Monday, October 26, 2009

Blog enrty; Monday 26th October 2009.........

Evening, midnight, woke rested, so I got up and plugged in the
lamp... feeling OK, snickering about an interview I heard yesterday,
on alex jones, was w/Gerald Selente, of he went on for an hour, and about 80% of what
he said I've written about in thus blog.... thats funny.... some
guy from New York basically has come to same conclusions I have on
myriad issues... he basically thinks govt. Is in deep du-du.... I
agree... anyway first time I've ever heard the guy, and he touches on
issue, after issue, most all of which you've read here... I dont
know if he puts out a news letter etc., but I do know this blog is

It was like I began to wonder if he read my blog?
i could see some guy from new york reading my blog, cherry picking,
and starting a newsletter... chances are thats not whats happening,
and wouldnt bother me if it was... My guess is its just starting to
become obvious to everybody the old paradigm stinks, whats its pieces
are, and what likely results will be.... he definitely hammered on
issues like the big lie etc... I suspect if you go to that website
things will seem familiar... and me, I live out in the brush, only
listen to short wave,
and cant usually get a website to do shit for me, due to not knowing
shit & not having anyone to show me how to get past all the crap..

it obvious same types of people design web sites as designed windows,
clutter heads that think people have nothing better to do than learn
stupid shit there is no need for... I dont want to sign in, I cant
figure out half the shit they're asking for, I just want shit to

my website at is simple, one issue, you go there,
no sign in crap, you read my thesis etc. and go about your
business... anybody with a telephone or computer that can get there
via search engine or web address can use it w/zero crap.... how bout
that? the feed back loop has never worked, wish it did, but thats
life when you have to rely on your kids to run your website, and they
have jobs to hold down etc. And not much time for dad's stuff...

anyway, moral of the story on Gerald Selente, is its the beginnings
of a new paradigm... move out of the big city, dont believe a thing
govt says, dont bother obeying stupid laws, grow food, prepare to
live in interesting times...

basically people are fed up w/the shit, fed up w/control trips and
manipulation, that fool less people every day, and people are changing
their own lives & outlook to go around the dead system like traffic
going around a bloated roadkill cow on a country road... oooh!
roll up the windows, it stinks!

as long as you arent hurting anybody, and not damaging the planet, its
none of anybody in govt.'s business what you do.... they want you to
chip you chickens so they can tax you for them... They want you to
chip your dog so they can fuck it... all control trips with a
pricetag they expect you to pay... fuck them, shoot their tires out
from the brush....

that will put a stop to it.... just dont do it too near where you
live.... dont worry everybody will soon be doing the same... govt.
Vehicle? blam!

ego trip on hold, flat tire to fix, not bothering anybody for at
least 45 minutes.. and they wont like going out of town as much...
when it becomes wide spread, they wont go out of town, and will carp
threats on TV, should be entertaining... just dont get caught....

Only reason things have gotten as bad as they have is because
common folk are nice guys....
When people get fed up enough, they quit being nice.... when the
system ignores warnings and continues to play stupid control trip
games and threatening people etc. Its a short trip to civil war and
firing squads for the dumbfucks...

its a natural cycle, its how cultures genetically edit the most
obnoxious types... and go back to gardening in peace,.....

Look at Russia, culturally imploding, glitter in Moscow, spud
patches multiplying everywhere else... even Putin has a place in
the forest...
i dont think Obama has thought of that one yet, that he maybe should
think about a place out of town.... he's a Citiot, i.e.
city+Idiot..... thinks you solve problems by passing more laws, when
theres information to the contrary thousands of years old.... the Tao
Te Ching is the second most translated book in human history... and
the president of the US obviously doesnt know it exists... so much
for a liberal education... the guy has had at least 14 years of
education, and hasnt a clue about one of the top ten
philosophies/religions on the planet...

yeah, he sounds like a nice guy, but some bumkin like me could show
him how to improve his chances in 30 minutes or less...

The guy hasnt a clue about how things actually work... he believes
the big lie is real.....

sooner or later he'll figure it out.... after nothing works......

everything the govt. Is doing now is moot....

they're going to lose every battle....

you cant swim against the tide....

especially by swimming the wrong direction....

My advice is go with whats natural, quit thinking you can go against
it and win...

The future is simple, the shit is going to crash... One way or
another... they wont chip my chickens or me... long before that
shit gets here, they'll be history.... Latins dont obey any laws..
they just pretend to.....

"When the government is harsh, the people become cunning."

i.e. They get smart, figure out the big lie, pretend to support the
system, and hide their food & daughters....

people figure ways around problems, if govt. Is a problem they figure
ways around it.. if being rich doesnt make them happy, they'll figure
it out or die trying...

me? I like less... Less problems, less responsibilities, less work,
less time away from home, less dishes to do, less house to deal with,
you name it... Less is easier to get to and deal with than more...

its like women.... I have less problems with them, why? I dont have
one... simple cure, and all the women can go down with the Titanic
or get into a life boat.... I have my own lifeboat... most of them
dont.... meaning closer to the water the main deck gets, the nicer
my lifeboat looks... I could get to be a handsome looking guy before
this is all over.... do I care? No.... My lifeboat is fine alone...
More room, more food, more freedom... I can sail it anywhere I want
without having to explain shit to anyone... where are we going dear?
why; the direction I'm heading... why? because I decided to go this

There is alot of power in not giving a shit..

Set your own course, and take it... I suggest it be away from
Babylon, they're crazy there....

morning, daylight... A bit overcast, just had my wild bird show up
and come into the house looking for dropped corn.....

I'm home alone today, do what ever I feel like...

imagine that eh?, and its a monday too!

so how does it feel to get eaten by an ever growing monster?
Government is like some grade B horror film, with the monster growing
and growing, and making zombies out of people by hypnotizing them
w/TV, and then eating them body and soul thru economics and

the Corporate Fascist system just keeps playing monopoly, imprisoning
the poor, creating more, sucking up all the wealth and power,
increasing its weapons, until what? you've watched the movies....
the monster has to die somehow, something simple that it overlooked,
some mistake it made, an assumption, so the lead actors can go off and
live in peace and love each other with out the monster preventing it
with it's existence.....its an old fable.... myriad variations...
But the monster has to die for you to be free of it, and get what you
want.... in our case, the best way to kill the monster is quit
believing in it, in it's money, materialism, or fearing its control
trips.... find another magic land to go into, this one sucks...

I found one with a smaller monster nobody pays much attention to....
much better....

Sent from my mobile device

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