Sunday, October 11, 2009

Blog entry; Sunday 11th October, 2009..........

morning, munching fresh coconut, hiked down to bottom of farm and
got a bag of them..

Listened to short wave yesterday, caught BBC AFRICA SVC, and hear an
interesting report on Maoist rebels... most of interview was about
maoists in India, and how the government is gearing up for a big
Offensive against a few rebels, and a couple three provinces of poor
farmers.... they interviewed a leader who pointed out the grand
offensive was so there would be plenty of money involved for the
Indian Corruptocracy to siphon off.... likely a good point....

I've heard that if you like corruption, you'd love India....

anyway they also covered maoist movements on the rest of the planet,
like the now defunct shining path rebels in Peru.... and also they
mentioned that there was currently a similar movement of indiginous
peoples in Ecuador, Bolivia,, and Eastern Peru, but that it was a
return to indigenous roots movement, and no mention of violence.. &
that the Indians have figured out the technocult isn't working for
them, and have realized that the food supply from chemical
agribusiness is having serious problems, and that they being more in
touch with nature and using more traditional labor intensive methods
have the ability to adapt, grow food, etc. & are returning to the

In other words folks, there are native americans in an area covering
three countries, who have realized what I have, and are voting with
their feet....

if the indians think its wise to return to fundamentals, do we think
its wise to join them?

you bet... thats why garden seeds and baby chicks were hot sellers in
the US this year, same basic concept......

It was nice to hear the BBC program, I couldnt care less about
maoism, but I do harmonize well with indigenous people, and was more
than happy to hear they are doing the right things....

I presume the Indigenous types are using boughten hoes, boughten
cooking pots, and likely have portable radios etc. and kerosene

i.e. There is likely some neo to their movement...

and so I feel pretty good this morning seeing progress in a good
direction of a substancial hunk of the planet.... I also know the
movement will catch on, it already is happening here, as in the story
recently I told about the young indigenous man talking about the
indians planting platino bananas ......

basically everyone is figuring out the big lie....

gee? Being lied too by a bunch of corrupt politicians working for big
corporations we dont really need, and who are trashing the biosphere
we do really need, whilst selling us their shit, like houses in the
burbs, cars, TV's, computers, toxic food, and deadly hospital
services, isnt really working for us......

its a one way trip folks... Road goes two ways, one direction goes
downtown to the protest at the world bank, IMF, G-20, or
corporate/Illumanati meeting/pig fest, that we pay for in taxes and
shopping zombie money, but arent good enough to get a plate at the
banquet table at...

And the other direction the road goes out of town past the city
limits, and there in the distance are the mountains and the public
lands administered for corporate gain by more bureauocrats in green

lets see? Downtown bunches of cops beating up decent folk.... out of
town too much area to effectively control......

In town everything costs money, that goes to support the fascists....

out of town there are creek valleys that would grow spuds,
hillsides that would grow wheat, and pretty campsites way off the
roads for people who hike thru the brush and hunt for nice spots.....

Which would you choose if you had a brain, and a heart that wanted freedom?

The Feds had a fun time busting pot growers on public lands, do you
suppose they would enjoy say ten thousand times more spud pirates? I
can see it now, in Federal court for growing food on public lands....
"How many potatoes did you catch them with Seargent?" "And you say
the whole family was involved? weeding!?! why thats even worse!
Listen you humble slime class animal people, eating without having to
pay us is against law number 1234567890ABC, AND FOR THAT, we are
going to fine you a godzillion bogus bucks, and take all your spuds,
and send you to a FEMA camp TO GROW SPUDS FOR US, YOUR SUPERIORS!"


and you can make that fairly difficult if you use your brain, stay
hidden, and grow your spuds & such in small patches here and there
with a trail route under the tree canopy etc.....

gotta be a good scout..... Grow your Maoist potatoes everywhere, and
dig your tunnels deep....

one of the more interesting points on the BBC interview, was they
asked a kid in the Maoist insurgents camp what his father did....?

he replies his dad is a farmer... they then ask the kid what does
that mean? and the kid thinks, and say; "poor."

Well have any of you realized that poor is still technically into
positive numbers, and that credit is into negative numbers?

Poor is quantitatively superior to a vanity life style based on credit
and self enslavement...


rich& credit serfs=in bondage to money.....

The more the Status quo steals from you, the more free you are...

When do you get to the point you would be better off living in a small
well built & comfortable underground shelter, adding parsley to the
clam chowder, and listening to an insane world on a portable short
wave radio?

a final point I'd like to make, is when one isnt holding down a job,
you have plenty of time....

time to grow food, time to plant fruit trees, time to do creek
enhancement projects, time to teach the kids to read, time to make
crafts items with your hands, time to hunt and fish, time to make
blackberry wine, Time enough for love.....

I wandered around this morning picking up coconuts.... and stepping
over more fruit than I could eat from trees I planted......

I have time to blog.....

do you suppose several million quechua speaking indigenous people are
discovering the same thing as they dig potatoes, and their kids help
pick them out of the warm morning soil and get them into baskets to
carry to the small house built of stones & clay and thatch?

Sent from my mobile device

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