Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Blog entry; Tuesday 27th 2009..........

Morning, several hours until dawn ....

contemplating the world situation, wondering just who would come out
on top in event of a meltdown.... I think the problems would be
people trying more of the same... trying the same mistakes over...
if we divided the body politic into three basic groups, we'd have
capitalists, socialists, and individualists...... now capitalism is
fine on a mom & pop level.... but it never stays there, so it aint
fine for long.. socialism is great except it invariably produces an
elite also just as capitalism... individualism has more potential,
and was picked out as the fundamental model for American govt. By the
founding fathers, albeit long forgotten... personally I think all
three have a place.. but human nature being what it is, when the shit
hits socialist and capitalists will be so busy bad mouthing each
other that if the status quo is removed they'll go on battling it
out and allow some bazaar group to take over while the two are
trying to club each other....

individualists are less interested in government.... they know
better.... I suspect they are where things are headed after the
bazaar group finishes off the technocult... so a flow chart would
go from current status quo thru civil unrest, thru bazaar group, onto
individualism, bypassing socialism, & capitalism, and thru failure
of unknown bazaar group, onto the individualism of necesity.....
bazaar group would be an ad hoc group that discovered itself in power,
and run off with the ball like like a dog... big danger is continued
bickering between socialist and capitalists... best route would be to
knock off that shit and go back to individualism... which
interestingly enough is what the Tao also points towards... that a
good life is when individuals function and are bothered by no one...
i.e. libertarianism... I think libertarians and greens are likely
to gain precident over capitalists & socialists if things continue...
I think the bazaar group might be the capitalists & socialists who
survive their squabble and try to merge and go back to business as
usual.... Old Rut party....

my guess is greens and libertarians could possibly unite... Both want
to be left alone to grow their garden, while capitalists and
socialists both want to continue on the more of everything path....

we'll see what actually happens...

there is only one certainty, that the current status quo of world
government heads has to go.... if not, forget anything but personal
survival on the run from control freaks....

basically what we need is a balance... mom & pop capitalism, small
town socialism, on the farm libertarianism, and in the forest
greens... and shut down the big corporations... and shut down big
government also... smaller is better, local school boards have enough
problems.... and anything bigger is worse.....

if we continue with current status quo we get nuclear war, mega
quake, and maybe a 10% survival rate.... It HAS to go.....

anyway... I will continue to assume and prepare for the worst,
hope for the best, and wait & see what really happens.....

All I know, is good people do die in bad situations, if they let
themselves get into them.....

on other subjects, feeling good having gotten steel bow limbs another
step towards completion... am wondering what it will be like, suspect
a fast bow... limbs are narrower, ie less air resistance, steel is
fast shit as a spring, my only worry is how the pull is... If it
stacks hard... the spring steel I am working with is thin... so
hoping it will all work out.... Doing my best to turn resources into a
harmonious whole...

On knives, currently working on an interesting design... its one I've
played with before... uses a curved edge.... would make a nice raw
meat slicer.... what I tend to do is play making different stuff
and ocasionally find really nice sizes and shapes.....

later, went back to sleep... had an unusual dream, with a visual
vignette of a Yurt villiage..... very pretty... much prettier than
politics... & There is where I think the eventual answer lies; in
getting back to a more mobile more minimalistic existence...

Politics is often the result of sedentary lifestyles, neighbors
trying to get along by establishing rules.... well, less crowding,
less rules necessary, and disputes are easily settled by distance...
Its like highschool... why all the problems w/drugs, violence etc.?
might as well ask why we send our kids into social sardine cans for
a dozen plus years of their lives? open the can, problems go away..

I see online school as the great hope of education... I have also
heard that a couple states are trying to outlaw home schooling... I
suggest a consumer boycott of those states by all who believe in home

School is like everything else; a runaway concept, taken over by the

a hundred plus years ago almost every body home schooled, and they
had churches, parties, dances, and community projects for social

then the one room school....

and now the inner city high school phenomina... an evolution into

personally I think its time to let go of much of the technocult on a
social level... I've driven across the US several times in my life,
would have to think to count how many trips.... the amazing part to
me, that other than the northeast, and southern california, and
around big cities spotted here and there, it's mostly empty space,
getting emptier as you go west....

What that means to me, is any one with the brains of a jack rabbit
that can figure out a mobile life style, is pretty much free to
follow the wind....

I've been living in a tarp shelter for years now, and other than
needing a new tarp, its fine.... Even so much as a couple pony
carts would mobilize my current existence... most of what I own now
could be moved on a small truck...

I'm thinking if I sell this farm, to move over onto the Reservation,
and get myself a surplus army truck, and some small scale farming
equipment... I may do some permanent construction on my next
property, but will also likely to continue evolving neoindigenous...
I would see the permanent construction in the light of an Apache
Ranchera, a place built into the mountains for defensive reasons....
I will be working also on nomadic structures... I have an Indian
friend I ran into in town last trip, and in our conversation Ranchos
were brought up, and he said he'd built several indiginous ranchos
(round buildings/conic roof)
including some upscale versions for hotels on the coast.. and he
asked If I was going to build traditionally? I said no, not quite,
that I wanted to build something a bit more creative, using my
neoindigenous art forms.... I didnt say too much, not wanting to let
the cat out of the bag, but I'm looking forward to having fun
astounding the indians a bit... I've got a structural system worked
up, and done the experimental models, and know how to build portable
buildings better than anybody now... I've lived long term in Tipis,
Yurts, and now a Wall Tent, and have been doing serious designing
all the time... I have a degree in construction technology,, but
am not as much interested in tract housing as I am neoindigenous....
Personally I'd feel better designing nomadic strutures that other
people built for themselves, than designing houses people made a
lifetime of payments on......

The payment model house is experiencing noticeable difficulties, and
what I know, is that the Neo in neo indigenous allows me to use modern
materials.... products that far exceed cotton or nylon canvas, last
much much longer, and also I can choose from more modern insulation
materials... Add some folding furniture, and all the other nice
goodies of a neoindigenous home, and it gets quite stylish.... One
of the things I'd like to get would be a wood cook stove... thinking
when I do, to put it on roller casters to make moving it easy..

I've moved woodstoves before....

Sent from my mobile device

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