Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Blog entry; Tuesday 6th October 2009...........

Morning, almost 3:am, woke, feeling OK,, still waking up...

Heard some Chapman on S/W radio last night, he says inflation starting
to climb in US economy again,
i.e. The stimulus package now causing problems...
And he expects them to try it again, difibulate the economy again,
likely next year... i.e. Trying to jumpstart a dead vampire, and
give it more blood from the villagers in my opinion......

He also was doing some serious warnings of how bad he expects things
to get, unimaginable, and figures it will end up collapsing entirely,
and the mega thieves ending up hung for treason....

I figure they'll try to start WW3 to escape that, kill off a few
billion to try to save their own proud skins...

we shall see, until then steady decline...

he encouraged people to prepare,prepare,prepare... which I think is a
good way to put it....

Not much more I can do personally, plant more bananas, stock up on
anti-parasite drugs for dog and horse, buy lighter gas etc......

I really cant store much in the way of food, dont really need to, have
plenty coming in constantly now... Tree food mostly....

will likely work on projects like steel bow, get that knocked out
before gas disappears for the generator to run tools etc... at
least have it done enough I can complete it minus power tools....

Should be interesting times, I think alot of local people are in for
a rude awakening, they think government & money will always take
care of them.. I think they are soon to be disappointed and have a
hungry look.... so far the women are fat & getting fatter, economy
goes down hill and they lard up even more, but I saw the winces the
other day on the bus when I explained inflation was going to get
worse...... they're on the borderline now, have husbands working so
they can stay fat, but its all going to come unglued, and this economy
is inflating on top of the dollar, US is number one trading partner,
and local govt. Is just as irresponsible as US congress, so they run
on inflating dollars, and do more inflating themselves and have for
decades.... meaning labor in real buying power is still so cheap
that they now have zero cushion nationally... another few stiff rises
in food costs, and the Fems will start getting baggy skin syndrome,
and stealing husbands with food instead of stealing the ones with

I think its humorous in a wry way.... I've lived poor, no woman for
years, didnt meet their criteria of money, house, car etc....
suffered alot, for many years, being a healthy male alone... But I
learned how to shut off the sex drive mentally, you just have to
decide not to give a shit about it, and
it goes away.... so I'm in a strange place, scads of basic foods,
nice climate, got all the stuff I need and much more, am adapted to
eating whatever, and living fine alone.... theres a new housing
subdivision about 3km away, filled w/women who are single etc. I dont
even bother to go there.... dont need the baggage... Dont need the
problems, tired of getting what nice guys get from women....

learned along the way, that you might get what you need, but you
certainly will get what you dont need in relationships w/women...

its not worth it....maybe when they're starving the cunt trips go
away? I doubt it...

so, would love to have a good one, but if they actually exist, are as
rare as unicorns and fairy princesses.....

bad ones? skads, all dressed up nice, with wonderful acts in public,
and more acid behind closed doors than a car battery.... I think
about my exes, and feel so thankful they have other victims now....
I get to live in peace and tranquility, and the dog is thankful when
I feed her..... Which is more than women seem capable of.....

I figure I'll eventually end up with one, some stray dog on my
doorstep when things get bad enough..

am curious to see the day, but have more dread than hope.... I've
actually heard women complain here about their not being any men left
that are good virgin victims, they've all been burnt so much & so
often that they arent stupid anymore in spite of the hormones....

I dont suppose men are any better, know its all in the point of view,
generally ego outwards, but I've gotten comfortable with living
alone, and figure its best, as I get what I deserve, because I do it
to myself, both good and bad, and cant blame anybody but the guy in
the mirror... and have made the realization that the more
independant I can become, the less problems, for me & for others...
so have a goal of personal extreme self sufficiency, and will just
keep working that direction as a matter of personal policy....

its humanity, kind of wonderful acting defective products....

we seem to have to learn everything the hard way.... shouldnt need an
expert to tell us economic imbalance leads to problems, and that
endless consumerism based on trashing an ecosystem will eventually
arrive you at gate one of hell...

going to be interesting times ahead, total trashing of the ecosystem,
and if it wasnt for the Ranchers we would go extinct due to our own

and we were warned... being ignorant is one thing, being willfully
stupid is another.....

well the sun is starting to brighten the hills, soon to come over the
mountain and warm things up... I have plenty of food for today,
nothing on my agenda, will break out the guitar and practice some...
Its coming slow, my subconscious learning....

Still thinking about the realizations on fascism endemic in human
society.... That with the division of labor comes elite haves and
disenfranchised have nots, and the elite get arrogant enough to think
police states and death squads are how to cure a problem they create
by using dishonesty as a business model.... Excessive profits...
ideology seems to be endless variations on that theme... and the
imbalance leads to a moment of movement, a calculus of evolution, and
so we cycle our civilations thru growth and collapse due to a root
cause of unbridled greed.... Is greed good? not hardly... It leads to
nothing but killing and death... first the haves killing the have
nots, and then the have nots killing the haves...

and in the end starvation, death, suffering...

all for the vanity.......

"A wise ruler rules by emptying coffers and filling bellies." (Tao)

in other words it isnt how much you make that provides personal
security and social stability, its how well you share....

modern rabid capitolism and consumerism are a short cut to total hell.....

The socialists of northern Europe will do the best for having a foot
on solid ground, but excessive consumerism, excessive government
control, and inviting the goblins in as guest workers will be the
demise of the fairy culture...

better a man or woman of the fair race make a bow & arrows, a good
sword and axe, and go back into the forest from which they came...

those cities will collapse too.. when its all over, the planet will
look like ten million B.C. best you have the right dress and gear
for the ocaision, and know how to repair and replace it...

I suspect that left alone there might be some humans survive the
apocalypse, and rebuild, its likely what the Ranchers went thru....
collapse of the cities, nuclear meltdowns, following plagues,
starvation, killing and raiding... all might mould the survivors into
something better than what their arrogant and vain ansestors were...

all I can say, is if the Ranchers dont show up, we had best head for
a fairy tale culture than a techno culture....

Sent from my mobile device

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