.....

so its what? Maybe two years out and it all comes crashing down.....
theres going to be more than retirees with money problems...

the problem with Fascism, is it never works......

it keeps trying though....

the reason fascism doesnt work is because it doesnt work for common
folk, and when common folk realize the big lie is just that, and that
they're being collectively screwed, they seem to lose the desire to
make things work..... and production goes down to match the value of
the currency etc.... it happened in Russia, in the old USSR days,
they ran a bogus economy too, on basicaly a fascist industrial
government reality under the banner of socialism.... was there any
effective difference between government totally controlling industry
and industry totally controlling government? no... Its always
humans.... humans controlling humans, no matter what you call it...
and fake money systems are fake money systems, be they based on
printing press Rubles, or digital dollars...

end result is the same.... People work out of self interest, to better
there own lives, and when they realize the system is set up to better
someone else's life with their labor, instead of their life, well the
game starts unraveling....

Russian empire was a third world reality patched over by an
industrial military complex illusion promoted by state TV as a
wonderful system....

The US version is slightly different... its a third world reality
patched over by a military industrial complex illusion running on
credit, and promoted by mainstream propaganda TV as a wonderful
system... and millions of people that do effectively nothing of
value, make lots of money, become very vain & arrogant, suck food &
resources out of the whole world, create poverty around the planet,
and keep it all propped up with expeditionary resource grab wars....

Well.... the wars arent going good, the world is figuring out the
money/credit/inflation means they wont actually get much for their
resources, food, and products, and it wont be long until it grinds to
a halt, with the US citizen living in a dream supported by importing
90% of all it needs....

hmm? Toilet paper?

when the dollar crashes, whole world economy goes with it, because
they are all copies of it, and interconnected with it...

all those ships anchored off Singapore mean something.... they mean
the system is crashing in real time....

so I dont suppose residency laws anywhere will mean much when the game
of musical chairs ends... where would you rather be stranded for the
apocalypse? Ground zero? or Banana Land?

what will a hundred dollar a day fine mean when a dollar is rather
uncomfortable to use toilet paper and the Colone is as bad or worse?
and Pesos, Sols, etc. Are the same.....

and what do you suppose will happen to gated retirement communities
full of fat old white people when the money becomes worthless?

the brown folks in San Jose have cousins with farms.... and they are
already beginning to filter out.... as things worsen...

bottom line is going to be food & water.... and anyone with half a
brain best be using their resources to reposition themselves to
somewhere not downwind of a nuclear power plant... that mega quake
is in the pipe line, those people who fight from stars in their orbits
did warn about the mega quake repeatedly.... and thermal expansion of
tektonic plates is as real as any other physics...

and I ran rough kitchen science calculations on it years ago and
realized the magnitude of the problem was staggering..... the planet
is starting to creak and grind..... And we are just beginning the
steep curve in the exponential statistics on temperature rise etc....

Aint no homeland security department going to do shit..... the CIA
moving to Colorado springs wont save their butts... its all coming
down folks...

wars and rumors of wars... Earthquakes and famines in one place after
another, sound familiar?

a beast government trying to control everybody?

from now on things will happen faster & faster...
Those ships in Singapore arent going back to sea anytime soon...

and you get to be crash test dummies......

best get out under some sky.... if it falls on you it doesnt hurt as
much as an apartment or office building... or a house in the

anyway, resource grab war in Afghanistan not going well, more troops
wont make them love us... More aid programs wont help them...

I've tried to help people, it never works.... The best way to help
other people is to not hurt them, to leave them alone... To quit

The bible talks about loving your fellow humans...
And my question is; is feeling sorry for them for being screwed up
fellow humans love?

we are all screwed up....

twisted..... vanity, ego, impractical in everything we do..... The
guy in the mirror isnt any better than anyone else.... he's just had
more time alone to think....

Sent from my mobile device

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