Friday, October 9, 2009

Blog entry; Friday the 9th of October, 2009............

Morning, doing my usual routines, rain soon from the looks of cloud
bellies and squalls across the valley......

thinking this morning how legislators tend to be unrealistic.... like
residency in US for foriegners, ten grand or so..... the place would
be fairly empty if they'd had similar laws for the 13 colonies....
the indigenous folks would be doing OK, but European stock would be
fairly limited.....

Ditto for here in Rata Rica, San Jose seems adept at coming up with
unworkable & unenforceable laws.....

I dont know anybody who can live up to their expectations, people
are unable to sell houses in the US now, businesses are going
bankrupt, that means they couldnt find a buyer at cost, meaning I
think Costa rica, Panama etc. are in for a learning experience....
the local economy is going into the shitter, and they've made it
impossible for middle class people from US & Canada to come here and
retire? which has been one of the underpinnings of the country for

Sure is going to be a rude shock for all the speculators, lawyers from
San Jose that have bought up property ahead of the retirement/baby
boomer wave front..... I wonder if they will figure out the dropping
value of retirement accounts means they have shot themselves in the
foot by raising the bar on retirees? I think they are going to
realize a bit late they should have taken better care of their
Christmas pig.....

I heard Ecuador advertised on Alex Jones radio show on short wave, I
think Most retirees etc. Will head for other places now, and
realestate markets in Panama And Costa Rica will likely crash....
which is too bad, as they are likely better places....

I've been to Peru, locals call the Capitol; Lima, "Lima the Horrible"
and thats an incredible understatement.... And I was told by an
older brit white guy from Jamaica that the Capitol of Bolivia was even
worse, which I have a hard time being able to believe..... as Lima
seemed off the scale of imposibility to me.....

I want to go check out Ecuador, first hand, but when I do I'll be
traveling light, and have my running shoes on, and be as wary as a
deer in the cities..... I know theres more poverty there than Panama,
or Costa Rica, and Poverty usually means crime is higher.. I suspect
there will be plenty who go there, buy land, and resell and leave
within a couple years, same thing happens here, people from more
honest cultures have a hard time dealing with ocean filling levels of
cultural sleaze.....

Its like the New Orleans bookie I met on the bus awhile back said;
95% of americans and Canadians cant make it here.... They arent insane

The only reason I stayed, was because I was trapped by economics....

its like moving to east L.A. Only much worse...

And so far few normal americans are paying a couple hundred grand for
a residency permit in the ghetto areas of the US..... And I suspect
there are more Cubans in Miami than Jew Norkers.....

The Climate here, is wonderful, & the locals are as friendly as
Sharks, and the evening news is a body count, and police higher ups
explaining nightly, "its under investigation." if thats true, they
must employ one hell of alot of investigators....

anybody who thinks to move to a third world country best have their
shit together...

Best be tough....

I'd consider gated retirement communities as being inside the shark
net..... With the biggest sharks......

I wonder if they will figure it out in time, that they have trashed
an economic pillar at the same time world economy and climate change
are trashing the rest? Have to wait & see I guess.... funny part is
its lawyers who are the biggest group of land speculators, and lawyers
who came up with the new residency laws, hopefully they wont figure
it out until they've really screwed themselves..

Costa Rica has done very very well for many years on its totally
undeserved reputation.... its all the nature shows on TV...... but
if you fly over the country you very soon realize its been strip-mined
by loggers and cattlemen, and all those nature scene videos have to be
coming out of the few national parks, which are home to more poachers
than rare animals..... Ticos commonly will tell you that the Tico
mindset is destructive....

So for years tourists keep coming, visit the parks, take the bus trip
up to see the mudhole in the top of the volcano etc. love the nice
climate & friendly people, and often never realize they got ripped
off every step of the way by Taxi drivers who's required by law meter
just didnt happen to be working that day, and there was a reason
prices weren't marked in shops etc.... here price depends on apparant
racial IQ..............

If you are white and just got off a boat or plane, the rule of thumb
is you pay at least double..... and those friendly locals bad mouth
you behind your back for being stupid....

Anyway, stuff is now starting to appear on the internet.... not nice
stuff.... this folks, is just the tip of the iceberg....

the good news is the Ticos will learn..... right after its too late
and they get the reputation they so richly deserve.....

then they'll only need a couple hundred years to get out from under
the bad press..... Like the Polish people that got a reputation for
being dirty and stupid, during Napoleon Bonapart's invasion of russia;
it was a drought, no water to clean things with, they had an
infestation of lice, which were carriers of a fatal plague, and
Napoleon's army went thru it coming & going on the road to moscow....
and now a hundred years later the Polish are still saddled and
ridden as dirty stupid donkeys..... when in fact they are very clean,
intelligent, hard working people....

I think the Ticos are working up a reputation for dishonesty.....
they love to Bad mouth the Nicaraguans for being dishonest and
problematic, but I know some nicaraguans, cant tell them from
Ticos.... The Panamainians are more honest and harder working.....
not perfect, but still a world of difference.....

anyway, I've tried to tell Ticos for years they would find the day
they lost their good reputation, and that day is here, which is sad
considering that many ticos are good folks, and that their kids and
grandkids will be who suffers most from their parents bad social
habits..... sad....

after living here years and years, only gringo in a small town, my
rule of thumb is dont believe a word anybody says, dont trust anybody,
and dont get involved with anybody in anything... all of which is
exactly opposite of my original mindset....

and is exactly the Modus Operendi of all long termers.....

I read in Tico times etc. 2,3, or even 5 year "experts" talking
about how their lofty ideals have shown them how to treat the locals
and never have any problems.... yeah, I remember that stage... its
embarassing to think about now.....

after a dozen years or so, you realize there is no bottom to the ocean
of sleeze, and the thought that constantly reoccurs in your mind is
the old saying from Viet Nam; "Shoot them all, let God sort them

As readers of this blog know, I expect the sky gods to show up fairly
soon and so I dont advise wasting ammo....

it will keep them busy quite a while sorting ticos, I expect they'll
have to recharge their Lasers often, and have three shifts of firing
squads, who will all get carpo tunnel syndrome from raising their
rifles so many times, and pulling the trigger...

and when the do find an honest one a cheer will go up....

Ticos are generally a very devout and religous folk... but they never
made the connection mentally that the holy spirit was simple
honesty.... I suspect it was the Catholic church's fault, I listen
to EWTN on short wave, and the Catholics have more stuffing than a
Christmas Turkey....... They put the Protestants to shame with
invented vocabulary, and skewed concepts... the protestants are pale
copies in comparison, and dont hold a candle to the mother church for
shit of bull levels...

I tease the Ticos, and tell them the bible says there are no liars
in heaven, so I want to be in the Tico section; plenty of empty

Sent from my mobile device

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