Monday, October 19, 2009

Blog entry; Monday, 19th, October, 2009.........

Morning, eating, usual fare...

skin a bit broken out from oil in diet, ritz crackers in town, rice &
beans at my neice's, and oiled the skillet for bannocks....

but nowback to zero oil, so will clear up...

my worker is liberating the garden from weeds, also planted some fruit trees...

heard my daughter in law made it past the fever, now into cough
stage of swine flu, and son is now sick, as is his buddy.....

Its evidently already passed thru costa rica....

heard my niece got pudding...... they got a bottle of milk from the
great grand parents, and so she got her first pudding....

when you live in the third world you take less for granted.......

The US will be a third wourld country in a couple years.... the
bankers and industrialists will be finished with you by then....

when I left the US 15 years ago, I told my buddy and people I worked
with that their retirements wouldnt be worth shit, and they thought I
was crazy... my buddy has a new philosophy now, its thinking around
desired outcome, and asertaining the truth......

I would call that a post denial corection.....

uh-huh! I believe in fundamentals, and saw what a bunch of liars
average management was, saw what a buch of slleeeeaaazzy pigs the
status quo politicians were, and figured no good would come of it...

the person easiest to fool is yourself, and others are more than
willing to help.......

Gave my worker a set of four wood chisels today, he's doing some
carpentry... I'm going to replace them w/a couple three of better
quality.... figuring he can use them, and if I can replace w/better,
and get by w/less, its less shit to own...... Less to pack, less to
take care of...

life is short, too short for greed, fighting,vanity etc... one feels
best at a humble subsistence level...

I saw also some fine wood gouges... Thinking to get a couple, and a
couple flat chisels... Should set me up fine... one doesnt need big
sets.... I've used a single 3/4 inch flat chisel for 25 years, seldom
ever used from the set... And my main wood gouge is one I forged out
of a used mill file....

sets of tools are often just to catch the unwary.....

the aware guy realizes that... the human monkey is attracted to
things.... I think cultivating better habits is a vastly better

Sent from my mobile device

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