Friday, October 2, 2009

Residency 3..........

Another point I would like to make about residency, is that it
isnt any better on the US side of the coin..... For my Daughter in
law to stay in the US and study etc. cost my son about $10,000 in
fees and hassels... otherwise she could have been deported and he
given the bill.... this was for a woman legally married to a US

Also I suspect the Costa Rican Government learned its wealth bias from
the US government's methods.... you have to be fairly rich to
qualify for even a tourist's visa to visit the US, its not quite the
land of opportunity for down trodden & huddled masses anymore.... and
if you aren't rich, why then you have to go in thru the back door as
an illegal, so you can be exploited by businesses, and hasseled by
police etc.....

What we have, is a problem thats like a snake with two heads, i.e. A
government on both ends exploiting common folk and calling it a

Very few people will pick up and pack up to another country, learn
another language etc. without having any skills, resources or

The current mess in the US has been caused by government control and
meddling.... There wasnt a problem with illegal aliens in the US,
until government started fixing things.... The root of cross border
issues is the existence of a border....

People tend to follow money via jobs... few migrate to where there
are no jobs, few migrate from where there are plenty of jobs....

Borders are a legal fiction, a line on a map cutting across the
natural terrain along an arbitrary imaginary juncture...

Bugs, birds, animals, cross that line and never know or care... Such
lines exist in effect to guard dispairity... to keep cattle on one
side from munching on the other without paying rent & jumping thru

Without borders balance would eventually happen, with borders
imbalances can be maintained for long periods... But not forever....
When the imbalances become great enough they outweigh the risks, and
borders are crossed by refugees seeking what ever it is they think
they need... North Koreans walk thru minefields to get to South

These days there is much talk about refugees and mass migration, and
little or nothing done to deal with the actual causes.. Migration is
a problem almost everywhere, and the reasons are generally the same...
one form or another of crooked status quo causing disparities....
people used to migrate during droughts.... now they migrate during

and my point is this; that two wrongs dont make a right.... and I
really dont think its government's business to say who can live where
on the planet... I think other factors should decide that, factors
like economics, available area, food etc. Not to mention love and
marriage, or even just the natural attraction to something different
than what a person grew up with.... I know Ticos & Ticas married to
Gringos & Gringas and I cant remember Government on either end doing
any of them any good, nor providing any necessary in real terms
service.... But in every case governments on both ends created
blockages, caused hassels, assumed the right to decide who was good
enough etc. and invariably collected stiff fees in the process, for
the favor of not causing anymore problems for the individuals who's
only desire was to live with who they wanted to, & where they wanted

Sent from my mobile device

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