Saturday, October 24, 2009

Blog entry; Saturday 24th October 2009.......

Morning, still raining lightly, I sent out emails, did dishes at the
spring, and built a fire.. Got food on..

Thinking about how to advise folks on survival in light of the mega
quake etc....

first, I'd say get out of your rut, and move as far south as you can
by any means... collecting gold will seem stupid in comparison....

then I'd say get back into the brush somewhere and begin growing and
stockpiling food & water...

after that I'd say work on your mobility via focus on minimalism...
constantly upgrade your refugee pack etc. have the best you can

Also get in good physical shape, by walking everywhere....

then I'd say get in touch with nature, live low, its good practice....

the key to survival is inheriently in minimalism... also location....
ground zero or there abouts is obviously fatal.... for the mega
quake I think the best possible location is on solid rock... also
get some good distance from sea level....

another thing I forgot to mention in last posting is the effects of
mega quake on ice, Greenland and Antarctica ice will get busted up,
and with both continents being pushed down below sea level, and to
recieve Tsunamis, chances are theres going to be alot of ice washed
into the sea all at once... Definitely flooding coastal cities and

this water will be highly radioactive, thanks to runoff from the
nuclear fallout and the busted up nuclear power plants on coasts and

say a prayer for the dolphins and whales... Great spirit collect their
innocent souls......

water supplies in creeks and streams could become toxic due to mineral
releases in the rock formations... My guess is the safest water other
than stored will be from areas with limestone bedrock and clay
overburden.... limestone isnt as toxic as some geologies, and clay
is a good filter, for fallout etc.

definitely have iodine, and take it when the shit hits.... for
radiation poisoning of the thyroid...

think about fires... its going to be an extreme burn off......

also think about portable shelter for after the quake, at least some
truck tarp....

bury some food stashes, in gasketed containers... locate the stashes
in places you think you can still find after the mega quake...

build any construction you do as stong and flexible as possible, also
keep weight to lower areas....

grow alot of root crops, thet'll still be there in the ground after a
burn off....

practice fasting ocasionaly to learn how to deal with hunger mentally...

learn to center yourself.....

become honest in your self apraisal..... realize your chances of
survival are small, but that giving up makes death certain...

collect into a group of like minded people... its going to be like
war, where its your buddies save your ass repeatedly and vice

keep your kids as safe as possible... teach them all you can in case
something happens to you...

learn to make and repair things....

know the chances of humanity waking up in time are slim...

Realize that there is hope no matter what... there will be the alien
arrival after the quake, and they will be looking for survivors.. I
suggest you have signalling devices, flares, mirrors, smoke producing
materials, and lasers...

get into solar energy and have rechargable batteries...

get into ham radio and acquire gear, especially low power and more
portable stuff.. the hams that survive will be up.....

and having communication does help you mentally even if they cant help
you personally due to distance.....

prepare to cry alot.... youre likely to be extremely torn up by
losses.... realize whats going to happen ahead of time so you know
what it is and how to deal with it with out going mentally null....

be prepared to die......

but if you have to die, die right! Trying as hard as you can to
survive and to save others... there is no shame in a good death.....
And we all die....

dont believe a word the government tells you... you might as well
listen to talking leaches....

Be prepared to fight to the death to protect yourself, your family,
and your resources...

Learn survival skills best by living them daily..

get humble...

Learn to listen well, to others, who my be trying to warn you... also
learn to listen literally to nature, I'm near sighted and quit
wearing glasses, and now can hear even minute sounds that are out of
place around me... think about deer and other wild animals, very good
listeners, its an important survival trait....

Keep you body weight down and agility up, agility is better than muscle.....

keep you body as clean as possible... To aviod infections etc.

keep your feet dry...

learn to look first and react second....

withdraw all support possible from the system, and help as many others
as possible to survive... you will be judged on these issues if you

only speak truth....

its a costly habbit, but it's punishments invariably set you up
better for whats coming...

learn martial arts and primitive weapons skills...

learn how to make your own weapons and gear as much as is practical...

learn what you dont really need in your diet... when I first started
into semi-vegetarianism I worried about it, that my health might
Too much programming from a milk and meat economic system... What
happened actually is I got healthier by dumping the face stuffing with
rich foods...

its a war folks, a war for group and individual survival.... war is
won with mercy....

stock extra stuff for others.... its one of the reasons I have my
knife hobby... So I can pass out extras after the fact...

forget wealth....

dont allow yourself to be chipped... Better to die first....

learn from nature... an example, when the army ants come, the red
nocturnal ants grab their larvae and run and hide... good plan....

Quit watching TV, its mental masturbation, use the time to learn things.....

take up mentally calming hobbies, I find learning to play my guitar
gets me into an almost meditation state, very nice for a person with
a serious internal dialog problem....

learn not to assume anything...

learn to forgive.....

keep your Karma clean, the resulting bad luck from bad karma is the
last thing you need in whats coming...

avoid hypocrisy.. it stinks....

focus on basics and fundamentals...
complication invariably leads to problems...

build your trip from the most basic thing upwards...

if this farm sells, I'm planning on getting into mechanized organic
agriculture... but I wont be giving away my hoe....

I consider mechanical or electical tools as tempory... and try to use
them most often to help me boot more fundamental stuff... Like
yesterday doing knives with my generator and grinder.. I spent a
couple hours working on bettering $2 knives with spendy gas, and
tools that cost hundreds of dollars... am I crazy? You bet......

Live natural & eat organic..

This week I heard a program on aspertane...
Serious connections to all kinds of very ugly problems, including diabetis....

And I remembered my uncle Bill, he was a Hawaiin guy, happy camper,
better to me than my own parents, Took us kids everywhere kids love
to go; camping, to museums, the library, baseball games, was a great
father and husband type, I've never seen better.... Not perfect, but
damn good.... and I remembered the guy loved diet Pepsi....

well he got diabetis, went blind, and they cut his legs off, so he
gave up and died....

God damn those fucking bastards that sell such shit...

If people didn't eat it a thousand years ago, it aint food.....

For every step away from nature theres a price you pay.. for every
step back toward nature there are benefits regained.......

neoindigenism is where its at folks.....

the rest is toxic vanity......

I heard a couple weeks back cupcakes were in style.... a fashion
accessory..... thats real Marie Antonette..... "let them eat
cupcakes like we do!"

I think I'll stick with the corn muffins, thank you, they dont give me
a fat ass......

I think some women would be better off having their head lyposuctioned
out..... might help with the vanity problem......

Sent from my mobile device

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