Sunday, October 18, 2009

Blog entry; Sunday 18th October 2009.........

Morning, dawn soon, slept fine, was awake awhile at midnight, but
built a fire, ate food, and went back to sleep...

Heard VOA on short wave last night talking about swine flu, they were
real polite sounding, but still an attempt at spin.... talked about
kids who had died, yes, kids die of the flu, mostly those with other
problems, but of course that wasnt mentioned.... and they talked
about vaccine shortages, i.e. A second bald attempt at manipulating
the mentally insecure types, and then went on to say plenty of
vaccine soon, for those who want it. i.e. no mention at all of
anything mandantory, and it was delivered in the tones of a shrink
talking to a suicide jumper....

in other words, three manipulation attempts in one short report...
and obvious that they have gotten the message their thinking we were
cattle to shoot up and tag backfired on them... I dont need their
vaccine, dont need their ID bracelet, dont need their taxes, dont
need their control trips....

how do I know? well I have lived fine up here on this mountain
without any of the above, other than my $10 a year property taxes, &
I'm fairly sure if the mega quake took out local civilisation, I
could live fine and not feel too heart broken for the loss of a
government to milk me for even that much...

I suspect they got the message people dont trust them... and that
some were planning to lock & load if necessary... Will they lay off
all of their spin doctors, disband SWAT teams, and turn their
concentration camps into cow pastures? hardly!

The $leaze class destroyers will be back at it shortly, like nagging
wives wanting a new girdle.....

Will we be lulled back to sleep? while their manipulations wash the
planet into the sewer?

I dont think so...

Also heard them mention that China & India were going to pull the
world economy out of its impending demise.. gee? how are they going
to do that? last I heard they had millions going hungry.... That
should be quite the economic trick, for a couple of slave labor
economies to pull the world up & out, like expecting the pack pony
to climb out of being mired to its ears in the swamp, and not having
to bother to remove the panniers.....

more shit is what it was...more manipulation, trying to convince the
slaves everything would be OK on half rations if they picked enough

they just dont get it, its them, that's the major component to the
problem, and more of the same shit, more lies & more manipulation
arent going to solve the problems created by past versions of the same

the only cure thats going to work is to unload the pony... get off
our fucking backs you stupid bastards! We dont need you, nor want you,
nor like you, you suck, you stink, get the fuck away from me etc.

"Here, let us help you by trying to run your lives for you and rob you
blind in the process!"

yeah, right, I aint no stupid cow, and I've raised enough cattle to
recognize all the signs, and I've shot enough animals raiding my
garden to know what the cure to that is too...

basically they've started an avalance, and its going to bury them......

every point the economy drops, every lost job, every foreclosed house,
every new law, every attempt at manipulation, every control trip,
and every tax dollar they suck works against them...

people have figured it out, and are disconnecting from their system
as much as possible as quick as possible, and as seriously as
possible..... its like pulling the plug in the bath tub, all the
water cant drain out at once, but what can does, and the rest follows
when it can... end result will be a dry tub with a dirty ring around
it, made up of the scum that floated to the top...

The economy is dead, its been a zombie for several generations, and
people are going back to what works as fast as they can get there....

Pretty soon the Fascists will need to be in the garden tool business
to survive, and anyone who can, will be using the small scale ag tech
to grow their own food with... its all there; there will be people
living in wall tents with small chinese tractors parked along side....
and huge organic gardens.... and plenty of guns and ammo.......

Those who can will have houses, those who cant will get by at lower
levels just fine, and those with nothing will pop up on public land
like mushrooms.... all they need is a few hand tools, and a place
with sun and water to homestead....

I also heard the other day on radio the govt. Asking the bankers to
please follow the new laws....

wont be long until they are asking the people growing food to please
donate to the FEMA truck.....

I think it would be better if we didnt, empty those office buildings
out, let them get blisters on soft hands from hoe handles & spades,
and let their perfumed office whores pull weeds in the dirt....
Lets see if their "better" University educations taught them how to
feed themselves other than through managing & manipulating other
people with money, laws, and Media......

Should be entertaining... with a totally bogus economic system in a
nose dive, where do you suppose the bottom is, and how will we know
when we get there?

I suspect its at near zero.... just enough economics for people to
grow their own food..... Whats happening in the US will have a much
faster curve than in Russia.... Why? because the collapse has been
in obvious progress longer, and people are pulling the plug, and it
hasnt hit yet.... i.e. The tub is draining before the plug gets
pulled.... leaky plug syndrome at this point.... in russia they had
socialism one day, and nothing the next... In the US people already
know which way its going.... and every one of them will leave.....
many are growing gardens and raising chickens in back yards... as
things worsen they will lose the houses, put the chickens, seeds,
and ammo on the pickup truck and move out of town one way or
another, and every person that becomes self feeding is one less
consumer of agribiz corporate toxic genetically fucked with food....
what that means, is their customers are going away.... and self
sufficiency is very rewarding... People feel good doing it, its
infectious.... gardens produce plenty of food cheap.... and this
time even the rednecks are heading organic..... those cancer drug
commercials on TV got them thinking...

'Spose they'll even slack off on the haircuts? instead of looking
like prickly pears, start looking like early american colonists
with beards and red white and blue ribbons tied on their braid?
maybe an AK-47, or an M-14 instead of a long rifle, but still
patriots just the same.......

Should be good for business in the musical instrument industry, a guy
has to have something to do while waiting for the corn to grow...

Maybe enough people will move out of the cities, that its just the
real shitheads left in them for the mega quake? and a bunch of hay
seeds can see the smoke and dust clouds on the horizon and shake
their heads in disbelief...

Too far away to hear the screams, smell the bloods and guts, or see
the survivors with missing limbs etc...

All I can say, is best build your new houses earth quake resistant,
and its going to be bad, so I'd focus on strength, and flexibility
in the structural design...

smaller buildings on foundations with several more times the amount
of steel than normal, or flexible structures on pier pad type
foundations, and good fasteners..... if its plywood and
stickbuilt, use construction adhesive..... also prepare for fires,
keep a fire line open around the place, and build a pond for water,
and irrigate around the house area during dry summers etc....

you might also consider going steel sheet roofing for exterior walls,
a smart roofing company would begin marketing with fire retardant

Sent from my mobile device

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