Saturday, October 24, 2009

blog entry; Friday 23rd, October, 2009.........

howdy... back again....

Just realized what it means if I'm correct about nuclear winter
causing the Biblical mega quake...

it means all those upscale bunkers the rich have been building wont do
them much good....

if the quake is as predicted in the bible with no wall left standing,
and coffins pushed out of the ground, it means that if they touch off
a nuclear war, soon there after all those fancy bunkers people like
the Rockefellers, Rothschilds etc. have arent designed for those
kinds of stresses.. dont think I'd want to be in one... nor will
their villas take it.... if they were to survive, they're going to be
living in tents rather suddenly, and in a world looking for their
blood... and I dont think tons of gold would save them from people
who have lost families.... it means if they push the button, they
get to be stone age elite rather suddenly... no ivory towers any
where, no banks, no place to run, no place to hide..... they get
what they gave to everybody else, and have the most to lose...

and I doubt even Cheyenne mountain would take that, I've seen fotos
of the spring suspension systems there, and I dont think a couple of
feet of travel is going to do more than help hammer the people
inside, with enough force to bust them all up pretty bad at the very
least, and it is possible that mountain could break up enough to quit
supporting its own load.... solid rock is one thing engineering
wise, millions of tons of rather large agregate is another.....

what that means guys, is something they overlooked in the design
phase..... Its always the thing you dont know that gets you in

Now my specialty as a synergistic generalist has always been
overlooked logic.... I seem to have an uncanny ability to spot such
stuff... And I dont think its going to be any fun for such pampered
neurotic poodles to live on a planet that hasnt a building left
standing.... i.e. No winners just universal loosers... and from
what I've read etc. That quake is going to be a humdinger, and
release enough energy to be technically imposible to calculate...
i've heard the average nuke is equal in energy release to about 4
minutes of a hurricane... a quake capable of rubbling everthing on
the planet would likely be at least millions of times that...
have you thought of that arrogant Elite? no cities, no factories, no
ports, no trading empires, nada..... deny all you want, but I suggest
you ask your scientists to calculate the thermal shock of a nuclear
winter on the earth's crust, and then ask the engineers to design you
something sure to withstand it... in Richter 9's boulders are thrown
up into the air, and what we are talking about is so far off the scale
as to be unimaginable...

I wonder what it would be like to be inside a bunker that gets
unearthed and given the toss?
I doubt I'd want to go inside afterwards...

could look pretty gross....

might be kinda hard to fight off several billion pissed survivors
too... There arent enough bullets to stop them from burning the Elite
survivors alive...

best you think again about your planned war.... also there would be
other effects, volcanism, piezo electric discharges at unimaginable
voltages and amperages... plenty of stuff to get you.... The only
security is wake up now from your delusions....

no computer credits to count, gold will be meaningless, your own
body guards will want you dead for what you've done...

no winners, no elite coming out of bunkers when its safe, no
ecosystem, just absolute destruction....

a dead planet with the living dead roaming its surface... sounds a
tich ugly to me.... Best you think again.... I have proposed viable
alternatives... Malthusian logic is only good for a planet locked
species... boot up the space elevators, free us all from
Malthus.... Have a war, and you die too..... So silly monkey gods,
your choice....

am I crazy? you bet..... Your life...

Deny and die.....

Sent from my mobile device

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